Point Proven:


New member
Also Luke was the beloved physician to Paul would that imply Paul did need some help of some sort for some reason?

Paul most likely did need a physician, or more likely just a helper of some sort, but not to cure him, or to treat him for any kind of pain. Paul wasn’t in pain by his infirmity, nor was he ill in anyway. Just weakened, or slowed a great deal.

Hint 3, - Witness 3.
2 Corinthians 12:18 KJV – “I desired Titus, and with him ( I sent a brother ). Did Titus make a gain of you? ( walked we not in the same spirit )? ( walked we not in the same steps )”? -----//--- Look at that very closely, and study it until something just jumps all over you. And look at the context.

Paul – 091512


New member
Paul most likely did need a physician, or more likely just a helper of some sort, but not to cure him, or to treat him for any kind of pain. Paul wasn’t in pain by his infirmity, nor was he ill in anyway. Just weakened, or slowed a great deal.

Hint 3, - Witness 3.
2 Corinthians 12:18 KJV – “I desired Titus, and with him ( I sent a brother ). Did Titus make a gain of you? ( walked we not in the same spirit )? ( walked we not in the same steps )”? -----//--- Look at that very closely, and study it until something just jumps all over you. And look at the context.

Paul – 091512

I think you are probably coming close to pulling a Chrys. I hate innuendo especially in TV shows today. tWINs

PS I know I could be pulling a Chrys myself and for this I apologise ahead of time. Mea Culpa Mea Culpa Mea Maxima Culpa


New member
I think you are probably coming close to pulling a Chrys. I hate innuendo especially in TV shows today. tWINs

PS I know I could be pulling a Chrys myself and for this I apologise ahead of time. Mea Culpa Mea Culpa Mea Maxima Culpa

I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about.

Paul -- 091512


New member
We are "almost" even but I might have an inkling about your thoughts. tWINs

Well, - is there something that I'm supposed to do or say about your ( Inkling )? - You haven't given me anything to argue with. I know what the Truth is, but not what an inkling is.

Paul -- 091512


New member
Well, - is there something that I'm supposed to do or say about your ( Inkling )? - You haven't given me anything to argue with. I know what the Truth is, but not what an inkling is.

Paul -- 091512

An inkling is an unposted thought that two people realize shouldn't be written in pixels as it is unprovable and at judgment day just might come back to prick their conscience. tWINs


New member
An inkling is an unposted thought that two people realize shouldn't be written in pixels as it is unprovable and at judgment day just might come back to prick their conscience. tWINs

So that’s what an "inkling" is?? - So you have an inkling that’s unprovable. Do you mean a “Theory”? - Or something that you could use to inkle me with? – I don’t understand how God could have revealed something like that to you and ( Not to me )!! - That sounds really inspiring, and a powerful point to prove me wrong with. - Am I supposed to be afraid, or can I relax and pray that you don’t inkle me with your inkling? ((( Please Advise )))!!!

Paul – 091612


New member
Hello Paul,
How are you?

It appears you are doing very well!!

These are very interesting, but i ask about 1 Corinthians 9:5

Oh yes, doing fine. - Is the week-ins the only time you can do this?

I’ve looked and can’t find where you mentioned --- 1 Corinthians 9:5 KJV ------///--- But what’s the problem with it? – Paul is just asking a no-question. - Sure Paul had the ( "Right / Power" ) to lead about a sister or wife the same a John and Peter. - Paul had a sister and a nephew by her. I don’t see the connection. – However, Paul couldn’t ever marry a woman; that was impossible. – That doesn’t mean he couldn’t ( “lead” a ( wife ) about with him. It doesn’t suggest that he did.

Paul – 091612


New member
From rainee's post are you implying his thorn was physical efforts in eluding his Roman or Jewish would be captors? tWINs

Paul's Thorn was a very bad physical defect from what Christ gave him, but it had nothing to do with anything other than Jesus gave it to him.

Paul -- 091612


New member
Who can give proof or undeniable “Evidence” of the Apostle Paul’s thorn in the flesh?
Remember the witness power. Well I doubt that hardly any of you even know what that is.

Paul – 091112

This is truly a wonder. -- It seems that nobody has the slightest idea what Paul’s Thorn was. This is one of the side-track things that seems doesn’t have anything to do with anything. But once you understand what it was, and how you come by stuff like this, then you'll learn how the very deep, deeep things are arrived at. Then the True ( Love ) of the Word of Truth becomes real to you, and not just a game to play with each other.
I don’t care if you want to know what the thorn was or not, but it is amusing / music to God’s ears for someone to teach the Truth. --- So if any of you really want to know what the Thorn is; keep guessing and I’ll continue to give you witness, from God, what the evidences are until I have no more. --- It’s a real shame that nobody can say, in the name of Christ, what the Thorn was.

Paul – 091612

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
This is truly a wonder. -- It seems that nobody has the slightest idea what Paul’s Thorn was.
Was it you? :plain: Because that would explain a few things... :think:

If it's important and you think you know something of benefit then you should share it. If it's only the means to make yourself important in your withholding, then you should put it in a book and make it available for a love offering or some similar nonsense...you'd probably make a dollar or two.


New member
Was it you? :plain: Because that would explain a few things... :think:

If it's important and you think you know something of benefit then you should share it. If it's only the means to make yourself important in your withholding, then you should put it in a book and make it available for a love offering or some similar nonsense...you'd probably make a dollar or two.

I know, you just can't help yourself!!

That’s not how it done in the end. – It doesn’t matter if you knew and believed with all your heart the whole Word of God. – If then deny even the most obscure, or isolated verse in the Book. – Example: --- Even this verse, taken at random: > --- Numbers 5:1-3 KJV -------///--- Even if you have all Faith; -- and your Faith is not present to that simple verse ( “Even” ); - you ( Cannot ) be save for denying Christ!! - So it serves no purpose actually to inform anyone on such side-tracked things as the Thorn in the ((( Flesh ))) of Paul. --- God did say ( "in the Flesh" ), not in his spirit, or thoughts didn’t he?? --- Salvation started with, --- Acts 2:38 KJV –

Paul – 091612

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I know, you just can't help yourself!!
You know you'd miss me if I did. :D But in a way I consider this helping myself... :chew:

That’s not how it done in the end. – It doesn’t matter if you knew and believed with all your heart the whole Word of God.
It doesn't? :shocked: :AMR:

So you're a works fellow then.

– If then deny even the most obscure, or isolated verse in the Book. – Example: --- Even this verse, taken at random: > --- Numbers 5:1-3 KJV -------///--- Even if you have all Faith; -- and your Faith is not present to that simple verse ( “Even” ); - you ( Cannot ) be save for denying Christ!!
If you live subject to the law that Abraham feared, if you have not been reconciled and delivered by his sacrifice then what is it you imagine that you do, Paul...

- So it serves no purpose actually to inform anyone on such side-tracked things as the Thorn in the ((( Flesh ))) of Paul.
Another explanation is that you don't know...or that you'd rather wave the badge of that unexpressed understanding about as though it conveyed authority and elevated you among men.

So then you'd have your reward, I suppose. :idunno:

I omit the last because you said it wasn't important and you're not going to say.



New member
You know you'd miss me if I did. :D But in a way I consider this helping myself... :chew:

It doesn't? :shocked: :AMR:

So you're a works fellow then.

If you live subject to the law that Abraham feared, if you have not been reconciled and delivered by his sacrifice then what is it you imagine that you do, Paul...

Another explanation is that you don't know...or that you'd rather wave the badge of that unexpressed understanding about as though it conveyed authority and elevated you among men.

So then you'd have your reward, I suppose. :idunno:

I omit the last because you said it wasn't important and you're not going to say.


You all are the smart guys; why do I have to tell you?? - You've never accepted anything I've said yet, (( SO why should I now ))?

I just said what I said; no more, or no less!! - That's what I said!!

I suppose it's impossible for you to simply make a civil statement!!

Paul -- 091612

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You all are the smart guys; why do I have to tell you?? - You've never accepted anything I've said yet, (( SO why should I now ))?
You mean the stuff you don't quite actually tell us because it doesn't matter, etc. :plain:

I just said what I said; no more, or no less!! - That's what I said!!
Thanks for clarifying at least one point. :thumb:

I suppose it's impossible for you to simply make a civil statement!!
Probably comes with being (((((GENIUSES!!!)))) and whatnot. :think:


New member
Hi Paul!
You probably need not pay any attention to Town.
I think he is probably just waiting his reward (or award) of just (or not)deserts from Chrys
and may be a little cranky.
Eh? :)


New member
You mean the stuff you don't quite actually tell us because it doesn't matter, etc. :plain:

NO!!! - You don't care what God said. - You must spit your venom at me and my proof that you're Wrong. - Anyone with a mite of knowledge knows it!!! -- But that's alright; -- you've got yours here, but ( not there ), and I know that!!!

Paul -- 091612


New member
Oh yes, doing fine. - Is the week-ins the only time you can do this?

I’ve looked and can’t find where you mentioned --- 1 Corinthians 9:5 KJV ------///--- But what’s the problem with it? – Paul is just asking a no-question. - Sure Paul had the ( "Right / Power" ) to lead about a sister or wife the same a John and Peter. - Paul had a sister and a nephew by her. I don’t see the connection. – However, Paul couldn’t ever marry a woman; that was impossible. – That doesn’t mean he couldn’t ( “lead” a ( wife ) about with him. It doesn’t suggest that he did.

Paul – 091612

Paul, I can come here oft times only a little bit at a time, several times a week.

I'm sorry if I have not been here lately - I did get caught up with a kerfuffle at another place on this forum.

Why do you say Paul could never marry a woman?