out of the mouths of.. ATHEISTS!!!!!!!!!


New member
America started going down the drain when Reagan was president .
His supply side, trickle down economics have been catastrophic for America , and we have yet to recover from them.
Reagan began the destruction of the middle class in America with his disastrous social and economic policies and increased poverty enormously in America .
Prosperity does NOT "trickle down". It never has and it never will. Reagan greatly weakened America's already weak and inadequate social safety net for people ,all in the name of "personal responsibility " and "self reliance".
He heard phony stories about welfare queens growing fabulously rich by cheating the government and made disastrous cuts in aid for the poor and unemployed .
His supposed "rescuing" of America was nothing but smoke and mirrors .

The middle class is primarily made up of factory workers.

O where O where have our factories gone?

They went over seas, because the companies would rather make an extra dollar than to keep America strong.
Money tends to move toward the rich. The minimum wage worker goes to get a hamburger. His cost is divided between workers, managers, other overhead, and somewhere the owner of corporation grows a little richer.

...and meanwhile the wage earner fills his stomach with nutritionally vacuous food, and made with fillers that poison him.

So yes, money does not "trickle down".