Pennsylvania Catholic church using 'mafia-like' tactics to fight sex abuse bill


New member
The Roman Catholic Church is an apostate Church
Post your proof. (I always ask serpent for proof, but he never---ever---provides any, just as he'll neglect to provide any actual proof in response to my request here.)

They don't believe that Jesus finished the work of redemption. When Jesus bowed his said and said 'It is finished' and gave up his spirit--Catholics believe he really meant to say it must now continue.
Straw Man Fallacy (Ex. 20:16; Prov. 19:5). Don't bother.

"Because what they do through the beck and call of the priest they call Jesus back down from heaven every day 200,000 times a day through the miracle of transubstantiation. They transform the inner substance of wafers into the physical body and blood, soul and divinity of Christ; the priest will lift up the wafer for Catholics to worship this as their true savior. He's laid on the alter to be represented as a sacrificial offering. It is another offering denying again the scriptures that say Jesus offered himself once for all time and for all sin..."
There are at least four categorically false statements in the above paragraph which utterly misrepresent the actual belief and teaching of the Catholic Church (Ex. 20:16; Prov. 19:5). Another real gem by Pope Gendron and his acolyte, serpent. :darwinsm:

Gaudium de veritate,



Unless the Catholic Church says it, nothing counts as 'proof' against it.

That's the circularity of Catholics.
Why don't you stop spinning, Cruciform :rolleyes:


New member
Unless the Catholic Church says it, nothing counts as 'proof' against it. That's the circularity of Catholics. Why don't you stop spinning, Cruciform :rolleyes:
Unless his preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect says it, nothing counts as 'proof' against it. That's the circularity of Protestants. Why don't you stop spinning, Crucible :rolleyes:


Unless his preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect says it...

:yawn: You're projecting again (Eph 4:14). :noway: Roman Catholics are modern-day Pharisees (Mk 7:7). :eek:linger:

Plans and programs do not save (Ga 1:6-8). Jesus saves (Isa 63:9; Eph 5:23). Jesus alone saves (Isa 45:21,22; 59:16; Ac 4:12). :poly:


Roman Catholicism


They like to think of their churches as embassies, being that the Vatican is in Rome, it's city it's own country, and here we have separation of church and state.

So.. mafia like tactics :rolleyes:


New member
They like to think of their churches as embassies, being that the Vatican is in Rome, it's city it's own country, and here we have separation of church and state. So.. mafia like tactics.
Just more know-nothing tongue wagging from a profoundly ignorant and bigoted anti-Catholic drone. :yawn:


[Pr 9:8] Prov. 9:8

:yawn: Intensional Eph 4:14

[Justification by faith? Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] "It's an infallible dogma of the church--that if you believe you are justified by faith alone then you are condemned--you are anathema...

They don't believe that Jesus finished the work of redemption. When Jesus bowed his said and said 'It is finished' and gave up his spirit--Catholics believe he really meant to say it must now continue. Because what they do through the beck and call of the priest they call Jesus back down from heaven every day 200,000 times a day through the miracle of transubstantiation. They transform the inner substance of wafers into the physical body and blood, soul and divinity of Christ; the priest will lift up the wafer for Catholics to worship this as their true savior. He's laid on the alter to be represented as a sacrificial offering. It is another offering denying again the scriptures that say Jesus offered himself once for all time and for all sin..." Vid. Catholicism vs Christianity by Mike Gendron