

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

It reminds me of the needle exchange programs here in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North. Left wingers would set up a table for needle using junkies to get a clean needle to shoot up with so that they didn't contract HIV or other various diseases associated with intravenous drug use.

We need to stop the spread of desease and programs like needle exchange are the only way to circumvent the spread of disease.

Because junkies would be the epitome of good health if it weren't for those gosh darn dirty needles that they have to use.

We need to protect the innocent from disease and there are only two ways to accomplish this, either make efforts to stop the spread of disease carrying persons who will not change their behaviour, as we have tried and tried to no avail, or we do what Mao did.

"Mao Tse-tung was by far the greatest therapist of drug addiction in world history. He threatened to execute opium addicts if they didn’t give up. Threats to murder were about the only utterances of Mao’s that could be believed, and 20 million addicts duly gave up."

This is the only other real choice. We, as a society do not believe it is right to murder all drug addicts, yet it works because the threat of quick death overrides the kick drug addicts desire.

So, unless you are willing to kill every addict on sight, then stopping the spread of disease is the only recourse!

Forgive me for not looking to an atheist mass murderer such as Mao as the way to solve human problems.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
So then a death sentence was a deterrent. 20 million less addicts, vs handing out needles to suggest its ok, sounds better to me.
This seems to be the case.

Look at what really happens. addicts are arrested, then detained, followed by some mandatory treatment, then they are back using dope again.

That does not seem to be a deterrent. now does it?

Forget about going to the extreme of killing, just say, any needle using dope fiend could receive, an on the spot beating by police, or a special dope squad and catching user and beating them began to take place, do you think near as many would use again, after detox?

People are hard to understand; some folks fear detention and loss of personal freedom more than others. Dope addicts almost have no fear of detention, they do not like it, but they do not fear it.

People use use hard core dope, such as heroin, because they cannot deal with the pain in everyday living and some use it so much, being in a death-like state is better than facing the anxiety of reality.

Mao wanted to just get rid of the opium users; he cared not if they ever cold get their live straight. The way he saw it, there were too any people anyway, a and those killed was for the best, in his mind.

Such thinking as no love at all for mankind and has no spiritual depth.

Now giving needle users a good beating would work because addicts fear immediate pain more than death.

This would work for heroin addict, but I do not know if it would have the same resut for ll drug addicts.

Anyway, it will never be implemented,as w=such methods, as much as they would be effective, are adversely in opposition to our social standards, and laws.

The only thing left is to contain them somehow, and keep the disease in check.


Well-known member
The attorney general's new guidelines, a reversal of a policy that was working, will accentuate the injustice in our criminal justice system. We should be treating our nation's drug epidemic for what it is -- a public health crisis, not an excuse to send people to prison and turn a mistake into a tragedy.

Rand Paul....:up:

Greg Jennings

New member
NYC 'injection facilities' for heroin addicts Re 9:21


"Truth is hate to those who hate the truth." ~ Bob Enyart Mk 9:41, 13:7, 25:8, 40, Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24, 54:17, Re 12:10, 12, Jud 1:9

It's a program that I would agree seems poor, except that it has already been proven to have positive effects in British Columbia


"Pharmekia" you mean weed. Because lsd, heroin, coke, those are not equivalents

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The attorney general's new guidelines, a reversal of a policy that was working, will accentuate the injustice in our criminal justice system. We should be treating our nation's drug epidemic for what it is -- a public health crisis, not an excuse to send people to prison and turn a mistake into a tragedy.

Rand Paul....:up:

Except that addicts don't immediately go to prison (unless they've committed a crime that often goes along with drug use: burglary, robbery, violent assault, etc.). As it stands now, addicts go in and out of rehab, at what point should incarceration be an option in Rand Paul's world?

And where does the Senator form KY stand on drug dealers, those who prey on the weak and vulnerable and make a profit doing so?