My apologies. I get riled up when people drag the Nazis into every discussion.
So please tell me, clearly- where exactly is that line that governments should not cross.
Edit: What is "inherently unjust"? Is being forced to stop at a traffic light "inherently unjust"?
As expalained before, the justice system can only prosecute a criminal behavior after the crime has happened. And then only if intent after or before the act, or negligence after the act can be determined.
In the case of roads, since the government owns most of them, they can create the rules and pro-act on those rules. What they cannot pro-act on is stealing, abuse, or murder or intent to commit those crimes. And therein lies why the government cannot do what they are doing in relation to infectious diseases.
In order to go over the line on roads, they would have to single out a person or group and pro-actively punish them and enact rules against them that are different than everyone else. For example, the red light laws apply to everyone evenly. But let's say they go over the line and apply an unjust road law to everyone evenly. That did happen in the Carter administration when they lowered the speed limit to 55mph. Even though less people died as seen by certain traffic accident stats, more people died by the unseen consequences of loss to the economy and frustration.