Becaseu I don't play silly games.
Speakin' French now, huh?
Becaseu I don't play silly games.
You had Bybee wacked, didn't you? Good day to you, Sonny.
hello there![]()
What you have done with your opening post is admirable. I have an interest in what is pacifism as compared with courts of law, the death penalty, and not going to war (not deciding to go to war), etc.... You have related Jesus' words to not joining the military. There is much that could be or might be discussed.
Can I ask you if you support the idea of justice of any kind? Or, do you leave all of this to God and Jesus? I also understand that you are a woman. This means that you are not to teach or exercise authorium over a man. Still, you are doing what you feel that you can at this time.
I am a Jew, of Israel, as a proselyte and a convert. I read, study, observe, and teach Torah. I am also a citizen of the United States of America, where I live, and where I was born.
I accept the TaNaKh and Matthew through Revelation. See Matthew 5:17-20. Yeshua brought the new covenant in His blood, promised by God through the prophet Jeremiah, for the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It is God's law written on minds and hearts.
whats your point, Jacob?
that's a question, not a statement
Shalom.whats your point, Jacob?
I don't know. Accept all of scripture. I grew up a pacifist, but came to accept the death penalty for murder before Osama Bin Laden died relative to if he was responsible for the death of anyone in the attack on the World Trade Centers. But in this I know of no court of law that tried him, and even then a court would be within this nation if a murder was committed here. We have cities. He was apparently responsible for the attacks, but he didn't even live here.
Shalom.This thread is about Christians advocating or joining the military.
Do you think Jesus approves of His followers engage in world affair such as war?
You seem to portray yourself knowledgeable of the Bible.
This question should not be so hard question for you.
You mentioned Christians, and war would reach to nations, or people, other than our own.
This thread is about Christians advocating or joining the military.
Do you think Jesus approves of His followers engage in world affair such as war?
You seem to portray yourself knowledgeable of the Bible.
This question should not be so hard question for you.
Hi Jacob,Shalom.
I know that Jesus is to be the Judge, in the end, of all people. I know that there are different views that people have from the Bible. You mentioned Christians, and war would reach to nations, or people, other than our own. Do men protect and defend their own (women and children) when there is an attacker? What about allowing something to happen and letting the courts deal with it? I think I do not know how this works, and I have no wife or children. Did I feel like I had to do something after the attacks? No and yes. But this wasn't even an attack on my family. You are a woman. You should not have to do anything.
BTW Jacob,
Please don't waste time trying to silence me just because I am a woman.
You have done this before and I will not take your advice.
Jesus does not play favoritism. All His followers are equal to Him.
You are already showing the ignorance of Jesus' teachings.
Shalom.So you think Jesus approve of His followers to advocate or join the military?
Did you read the OP?
Hi Jacob,
I believe that the laws of this world will judge, and they will have the death penalty etc. But i personally don't agree with killing anyone, God said thou shalt but kill, so I don't believe that those born of God should put their hands to violence in any way, the only time we should do so is to defend our families or others if we have no choice. For instance, if I saw a suicide bomber about to commit the act, and I could stop him by taking his life, I would. And I hope that God would forgive me, but I wouldn't join an army and go to war, or join anything where I might have to take a life or train to do so.
I'm not against the military, but I believe that the military is of the world and the world will take care of itself. Those born of God are here to do the will of God and bare witness to the truth. Jesus taught us to love our enemy, bless those that curse us, and do good to those that hate us and pray for those that despitefully use and persecute us. So, that's what I believe that we should do to follow him, and in doing so, we don't take up arms.
Paul said that our weapons of warfare are not carnal. We are to be covered with the armour of God, and fight with the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.