braveshawn said:
We are not sheep for anyone but Christ.
Wait a minute, wasn't that my point? You are not discerning the wolves in sheep's clothing who've stolen such a large part of The Lord's Flock, and is fleecing them and devouring them at will, and calling those wolves, "sheep." You still need to buy a clue.
So you believe Jesus's idea of fun was making fun of others? You think he went against his own teaching and made fun of others and gossiped and slandered? Perhaps you imagine Him in the likeness of your own image?
I believe He has a sense of humor, even though most people don't. I don't believe for one minute that the Pope has anything to do with Christianity, other than to lie and say that the RCC is Christian, when, in point of fact, it is error, from which many have escaped, and been converted to Truth. If you're Catholic, then I'll pray for you, that you might come to The Light, but I'm sorry, calling a spade a spade is still the best way to identify spades, in my book.
I believe that as a body of believers we are to correct bad behavior, and what better way then to push someone as far away from the body of christ as possible, by hurting them with evil words and tearing them apart with slander, rather than approaching them with love.
Do you believe that the Pope will read this thread, and feel hurt? If so, you need to buy another clue. He's probably never seen the internet.
Do you believe someone with a drug problem would be better helped if he was made fun of and singled out for ridicule amongst those that are supposed to be forgiving and understanding.
If someone were in a position of power (like the Pope is) and were doing something wrong, namely addicted to drugs (like the Pope has done wrong, namely worshipping a false god) and were called, "Wrong, but hey, that's OK, he's still Christian," instead of being identified as a doper, and removed from his office of power, then, yes, I'd say it's open season on the President, Senator, Pastor, etc., whoever it might be that the people under him are foolish enough to continue to follow to their ruin. Perhaps by pulling that clown down to the dirt where he belongs, with slander, we'd get the biggest and most foolish circus ever invented (the court of public opinion) to realize, "Hey, we need to do something about this, they're right, we're following a clown, we didn't realize it until we saw the truth through their editorials and cartoons. Let's get a referendum on the ballot."
I would be afraid to bring my problems to you, Id only be chased away by ridicule.
You're just being silly, and not realizing the truth, that millions of Catholics follow this guy, simply because they beleive that God has appointed him, and that he is the 'right hand of God.' Again, buy a clue, will ya'?
I think its interesting you use this part of the bible in your argument. The pharisees were men who threw around insults and stones at sinners. They believed they could because they were self-rightous and kept those who could be cleansed and forgiven from God with their actions.
So, you don't see the parallel with the Pope and the actions of the RCC? You really are bankrupt of clues, aren't you? (Oh, no, I just made fun of you. Hey, guess what, I've yet to be able to think of a faster, more effective or more cutting way to carve out the error and expose the darkness in someone who's entrenched in mud that goes way above their eyeballs, but if you do, then feel free to let me know, I'll switch to the most effective method. We are told to snatch some from the fire, and many times when someone is in the midst of flames you simply don't have times to be politically correct (read queer) enough to put on your dainty little 'kid-gloves' and reach gently into the heat and help them out. You have to apply the techniques that work to the situation that calls for whatever action God inspires you to use. You're being ridiculous and foolish.
This constitutes a viper and Christ is the only one worthy of judging anyone.
You do realize the hypocracy of that sentence, now that I've singled it out and put the little humurous smiley beneath it, right? I'm not trying to 'push you away' from Truth, I'm simply trying to use a noteworthy method of 'ribbing' you into recognizing the error, but definitely not slandering you, since I still believe you're a Christian, in spite of many things you've said in this thread.
If you believe yourself better than the pope then you are just in insulting and slandering him.
I don't believe I'm any better than Judas, who hanged himself; but that doesn't mean I will go out and hang myself, because I prefer repentance to self-pity. I also prefer obedience over sacrifice. I prefer to think that someone who is non-Christian (for instance the Pope) needs to be alerted to his hopelessness, and if he's in the mud (well, I already dealt with this, didn't I?)...
But we are all sinners and equally such in the eyes of God, so walk in Gods ways and leave the judging up to Him.
I would say you need to take your own advice, and stop trying to 'correct' others who don't do as you say. You certainly don't, but I guess that's another matter, altogether... :nono: