Plate Tectonics debunked

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Greatest poster ever
I think your video makes the mistake of taking relative measurements and calling them absolute.

"Global map of current absolute plate motion as calculated using GPS technology and the Jules Verne Voyager: Earth software. The direction of arrows indicated the direction of plate movement. The length of the arrow indicates the speed of movement (note relative arrow length of the key in the upper left corner)."​


As you said before, satellite readings show an average movement eastward in Japan.

However, this movement is all attributable to seismic events; averaging out the movement over time to present a slow, gradual scenario is to misrepresent the data.

"This animation shows that GPS can record the movement of the leading edge of the overlying continental plate in a subduction zone. The plates are locked and the overlying plate is forced back. When friction is overcome and strain is released, the GPS receiver will snap back toward its original position. This animation is exaggerated to depict the relative motion of plates and GPS as seen in the 2010 Magnitude 8.8 earthquake in Chile where the land in places rebounded 10 meters":​


User Name

Greatest poster ever
At atmospheric pressure, rock melts producing magma that is less dense than its parent material. However, at pressures found quite near the surface (about 400km, depending on type), rock that melts produces magma that is more dense than its parent material.

This means that there is a crossover depth above which melted rock will rise and below which melted rock will only ever sink. Thus convection of the mantle cannot happen.



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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
"Global map of current absolute plate motion as calculated using GPS technology and the Jules Verne Voyager: Earth software.​


Can you tell how they might distinguish between the relative movement on either side of a convergent plate boundary?​


New member

If you put a laser measuring instrument across that divide, the only time you'll register any change is when there is an earthquake.

Ongoing precision measurements along the Icelandic plate boundless started in 1994 show that the Eurasia and North America Plates, are separating at a constant rate of 18.2mm/year.
Páll Einarsson. Plate boundaries, rifts and transforms in Iceland.


New member

User Name

"Global map of current absolute plate motion as calculated using GPS technology and the Jules Verne Voyager: Earth software. The direction of arrows indicated the direction of plate movement. The length of the arrow indicates the speed of movement (note relative arrow length of the key in the upper left corner)."​

Your data proves too much, or rather something entirely different.

The direction for instance of the two Atlantic plates are not at all moving
in the same DIRECTION as they did to form the Ocean floor and the
Atlantic Ridge.

Not only speed of crustal movement, but direction has drastically changed.

Current processes do not in any way account for the major
current geophysical features of the Earth, such as:

(1) Canadian Shield

(2) Tibetian Plateau

(3) Atlantic Ridge

(4) Motion of volcanic sources, i.e., Hawai and Iceland

(5) Nevada desert, Appalachians, Britain

(6) Mediterranean Sea and Baltic Sea

(7) Gulf of Hormuz



New member
Ongoing precision measurements along the Icelandic plate boundless started in 1994 show that the Eurasia and North America Plates, are separating at a constant rate of 18.2mm/year.
Páll Einarsson. Plate boundaries, rifts and transforms in Iceland.

Meaningless drivel, since current processes don't account for
the geophysical features of the whole area.

Jose Fly

New member
So when is the community of geologists supposed to notice that an anonymous poster at a Christian message board has overturned plate tectonics?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The direction for instance of the two Atlantic plates are not at all moving
in the same DIRECTION as they did to form the Ocean floor and the
Atlantic Ridge.

Not only speed of crustal movement, but direction has drastically changed.

Current processes do not in any way account for the major
current geophysical features of the Earth, such as:

(1) Canadian Shield

(2) Tibetian Plateau

(3) Atlantic Ridge

(4) Motion of volcanic sources, i.e., Hawai and Iceland

(5) Nevada desert, Appalachians, Britain

(6) Mediterranean Sea and Baltic Sea

(7) Gulf of Hormuz

Are "current processes" meant to explain geophysical features that were obviously produced by past processes?
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Well-known member
I can understand clocking the speed of surface movement, but how is it determined how fast the mantle beneath the plate is moving (re: Nazca plate)?


Plate Tectonics explained

The convection idea presented in this video is bunk.

At atmospheric pressure, rock melts producing magma that is less dense than its parent material. However, at pressures found quite near the surface (about 400km, depending on type), rock that melts produces magma that is more dense than its parent material.

This means that there is a crossover depth above which melted rock will rise and below which melted rock will only ever sink. Thus convection of the mantle cannot happen.

Also, GPS measurements do not measure crustal movement of the type described. The data comes from movement due to earthquakes, not the steady, slow drift predicted by plate tectonic theory. The mid ocean ridge is accessible on land in some places, but laser measurements between the two edges do not show the drift.

The explanation for the surface features is understandable with a rejection of the assumptions presented in this video and a simple model of gravity producing friction, producing melting, producing a denser and shrinking core meaning the surface is subsiding.


I realize many on this board shy away from long articles and essays, so you may probably just want to pass on this.

But mark my words, it is grounded in honest research:

These facts, this evidence and the data here are not things that are part of anyone's hidden agenda. Like it or believe it or not, most scientists just aim to follow the truth as they see it wherever it may lead them. Facts are neither liberal or conservative.

For those who want to spend the time to study this, it is truly a horrific scenario that is long overdue. And we can thank the movements of the land masses above and below us for this....


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame


Well-known member
You two seem to have a fascination with trying to teach me stuff that I spent thousands of dollars studying for three years. :idunno:

This is quite interesting. Have you written up the results on this work? I mean, as a thesis, class project, or even for publication? I think some here would be interested in seeing the results of your study.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
This is quite interesting. Have you written up the results on this work? I mean, as a thesis, class project, or even for publication? I think some here would be interested in seeing the results of your study.

You could try reading the thread for a start. :up:

Or just stick with being a troll. :troll:

User Name

Greatest poster ever
In this video, the horizontal motion of GPS station NAST, located in Kathmandu, Nepal is displayed for the 25 April 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake. The inset is a youtube video from a stationary camera of the ground motion experienced by a crowd of people in an open square in Kathmandu, Nepal. The back and forth motion seen in the crowd and the GPS station shows the basin resonance:
