Peaceful reunification

Eric h

Well-known member
Was our involvement in WW2 pointless?

Should we have let the German Reich take control of Europe and England and exterminate the Jew?

America did not give a monkey's bottom about England and Europe, they just cashed in on supplying arms without getting involved. Only after Pearl Harbour did they decide to do anything. If they were truly concerned about England and Europe they would have got involved much earlier.

Gary K

New member
America did not give a monkey's bottom about England and Europe, they just cashed in on supplying arms without getting involved. Only after Pearl Harbour did they decide to do anything. If they were truly concerned about England and Europe they would have got involved much earlier.
You err because you do not know American history. The people themselves were not inclined to get involved in European wars. We remembered our history and took seriously the great advice of our founding fathers to stay out of European entanglements. It's only as we have forgotten that advice and lost respect for the wisdom of our founding fathers that we have entered the state of eternal war.


Well-known member
I saw this obscure but very good movie at a small independent theater some years ago, and the memory of this scene led to the search for the quote I posted earlier because it was illustrating the same point. I know it'll be lost on the old men in this thread, but here it is anyway.

There is war in heaven and eternal souls are being killed in ongoing battles. Does that mean war is wrong? Not at all. It means wars to defend what is right are necessary and right.

  1. Revelation 12:7
    And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
    In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
  2. Revelation 19:11
    And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

Gary K

New member
You err because you believe the American version of history.

Shame they did not think the same about Vietnam; and every other conflict they bulldozed their way into.
Shakes head. You seem to not understand what is said to you.

By the time Vietnam came around the marxist point of view taught by academia had already destroyed all respect for our founding fathers. Their advice was no longer taught in our schools. So how could the people understand where they were going when all sense of direction had been destroyed by not knowing our history?

It's you who errs as I have just demonstrated. That you believe the marxist version of history too is your problem not mine. You buy into the very thing that caused our people to lose their way and become entangled in things we should never have been involved in. Way to go, marxist. The blame lies with your ilk.


Well-known member
And the mighty George Bush thought he could do a better job than Saddam. Don't think so!
Thousands of Americans hated George Bush but so what? Thousands of Americans have loved Karl Marx, Chairman Mao, the Iranian Caliphate, and so forth. Those people have bad opinions but have the right in America to hold and promote bad opinions - to a point.
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Well-known member
You err because you believe the American version of history.

Shame they did not think the same about Vietnam; and every other conflict they bulldozed their way into.
America has had its share of mongrels, like Bill Ayers and his fellow terrorist anarchists, who have committed violence and spawned murders in the name of destroying American civilization in favor of anarchy, oppression, violence, hedonism, depravity, and so forth. These are not good people. They destroy American monuments because they don't like them and think tens of millions of Americans should be forced to do away with them because they themselves don't approve of them. They riot in the streets, burn down businesses, assault and murder cops, and more.

If they don't like American foreign policy then let them address their concerns in a civilized way, not through stupid violence and insurrection.


Well-known member
America did not give a monkey's bottom about England and Europe, they just cashed in on supplying arms without getting involved. Only after Pearl Harbour did they decide to do anything. If they were truly concerned about England and Europe they would have got involved much earlier.
Tens of millions of Americans wanted to get involved in WW2 much earlier but the democrats controlled the government at the time and they resisted those calls to arms from American patriots.


Well-known member
You err because you believe the American version of history.

Shame they did not think the same about Vietnam; and every other conflict they bulldozed their way into.
It's a shame so many leftist American communist democrats did not want America to respond to the South Vietnamese people's plea for other nations to help deliver innocent South Vietnamese people from brutal communist aggression.


Well-known member
"What a wonderful idea! How sweet and sound! No more war, just peace!"

Imagine King George III saying in 1777, "All I want is the peaceful reunification of England and its American colonies." Or Saddam Hussein, "I just want the peaceful reunification of Iraq and Kuwait." How about Mahmoud Abbas saying, "I am pushing for the peaceful reunification between the Israeli squatters and the Palestinians who own the land of Palestine, not the Jews."

China wants to re-enslave the people of Taiwan who successfully broke away from the mainline communist nation of China, forming the independent Republic of Taiwan (Republic of China- Taiwan) after WW2. China wants Taiwan like ISIS wanted Afghanistan and leftists around the world think Taiwan should give up its freedom and allow the communists to come in and take over, which is stupid. Rational Americans oppose China's aggression, but many American leftists and democrats do not oppose turning Taiwan over to its communist enemies.

BEIJING, Oct 9 (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping vowed on Saturday to achieve "peaceful reunification" with Taiwan, and did not directly mention the use of force after a week of tensions with the Chinese-claimed island that sparked international concern.

Taiwan responded to Xi by calling on Beijing to abandon its coercion, reiterating that only Taiwan's people could decide their future.
The communist Chinese mongrels are rattling their sabers again, threatening to take Taiwan away from the Taiwanese because the mongrels want to steal what is not theirs.

They are no different than Saddam Hussein taking Kuwait, or Kim-Ill Sung taking South Korea, or Ho Chi Minh taking South Vietnam, or Joe Biden and the democrats taking over America. Pray to God that good Americans will continue to defend innocent people against evil monsters like these.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, whose military has been engaging in unprecedented provocations against Taiwan, said over the weekend that China‘s goal of absorbing the tiny island democracy “must be fulfilled” — an assertion that has triggered swift pushback from Taiwan‘s leaders.


Well-known member
'Old men start wars, but young men have to fight them.'
We have one filthy rich old white guy currently squatting in the White House who was perfectly willing to sacrifice the lives of hundreds of innocent Americans in order to end what he stupidly thought was American damage being done in Afghanistan. God help us.

Nearly 200 Americans left behind in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan following the August U.S. military withdrawal may still be trying to get out, the State Department said Friday, doubling its previous public count.

Spokesman Ned Price said the U.S. airlifted out several dozen people in the past couple days, but even more people have come forward in recent weeks saying they also want to leave, which has sent the number soaring.

He listed the current total still left behind and interested in getting out as somewhere between 100 and 200, and cautioned that the numbers are just “a momentary snapshot in time.”