Pope says church should ask forgiveness from Sodomites for past treatment


[Pope says church should ask forgiveness from Sodomites for past treatment by Philip Pullella Reuters] :eek:linger: "Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians and the Roman Catholic Church should seek forgiveness from homosexuals for the way they had treated them.

Speaking to reporters aboard the plane taking him back to Rome from Armenia, he also said the Church should ask forgiveness for the way it has treated women, for turning a blind eye to child labor and for "blessing so many weapons" in the past.

In the hour-long freewheeling conversation that has become a trademark of his international travels, Francis was asked if he agreed with recent comments by a German Roman Catholic cardinal that the Church should apologize to gays.

Francis looked sad when the reporter asked if an apology was made more urgent by the killing of 49 people at a gay club in Orlando, Florida this month.

He recalled Church teachings that homosexuals "should not be discriminated against. They should be respected, accompanied pastorally."

He added: "I think that the Church not only should apologize ... to a gay person whom it offended but it must also apologize to the poor as well, to the women who have been exploited, to children who have been exploited by (being forced to) work. It must apologize for having blessed so many weapons..." Full text: Pope says Church should ask forgiveness from gays for past treatment

2 Co 2:11, 11:14 :eek:linger:


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False Flag Sodomite Bar Orlando, FL

Feral Phoenician

New member
Did someone hear...I thought I heard Crucible making a claim that he actually substantiates with proof. Nope, just the wind. Again. :yawn:
He does have a point. The RCC, once upon a time, was considerably more militant than it is today.

However, this should be expected. Times change, political climates change, societal ideals change. If the RCC continued to operate today as it did, say, during the Thirty Years War, it would almost immediately fall into redundancy and be ostracized. The same could be said for Protestant Sects if we use the Thirty Years War "backdrop". I mean, look at the Loyalist Community of Northern Ireland. Even Ian Paisley "mellowed" with age and changing times.

The current Pope is a most intriguing and enigmatic man. He recognizes the "shifting sands" and acts rather accordingly. He wants the RCC to remain relevant in the 21st Century, considering we are living in a time with decline in the numbers of organized religion.

I can see where "opponents/reactionaries" could find challenge, though. I cannot remember the exact verse, but along the lines of "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (see, I paid attention in my ex wife's church). However if the RCC is not altering core beliefs and doctrine, but rather it's *political* "slant", this only makes sense.


We should apologize for any times where we treated homosexual people with less dignity than is deserved by any other fallen human being, and as less than the image of God in which all men have been created. Of course, that's true of any human beings, not merely homosexuals.

How about apologizing to the children that were sodomized by homosexual priests, priests that the Catholic Church knew full well were child molesting sodomites yet still allowed them into the priesthood?



New member
How about apologizing to the children that were sodomized by homosexual priests, priests that the Catholic Church knew full well were child molesting sodomites yet still allowed them into the priesthood?
The Church has already done so, many times since the vast majority of such abuse took place back in the '6os through the '80s. See THIS.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
We should apologize for any times where we treated homosexual people with less dignity than is deserved by any other fallen human being...

does an unrepentant child molester deserve to be treated with "dignity"?


Recognizing homosexual acts as sins is not the reason for which the Pope recommends apology.
Christ saved His severest criticisms, not for common sinners, but the hypocracy of the chief priests, elders and Pharisees for their self-righteousness and passing judgment on others (7 Woes, Good Samaritan, Woman Caught in Adultery, etc.)

It was not the common sinners, whom we tend to criticize, that demanded Christ's crucifixion, it was the religious leaders, the pillars of the Jewish community!


New member
Christ saved His severest criticisms, not for common sinners, but the hypocracy of the chief priests, elders and Pharisees for their self-righteousness and passing judgment on others (7 Woes, Good Samaritan, Woman Caught in Adultery, etc.)
Agreed. :up:

It was not the common sinners, whom we tend to criticize, that demanded Christ's crucifixion, it was the religious leaders, the pillars of the Jewish community!
Indeed, it was the sins of every one of us.