Points 4 Reflection.......
Points 4 Reflection.......
the military is of the world. It is amazing that most churches cannot see this simple fact.
If we engage in the war just because we are not getting our ways or believe our enemy is evil, we are no different from the world. The military is world's standard, not His followers'.
Jesus' followers have responsibility to be godly witness to the whole world, not just for our own people: this fact has been disregarded and it is a grave sin.
Now on the point of a nation's military,...we have to look at the governmental purpose of militaries, and if and HOW they are necessary or 'useful' for a nation's protection, or self-defense. This is one issue, since governments in every human culture have some kind of military,
so perhaps having a 'militia' of some kind, whether state or community sponsored, is not 'wrong' or 'evil' in itself,
especially if the military is employed in 'self-defense'. So there are various ethical, social, moral and practical issues involved in the operation of a 'military' by any nation, besides the principle of 'killing' or 'murder' being wrong, but in state/nation appointed military operations, it may be 'right' and 'justified' when engaged in a war, IF the ends or 'effect' of such military action acheives a good and peaceful resolve. - not that the 'end' justifies the means here, but 'self-defense' is 'right' and 'just'. Now a military invading or violating the human rights of another nation in a 'selfish' or 'unjustified' reason, and causing harm, death and destruction to innocent people is WRONG.
On that note, which might have been covered already here,....what changes would our nation have to make to TOTALLY obey Jesus in your opinion, regarding the military? You know the military is HUGE here, and has been part of our history and government from the very beginnings. Would you like to see the military and all government budget for such to be re-allocated and distributed elsehwere? Would you like to see us 'disarm' ourselves and our defenses, which COULD leave us open and defenseless if we were bombed or invaded by another country? JUST HOW FAR do we have to be 'pacifists' to properly follow Jesus?
Furthermore, the biblical record is filled with much warfare and violence,...much promoted and commanded by God! - yes, the yhwh of the OT is a "man of war",...he commanded genocide more than once on neighboring cultures,....so perhaps the God of the OT, is not your kind peace-loving, all benevolent gracious Heavenly Father,...the one that Jesus taught about....maybe we have TWO different gods here,....and it looks like the 'God' Jesus taught and revealed,...is more of a 'God' of LOVE, than the OT god and his wrathful ways. Something to think about, since so many people are touting the 'whole bible' as the 'word of God', when it contains much conflicting and contradicting standards and representations of 'God'. Add to this 'bundle' that book of Revelation, which is filled with symbolism of wary, bloodshed, mayhem and so much chaos and destruction,...but "Hey,....its God doing all this to destory the wicked, and glorify His name! Yahoo!" - and all that.
There's alot about this path of 'pacifism' and IF its really the most rational route to go,....while self-defense is a principle that still holds, and there COULD BE justifications for some wars,....after-all, IF you are a Bible Believer,...the 'God' and 'Christ' in that book, are doing plenty of war-monging, so it looks like a pretty "mixed bag" to me,....whatever opinion you have on WAR, and then all the different things the Bible says about war. I dont think its so cut n dry, or 'black or white' since many different factors play into the issue of pacifism. I think its alot more than just quoting the sweet, loving, kind and gentle teachings of Jesus, as tempting as that might be, since we live in a more complicated world at present.
For all who know me, I'm all about love, light, peace, harmony, brotherhood,....and am often criticized for being too 'lovey dovey', new-agey, all 'love and lighty'

- anyways,...there could be more to this to consider, granted the muti-plexed CONTEXT of the world-situation we are in TODAY. Yes,...eternal values, principles and ethics always HOLD,...but sometimes the rules are 'modified' in different situational-contexts.