Parting gift to Trump from dirtbag Obama


Well-known member
1: The sin of Sodom was power, unconcern for the powerless and the poor, having more than they needed and preventing others from having what they needed. 2: both Jewish theology and Jesus make it quite clear that part of Sodom's failing was inhospitality. 3: The 'strange flesh ' in Jude is 'Sarkos heteras' from which we get 'heterosexual. ' Jude appears to be referring to a Jewish tradition which held that the WOMEN of Sodom sought sexual relations with angels.

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Well-known member
part of Sodom's failing was inhospitality.

Anal raping strange men is inhospitable, true. However, every man in town showed up out of lust. That's a form of hospitality, I guess, when they all form an anal rape welcome wagon and threatened Lot himself with rape if he didn't hand them over.

Homosexual rape was their welcome to town. You seem strangely unconcerned with that.


Well-known member
Anal raping strange men is inhospitable, true. However, every man in town showed up out of lust. That's a form of hospitality, I guess, when they all form an anal rape welcome wagon and threatened Lot himself with rape if he didn't hand them over.

Homosexual rape was their welcome to town. You seem strangely unconcerned with that.
Because this had nothing to do with lust. This was hatred and fear of the stranger.

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The Horn

Crucible, there is no historical or archaeological evidence that Sodom and Gomorrah ever existed . They are nothing but an ancient Biblical fairy tale .
And according to the legend, God did not destroy the two cities because of homosexual behavior there, but because the inhabitants were cruel, greedy and callous people who failed to show kindness and hospitality to people in need .
So technically, a sodomite, is not a gay person but someone who has no kindness or compassion, like Donald Trump , Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Republican party .
They're the ones who have consisted voted to eliminate government programs helping the poor, poor children, the unemployed , people with serious illnesses , diseases and disabilities, physical and mental , and to make the rich richer at the expense of the poor and the middle class, to get rid of laws protecting the environment so rich CEOs of big industries can pollute the environment , harming so many people etc .
All hail Donald Chump, about to become America's sodomite-in-chief .


...there is no historical or archaeological evidence that Sodom and Gomorrah ever existed . They are nothing but an ancient Biblical fairy tale .

The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is a certain fact of history. The Genesis account is written in narrative form and alluded to by several other Old Testament writers. Jesus Himself obviously believed it1 and in fact was an eyewitness as the pre-incarnate Lord. Extra-biblical writings (including tablets unearthed at Ebla) mention Sodom and even give specific references to its location along the Jordanian shore of the Dead Sea.

And according to the legend, God did not destroy the two cities because of homosexual behavior there, but because the inhabitants were cruel, greedy and callous people who failed to show kindness and hospitality to people in need .

In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.
Jude 7

So technically, a sodomite, is not a gay person but someone who has no kindness or compassion,..

So laws against sodomy deal with those who lack kindness or compassion?

Sodomy is generally anal or oral sex between people or sexual activity between a person and a non-human animal (bestiality), but may also include any non-procreative sexual activity. Originally the term sodomy, which is derived from the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in chapters 18 and 19 of the Book of Genesis in the Bible, was commonly restricted to anal sex.

like Donald Trump ...

Take pride that you have yet another LGBTQ ally in the White House De Horn: Donald Trump.


I didn't realize how crooked the Left were until this election, to be honest- I'll be 29 in a couple months, the Bush election happened when I was around 13 years old.

That is, my first real election happens to be a remarkably historical one- the fate of this country rested on this election, and thank God He is still in our favor because I would have recognized this country as condemned by our Lord if the Left took it.