ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
Why the need to be exceedingly cautious?
Go away troll
Why the need to be exceedingly cautious?
Why the need to be exceedingly cautious?
Go away troll
Mayhap, drunks need to be cautious prior to getting behind the wheel? No? :idunno:
Last night I marched into the Sudetenland and occupied Czechoslovakia. I was exceedingly cautious and careful not to harm any Jews. No Jews were put into concentration camps. No Jews were genocided. Lebensraum was achieved.
Was this a just action?
Why or why not?.
Hardly, I'm not immature enough to go around calling people "tards" for one thing.
Should getting oneself drunk be considered a criminal act? Yes or No?
If not, then why not, you hypocrite?
No, it shouldn't. Getting drunk in itself is not a crime.
If not, then why not, you hypocrite?
I asked Arthritis Pain:
And this is his reaction to it:
I did not ask you if getting drunk is a crime, did I? That's right: I did not.
Rather, I asked you if getting drunk should be considered a criminal act--a crime. You said "No, it shouldn't". But, so far, you've stonewalled against the rest of my question:
So, why not? Why should getting oneself drunk not be considered a criminal act--a crime, Arthur Brain?
Should the act of getting oneself drunk be criminalized? Yes or No?
If not, then why not, Arthur Brain?
Hmm, is it a crime to get drunk? No.
Is it a crime to get drunk and drive? Hmm, yep, it is.
Hey kid, use it all you want. Just don't pretend that I had anything to do with it lol...
Should the act of getting oneself drunk be criminalized? Yes or No?
Not where Czechs are concerned.
You unjustly occupied their land.
Was this a just action?
Why or why not?
I take what you have written, here, to be a "No" in answer to ok doser's question:
So, according to you, "No"--it was, rather, an unjust action.
So, why are you stonewalling against ok doser's other question?
Since you say that that occupation is an unjust action, what do you say it is that makes that occupation an unjust action?
I'm not intrested in artie's retarded answer but if Chair was consistent with his emphasis on harm reduction and risk reduction, I would think he would be in favor of criminalizing getting oneself drunk, since there is so much risk and harm associated with drunkenness.
Since you say that that occupation is an unjust action.....
Last night I marched into the Sudetenland and occupied Czechoslovakia. I was exceedingly cautious and careful not to harm any Jews. No Jews were put into concentration camps. No Jews were genocided. Lebensraum was achieved.
Was this a just action?
Why or why not?
Before artie spazzes out again I will note that this is a scenario that I'm using to illustrate a point in a conversation I'm having with Chair and not an admission of actually having occupied Czechoslovakia last night.
Did I? :think: .....hmmmm
I asked Arthritis Pain:
And this is his reaction to it:
I did not ask you if getting drunk is a crime, did I? That's right: I did not.
Rather, I asked you if getting drunk should be considered a criminal act--a crime. You said "No, it shouldn't". But, so far, you've stonewalled against the rest of my question:
So, why not? Why should getting oneself drunk not be considered a criminal act--a crime, Arthur Brain?
Should the act of getting oneself drunk be criminalized? Yes or No?
If not, then why not, Arthur Brain?