Pedophile Central - Antifa, BLM, Trump Haters

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Well I care, calling someone a pedophile without cause should be over the line, wherever the line is.

If they allow that but not allow profanity or at least implied with asterisks, it shows they think a cuss word is more egregious than an unfounded allegation that someone's a pedophile.

are you ready to come out of the closet anna?


If you support Antifa, you just might be a pedophile

If you support BLM, you just might be a pedophile

If you have an irrational hatred for our curret president, you just might be a pedophile

If you think it's unfair that a child being attacked by a registered pedophile turns around and shoots him dead, you just might be a pedophile

If you publicize pedophilia by initiating threads about the might be a (closet) pedophile.

Trump Gurl

Credo in Unum Deum
If you support Antifa, you just might be a pedophile

If you support BLM, you just might be a pedophile

If you have an irrational hatred for our curret president, you just might be a pedophile

If you think it's unfair that a child being attacked by a registered pedophile turns around and shoots him dead, you just might be a pedophile

If you are a Democrat you support Pedophiles:

CA Democrats Author Bill to Protect Sex Offenders Who Lure Minors
No sex offender registry if perpetrator within 10 years of age of the minor

SB 145 would allow a sex offender who lures a minor with the intent to commit a felony (i.e. a sex act) the ability to escape registering as a sex offender as long as the offender is within 10 years of age of the minor. No specification is made as to whether the sexual offender is straight or LGBT.

SB 145 would add a section to the state’s penal code (Section 290.55) stipulating that as long as the offender is “not more than 10 years older than the minor,” they are not automatically mandated to register as a sex offender. There is no age limit or range specified, except for existing law which already excludes lewd acts with children under 14.

SB 145 appears to allow adults to victimize minors by luring them with the intent to have sex, and then shields the predator from being automatically registered as a sex offender, as in the case of a 25 year old luring a 15 year old for sex, or a 22 year old luring a 12 year old.

SB 145, as currently written, appears to allow certain sexual predators to live among the population without anyone being aware.

Wouldn't quip be a dandy one for you to cut your teeth on? :)

It looks like justice prevailed.


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Super Moderator

The U.S. Is an Accomplice to the Largest Child Trafficking Operation in U.S. History

During the last big wave of unaccompanied alien minors (UAMs) in 2019, a Border Patrol agent said something to me that shook me to my core. He said that he was “sick and tired of having to administer rape kits to nine-year olds.”

While that statement might be shocking, it’s actually going on right now. Except in 2021, the problem is much, much bigger, meaning so is the pool of victims. In March of 2019, when that statement was made, there were roughly 9,380 UAMs apprehended at the border. Those numbers have absolutely exploded – nearing 19,000 last month alone. Today, more than 23,000 UAMs are in the custody of the federal government.

Unfortunately, it’s not likely that those numbers will go down anytime soon, since the Biden Administration has promised to not send any of these minors back home and word has spread like wildfire that the U.S. border is severely under protected and easily exploited. And the most devastating fact is that it’s the Biden Administration that has not only caused this spike in child trafficking, but shows no desire to try and deter future surges, despite plenty of evidence of child abuse.
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