Paul Cameron & the Truth About Homos

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It's so easy to spot when the defenders of homosexual perversion are lying when they claim not to be homophobic. Just ask them if they usually try to watch highly acclaimed movies. When they answer yes, ask them if they saw Brokeback Mountain.

"Oh,, I didn't see that one."

They didn't see it for the same reason I didn't. They don't enjoy throwing up in public.

What a bunch of lying hypocrites. I thought all the hypocrites were only supposed to exist inside the church.

Seriously lame...

I haven't seen "Brokeback Mountain" for the simple reason I didn't fancy it, and I'm not in the habit of shelling out to go see a movie I'm not that bothered about watching. I didn't go see the latest "Transformers" flick because the prospect of seeing another Michael Bey explosion borefest appealed even less, so does that make me a robophobe as well? :freak:

When 'BM' airs on terrestrial television then I'll give it a whirl and reserve judgement on it until then. It's not like I haven't seen plenty of film and television with underlying gay themes and I've never actually thrown up afterwards either.

Maybe it's more normal to go around scouring the web for graphic images and content like some elements here do? I'm not sure why any straight bloke would be interested in doing that exactly but ho hum.

Regardless of which, not being particularly bothered about some film has squat to do with arguing against the likes of a loony charlatan such as Cameron who makes up his own "facts" as he goes along.


New member
Hall of Fame
Seriously lame...

I haven't seen "Brokeback Mountain" for the simple reason I didn't fancy it, and I'm not in the habit of shelling out to go see a movie I'm not that bothered about watching. I didn't go see the latest "Transformers" flick because the prospect of seeing another Michael Bey explosion borefest appealed even less, so does that make me a robophobe as well? :freak:

When 'BM' airs on terrestrial television then I'll give it a whirl and reserve judgement on it until then. It's not like I haven't seen plenty of film and television with underlying gay themes and I've never actually thrown up afterwards either.

Maybe it's more normal to go around scouring the web for graphic images and content like some elements here do? I'm not sure why any straight bloke would be interested in doing that exactly but ho hum.

Regardless of which, not being particularly bothered about some film has squat to do with arguing against the likes of a loony charlatan such as Cameron who makes up his own "facts" as he goes along.

Oh, I can think of a few possible explanations.:)
It's so easy to spot when the defenders of homosexual perversion are lying when they claim not to be homophobic. Just ask them if they usually try to watch highly acclaimed movies. When they answer yes, ask them if they saw Brokeback Mountain.

"Oh,, I didn't see that one."

They didn't see it for the same reason I didn't. They don't enjoy throwing up in public.

What a bunch of lying hypocrites. I thought all the hypocrites were only supposed to exist inside the church.

I never saw it simply because I had absolutely no interest in doing so. I once had to read the short story it was based on for a writing class, and I didn't find it particularly interesting.

Oh, and Jefferson, do not EVER presume to speak for me. Ever.

You got that?


New member
Hall of Fame
I never saw it simply because I had absolutely no interest in doing so. I once had to read the short story it was based on for a writing class, and I didn't find it particularly interesting.

Oh, and Jefferson, do not EVER presume to speak for me. Ever.

You got that?

Why did you have no interest in doing so? Do you dislike love stories? Spell it out, tell us specifically why that movie doesn't interest you.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why did you have no interest in doing so? Do you dislike love stories? Spell it out, tell us specifically why that movie doesn't interest you.

Well to be fair he's already given you a reason. He read the short story and wasn't that fussed with it. I didn't fancy it because ostensibly romantic films aren't my general thing and this didn't appeal along with several other cinematic offerings through the years for differing reasons.

I fail to see how having zero interest in a film simply if it even was for the fact that it revolved around a gay relationship would actually make anyone a hypocrite either? If you're a straight man or woman then you're generally not interested or hung up on homosexual relationships be they fictional or otherwise. Rather a separate thing from reacting to those who would treat gay people as second class citizens and vilify them by means of deliberate misrepresentation and lies - as Cameron has been shown to do, and not just him.

You only need a sense of fair play to react to thinly veiled prejudice and bigotry.

Jefferson may as well call a heterosexual a bigot for not searching out pics of scantily clad people of the same sex for all the 'sense' it would make...
Why did you have no interest in doing so? Do you dislike love stories? Spell it out, tell us specifically why that movie doesn't interest you.

Why should I have to justify my tastes in movies, or literature? If someone else wants to see it they can go right ahead. I'm certainly not stopping them. Just as long as they don't try to force me to watch it.

I just refuse to suffer the pompous arrogance of people like Jefferson.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why should I have to justify my tastes in movies, or literature? If someone else wants to see it they can go right ahead. I'm certainly not stopping them. Just as long as they don't try to force me to watch it.

I just refuse to suffer the pompous arrogance of people like Jefferson.

Exactly. Jefferson doesn't even have an argument on this and I'll be surprised if he actually comes backs and answers - though it could prove interesting if he did...


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
You misspelled "stupidity." :)
That was implied.

It's so easy to spot when the defenders of homosexual perversion are lying when they claim not to be homophobic. Just ask them if they usually try to watch highly acclaimed movies. When they answer yes, ask them if they saw Brokeback Mountain.

"Oh,, I didn't see that one."

They didn't see it for the same reason I didn't. They don't enjoy throwing up in public.

What a bunch of lying hypocrites. I thought all the hypocrites were only supposed to exist inside the church.
They'll come up with other reasons for not watching it, but the truth they'll deny is that it repulses them, even if it is only slightly.

And for those who argue that fags aren't shoving it in our faces I have a music video for them to watch.

I didn't see that one, but I've watched every episode of Torchwood. Right after eating.
I've seen all of them too. This is a weak argument.

