Pope Francis Sends Letter Praising Sodomite Children's Book




:yawn: Eph 4:14

Deuteronomy 2:33-34

33 “The Lord our God delivered him over to us, and we defeated him with his sons and all his people.
34 “So we captured all his cities at that time and utterly destroyed the men, women and children of every city. We left no survivor.

Sounds like a just God to me


Deuteronomy 2:33-34

33 “The Lord our God delivered him over to us, and we defeated him with his sons and all his people.
34 “So we captured all his cities at that time and utterly destroyed the men, women and children of every city. We left no survivor.

Sounds like a just God to me

If you don't believe he is just, why do you call yourself a Christian? :smokie: Matt. 15:8-9

"Deut 2:24–37 “But if they attack first, you can fight back.” If, however, any of those nations started a confrontation, Israel would be allowed to defend itself. When the Ammonite King Sihon attacked, Israel “conquered all his towns and completely destroyed everyone—men, women, and children” (2:34).

Why did God allow the killing of children on this and similar occasions? These children were being raised in immorality and hatred of God (see Canaanites, p. 862); their death before the age of accountability not only spared them a similar life of godlessness but also probably secured them a place in heaven." Willmington, H. L. (1997). Willmington’s Bible handbook (pp. 93–94). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.


If you don't believe he is just, why do you call yourself a Christian? :smokie: Matt. 15:8-9

"Deut 2:24–37 “But if they attack first, you can fight back.” If, however, any of those nations started a confrontation, Israel would be allowed to defend itself. When the Ammonite King Sihon attacked, Israel “conquered all his towns and completely destroyed everyone—men, women, and children” (2:34).

Why did God allow the killing of children on this and similar occasions? These children were being raised in immorality and hatred of God (see Canaanites, p. 862); their death before the age of accountability not only spared them a similar life of godlessness but also probably secured them a place in heaven." Willmington, H. L. (1997). Willmington’s Bible handbook (pp. 93–94). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

If you'll remember how we got onto this subject, it's because I said that God changes his mind on certain issues. I believe this is one of them he's evolved on. Wouldn't you agree?


New member
Wrong again. Get your facts straight before presuming to post on a public forum.

End of thread.

i read what was @ that site and it didn't sound too convincing to me.

and guess what?

I know someone who is a devout practicing Catholic who wrote to the Vatican a few yrs ago

guess what kind of response that person got from the Vatican?



even though this person brought up a SERIOUS problem in the Church

explain that



New member
Sorry, but that's simply nonsense. As for your reference to the Most Holy Family Monastery, I've already discussed it here.

God bless.

when I went there I got a message Invalid Post


I guess there are only so many things anyone can KNOW 4 sure...

have to accept that

all I know is that I believe all that Christ taught... and His Church is central...

can't get to Heaven if u reject the Church... Maybe Pope F is a fake pope. I don't know... Frankly, I have had enough of the HUMAN side of the church and barely care about such things anymore...

maybe I should, but .. whatever... I have other fish to fry, it seems



Well-known member

At this point, I believe these people @ this site, that Pope Francis is a heretic and antipope... I have no choice. He rejects certain teachings of the Church

now, true, not all teachings are dogma or doctrine, but still, the Church has always held that... such things as that obstinate heretics who defy the Church till death end up in Hell


republicanchick is aligning herself with radical Catholic holocaust revisionists.

I'm a true Catholic



[Pope Francis sends letter praising gay children's book: Italian book that explores different family types including same sex was banned by mayor of Venice, but pontiff becomes unlikely supporter by Rosie Scammell The Guardian Rome] :eek:linger: "The hippos, kangaroos and penguins adorning the cover of Piccolo Uovo (Little Egg) give little hint of the political and religious storm the children’s book has caused. While following the adventures of an egg may seem harmless enough, its discovery of different family types – including same sex – has prompted a backlash by conservatives who accuse Italian author Francesca Pardi of promoting a pro-homosexuality gender theory.

In the book, the egg encounters a pair of gay penguins, lesbian rabbits successfully bringing up a family, as well as other family models, including a single parent hippo, a mixed race dog couple, and kangaroos that have adopted polar bear cubs.

The book, however, was met with disapproval by Venice’s new mayor, Luigi Brugnaro, who in June banned Piccolo Uovo and about 50 other titles from schools. The decision led more than 250 Italian authors to demand their own books be removed from the city’s shelves, a move one writer described as a “protest against an appalling gesture of censorship and ignorance”.

Now Pardi has found an unlikely supporter in Pope Francis, who through his staff has written to the author praising her work. “His holiness is grateful for the thoughtful gesture and for the feelings which it evoked, hoping for an always more fruitful activity in the service of young generations and the spread of genuine human and Christian values,” wrote Peter B Wells, a senior official at the Vatican secretariat of state..." Full text: Pope Francis sends letter praising gay children's book

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). :vomit:
Do you think Pope Francis would eat, drink and share food with the authors of this book?

Do you think he would extend an open heart to them for a celebration of open commensality?

Do you believe he would try to include them as part of God's family in the global household we all live in?


i read what was @ that site and it didn't sound too convincing to me.

and guess what?

I know someone who is a devout practicing Catholic who wrote to the Vatican a few yrs ago

guess what kind of response that person got from the Vatican?



even though this person brought up a SERIOUS problem in the Church

explain that...

Did you enclose a check? :greedy: 2 Pet. 2:14, 15
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