Originally posted by Arthur Brain
Rusha is one of the staunchest anti abortion posters on this site.
right - that's the facade she used to hide behind
lately she's been lauding the virtue and morality of evil abortionistas like Cuomo and Obama, Hillary, etc
she's not fooling anybody anymore
I think that covers that. With 100% purity she supports abortion politicians. As her signature says, "Any Dem Will Do." That says it all. For those of you who were duped into thinking otherwise, you were duped into thinking otherwise
Her accusations are absurd. She's on a vacation for that.
My final word on this: In the American legal system, a murderer and their accomplice are charged and sentenced equally. The Law does not care if you pulled the trigger, or you stood next to the person who pulled the trigger and condoned the act. In the eyes of the law you are equally guilty.
Abortion is the murder of an innocent human being, and to those whose knee jerk response is to say it is legal and therefore it is not murder, I say stuff that garbage you know where. The "It was legal" excuse did not work for the Nazis and it does not work here.
Abortion is the murder of an innocent human being, and in the America legal tradition, it does not matter if you are the one operating the vacuum hose, or you are the one who made it possible to do. All involved are guilty. A vote to keep it legal is enabling its practice. There is nothing absurd about that. It is simple logic.
My accusation was not absurd. It was based on how the Law views murderers and their accomplices.
Posting in this forum has been an eye opening experience. Not only are liberals pure evil and willing to tell any lie, but even conservatives will often disengage their brains as well. From what I can see, only one person got this whole thing right.