I should have specified that as homosexual content...
He knew what you meant.

Oh, and Jefferson, do not EVER presume to speak for me. Ever.

You got that?
I imagine Jefferson is quaking with fright upon reading this.:rolleyes:

Well to be fair he's already given you a reason. He read the short story and wasn't that fussed with it. I didn't fancy it because ostensibly romantic films aren't my general thing and this didn't appeal along with several other cinematic offerings through the years for differing reasons.

I fail to see how having zero interest in a film simply if it even was for the fact that it revolved around a gay relationship would actually make anyone a hypocrite either? If you're a straight man or woman then you're generally not interested or hung up on homosexual relationships be they fictional or otherwise. Rather a separate thing from reacting to those who would treat gay people as second class citizens and vilify them by means of deliberate misrepresentation and lies - as Cameron has been shown to do, and not just him.

You only need a sense of fair play to react to thinly veiled prejudice and bigotry.

Jefferson may as well call a heterosexual a bigot for not searching out pics of scantily clad people of the same sex for all the 'sense' it would make...

What makes one a hypocrite is championing for queers while the sight of them doing queer things repulses you, even if it is just a little bit.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

What makes one a hypocrite is championing for queers while the sight of them doing queer things repulses you, even if it is just a little bit.

In order:

I'm not "championing" for "queers". I'm simply reacting to overblown zealous fixations and recognizing these people as equal under the law, along with having zero time for proven hacks like Cameron who has to resort to lying and fraud as part of his "research". That type of quackery deserves to be exposed.

As I'm straight then the thought of watching two blokes get intimate is hardly going to be appealing is it? Doesn't mean to say I haven't enjoyed plenty a film or tv programme that has homosexual characters in them as long as such in question has some narrative and emotional depth to it. When 'BM' airs on TV then I'll watch it and the chances are I won't be 'repulsed' by it although I have my reservations as to how good it'll actually be as a film.

Seriously, you may as well tell a straight bloke he's a hypocrite for not liking adverts with practically naked men in them. Jefferson's argument (like yours) is just downright feeble AFAIC but there's now a thread about just that - so you can answer there if you're inclined...


Oh, and Jefferson, do not EVER presume to speak for me. Ever.

You got that?


:mock:bal the bla
A mature and brilliant riposte as ever...



What can one expect from someone who shouldn't be allowed to use a computer or be out in public without adult supervision? As Nick has yet to reach the age of responsibility mentally, there is little one can do other than try to be patient with him (even though patience is a virtue that the gods in their infinite wisdom did not see fit to invest in me)

I have any number of things I could say back at him, but then he'd likely go crying to the moderators with his tail between his legs.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
In order:

I'm not "championing" for "queers". I'm simply reacting to overblown zealous fixations and recognizing these people as equal under the law, along with having zero time for proven hacks like Cameron who has to resort to lying and fraud as part of his "research". That type of quackery deserves to be exposed.
Translation: I'm not doing that; what I'm doing is exactly that.

As I'm straight then the thought of watching two blokes get intimate is hardly going to be appealing is it? Doesn't mean to say I haven't enjoyed plenty a film or tv programme that has homosexual characters in them as long as such in question has some narrative and emotional depth to it. When 'BM' airs on TV then I'll watch it and the chances are I won't be 'repulsed' by it although I have my reservations as to how good it'll actually be as a film.
It's the opposite of appealing and you know it. You just don't want to admit it.

Seriously, you may as well tell a straight bloke he's a hypocrite for not liking adverts with practically naked men in them. Jefferson's argument (like yours) is just downright feeble AFAIC but there's now a thread about just that - so you can answer there if you're inclined...
No one called you a hypocrite for not being attracted to other men, you moron.

I have any number of things I could say back at him, but then he'd likely go crying to the moderators with his tail between his legs.
Right. Because you're so tough and we're all scared of you and want our mommies, because your weak pathetic words hurt so much.

You're nothing more than an internet tough guy you limp-wrist pansy.

The only crying anyone does as a result of the words you spew forth is if they're laughing to the point their eyes water.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Translation: I'm not doing that; what I'm doing is exactly that.

Don't bother trying to become an interpreter as a career cos man, you suck at it. I don't need to champion the rights of people who already have them. Addressing gay obsessed nutcases and lying quacks like Cameron ain't the same thing. If you can't differentiate then don't bother going on about how much of an advanced learner you supposedly were cos something clearly went amiss down the line...

It's the opposite of appealing and you know it. You just don't want to admit it.

What are you on about doofus? Of course it's not appealing - to me, or any other straight man.

No one called you a hypocrite for not being attracted to other men, you moron.

No, just for not bothering or particularly caring about some film about a couple of gay cowboys - which is the really moronic accusation made and reflects on you for attempting to defend Jefferson's inanity in turn...


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Don't bother trying to become an interpreter as a career cos man, you suck at it. I don't need to champion the rights of people who already have them. Addressing gay obsessed nutcases and lying quacks like Cameron ain't the same thing. If you can't differentiate then don't bother going on about how much of an advanced learner you supposedly were cos something clearly went amiss down the line...
You know, you really are an idiot.

It doesn't matter if they have the rights or not. If you think they should have those rights and you openly support them having said rights then you are championing for them.

What are you on about doofus? Of course it's not appealing - to me, or any other straight man.
Unappealing is not the same as repulsive, moron.

Name calling without cause is against the rules, by the way.

No, just for not bothering or particularly caring about some film about a couple of gay cowboys - which is the really moronic accusation made and reflects on you for attempting to defend Jefferson's inanity in turn...
Jefferson's argument has nothing to do with simply not being interested in the movie; it is that the sight of two men engaging in homosexual activity repulses you, at least a little.

Lighthouse, talking to himself in the mirror: