Right, I understand that that's your position
In this discussion, in the context of the discussion I was having with Chair, yours is the position of an emotional child.
Toddle on and leave the adults the floor, won't you?
It's the position of the law, one that is based on sound reason and logic so of course I agree with it. Drink driving costs lives therefore it should be a criminal offence. Obviously it follows on from that that if you're caught driving over the limit by the cops that you should be arrested and charged with an offence. You're driving a vehicle where your judgement and reaction are impaired which is how accidents happen. That you haven't had one yet is entirely irrelevant. So, it's entirely just for you to be punished and charged for engaging in completely irresponsible behaviour. Simple logic.
As to the latter then this sort of projection doesn't work for you and while you use the word "retarded" as a rather feeble insult it actually applies to you in the true sense of the word.
Obsessively stalking posters on an internet forum is not normal, it's retarded. Challenging a poster who's credentials were obvious to all and sundry and had no reason to lie on pain of a permanent ban for the "loser" is not normal, it's retarded, even more so when it was a bet you couldn't possibly have won. The childish flame outs? Again, retarded.
Best to quit while you're behind when calling anyone else on this forum emotionally stunted because your history on here betrays you.
Oh, and don't drink and drive!