He is in a coma nowLots stood by and watched it happen.
I thought he wasn't supposed to look. :noid:
He is in a coma nowLots stood by and watched it happen.
I was an absolute pacifist in the '70s when I was under the spell of Hinduism and Buddhism. I practiced 'ahimsa/nonviolence'. I used to catch rattlesnakes around my house, carry them across the creek and let 'em go. When the rooms would get full of wasps I'd move around the house Tai Chi style, stick my finger out to wasps and have them crawl up on it. Then I'd take 'em to the door and let them fly, free-e-e-e-e!
When we began to have children, I began to emerge from some of my delusions. When I became a Christian, I wrestled deeply with pacifism and what appeared to be pacifist positions in the NT. At that time, I had associations with pacifist Amish and Mennonite groups as well as having an elderly Amish man living with us for quite some time. When we began homeschooling and did all seven, I was listening to a tape by Jonathan Lindville in which he advocated pacificism to the point of no government involvement, not voting, nothing. Homeschooling was illegal in Tennessee at the time. I saw through and came to disagree with Mr. Lindville's teachings. My wife and I became board members of the Tenn. Home Education Association and worked for a bill to make homeschooling legal in Tennessee. We succeeded(well, I give credit to others more than us).
I've pretty much run the gamut of movements and and the various ism's.
Pacifism is an idealistic illusion at this time which won't be realized in truth until the Prince of Peace returns.
In a practical way, for every Christian struggling, let's look at Chris Mintz' story or someone like him.Pacifism is an idealistic illusion at this time which won't be realized in truth until the Prince of Peace returns.
I thought he wasn't supposed to look. :noid:
To me, it seems taking on the cause of those who cannot defend themselves, is the most loving thing that comes to mind to do.
In a practical way, for every Christian struggling, let's look at Chris Mintz' story or someone like him.
As far as I understand the scriptures, I'm convinced the most loving thing a Christian can do at any time, is the thing that is the most loving thing.
To me, it seems taking on the cause of those who cannot defend themselves, is the most loving thing that comes to mind to do.
IOW, you were a Pacifist until you became a Dispensationalist?
Nope, after thinking through many things after becoming a Christian.
Your obsession is showing again.
Tetimus Obsessimus, a good Roman moniker.
Sounds like a patriotic American.They love capital punishment and guns. Are big supporters of the military, and are all for bombing the crap out of Muslim countries.
I suspect you have chronic bad breathWe dont twist Jesus' word of "love your enemy" passage like you do.
It is self explanatory.
John 15:13 KJV -To me, it seems taking on the cause of those who cannot defend themselves, is a most loving thing.
My questions are not related to Pacifism?
You confuse 'cannot' with 'will not.'
You realize that He didn't say "cast your sword away," right? He said, "put it back in it's place"! Meaning it had a place on his belt that was appropriate for use.Ever wonder why they never killed anyone?
(Matt 26:52) “Put your sword back in its place,†Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.
It's a discussion....don't know why you're so offended....wish you would stay.
Jesus was 100% innocent, and He stood there while they tortured Him, mocked Him, beat Him, etc., and all the while they were killing Him, He said "Father forgive them..."
Peter was still under the OC.
What if forgiving an enemy that harms your family is what God wants, as opposed to killing someone who tries to harm your family?
Come on Lon....besides still sacrificing animals for sin atonement, do you make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem 3 times a year?
God made it clear that He never wanted a temple made with human hands. Yet, the OC is based on God dwelling in the temple. God never wanted that. In the NC, God does not dwell in a temple, those in Christ Jesus are the temple of God, and God dwells in us...that's a drastic change.
If a non-priest( NOT from the tribe of Levi, NOT from the family of Aaron) made a sacrifice at the temple, the punishment was death. No such penalty in the NC. That's not what God wanted.
Again, don't know why you're so mad...and wish you would stay.
That's correct!
In the OC, the Israelites were told to KILL every living creature in Jericho. Think about that....those Israelites had to kill babies, little kids, grandma's, puppy's, women, crippled people, teenage girls, every creature. They killed every living creature.
Think about how different today is compared to when the Israelites had to kill every living creature in Jericho.
Again, correct. However, the covenant changed, and it changed because Christ Jesus fulfilled the OC. We now live in the NC.
Those who have faith in Christ Jesus are the brothers and sisters in Christ.
I see you as a brother in Christ.
I disagree.
Exclaiming I'm against killing and war is not the same thing as advocating killing and war.
LOL...no, Preterist.
I'm totally happy calling myself "replacement". The NC has replaced the OC. Those in Christ Jesus are the Israel of God. Those in Christ Jesus are the children of Abraham.
I heard a man gets beaten up every five minutes on the streets of Chicago.
Poor guy!
If I were him, I'd move.
Are you against having policemen in your city, Tet?
And Peter called for the death of Ananias and Sapphira for simply lying. Was that pacifistic of Peter?
Chris Mintz was shot in both legs and shot 7 times when he tackled the gunman at Umpqua Community College, saving many of his fellow Christian students' lives.
Chris was not a pacifist. The gunman was not killed but could have been in the struggle.
I believe what Chris Mintz did was from a love for his fellow students and I believe it blessed God.
I pray if such a day comes, I have the courage and love of Chris Mintz.
Question for you:
If you were murdered for your faith in God, and were instantly in heaven, with no more earthly desires, would you forgive the person who killed you? or would you demand to see justice served?
Still not sure where you're getting this idea for a "New Covenant." It's not Biblical.
Also, Israel is a nation
the Body of Christ is an "organism," with Christ as the head. Two different groups.
The Apostle Paul also makes it clear that vengeance is not for us to do so, it is to be left for God to do.
Are you against having policemen in your city, Tet?
(Matt 26:52) "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.
How much clearer does Jesus have to make it?
If you carry a sword, and draw your sword, you will die by a sword.
I know you Hard-Right/Dispensationalist/Zionist/Republican/Pro-Capital- Punishment/ Conservative/Fox News Watching/ Rush Limbaugh Listening/War Mongering Christians....don't like that verse, but that's what Jesus said.
Moreover, since you guys really like the teachings of Paul more than Jesus, Paul said the same exact thing.
(Rom 12: 19-21) Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,â€[d] says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:
“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.â€
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.