Peace On Earth


New member
I said
You must have a lot of pride because you trust your own opinion.

John 7:18
18 "He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him.

Rom 12:16
16 Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.

this is the biggest HYPOCRITICAL STATEMENT EVER!!!!!!!!!!! don't yu see that everything you say to me you are implying for yourself also. YOU must have a lot of pride because YOU trust YOUR own opionion.
Your "revelatons" are not from Jesus because they are NOT IN THE BIBLE! many of them CONTRADICT The Bible!
you are condeming yourself every lie you try to convince others of. nothing you say is in the BIble you are doing the same thing as MOHAMMED and you are CONDEMNING YOURSELF nad piling up your sins and your judgemen is getting greater and greater by the day


this is the biggest HYPOCRITICAL STATEMENT EVER!!!!!!!!!!! don't yu see that everything you say to me you are implying for yourself also. YOU must have a lot of pride because YOU trust YOUR own opionion.
Your "revelatons" are not from Jesus because they are NOT IN THE BIBLE! many of them CONTRADICT The Bible!
you are condeming yourself every lie you try to convince others of. nothing you say is in the BIble you are doing the same thing as MOHAMMED and you are CONDEMNING YOURSELF nad piling up your sins and your judgemen is getting greater and greater by the day

I said
Ok slow down and think. You make all these wild accusation with no foundation or even logic. My revelations ARE the bible. Every verse is quoted word for word. And they do come from Jesus. Now its obvious that you only have theology, which is guessing. But if you would go look the verses up that I am quoting you would see they are all bible.


I know the truth hurts, I have been where your at. And I had to deal with the emotional guilt that you are dealing with now. That is what separates us, guilt or no guilt I believed the verses. The guilty emotion always comes with "it don't mean that". If you fall for that you will never get to the truth.