ECT Our triune God


Literal lunatic
Jesus was glorified by the Father about 2000 years ago as was intended before the foundation of the world.

Joh 17:1 These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee:

Christ was slain before the foundation of the world.

It pays to read the OT to see how God has written concerning Jesus.

Rev 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

You are confusing Jesus humbling himself with emptying himself.

Not the same thing.

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New member
You, like virtually everyone else, do not understand Epistemology. The will is the "strectching forth in tension" (intention) of the mind toward the object as subject.

The will is always the application of the mind, whether sub-cognitive (unaware) or cognitive (aware).

A renewed mind means the will being subject to God and His righteousness, meaning we are bond-servants.

An unrenewed mind means the will is enslaved to sin (the noun) as the condition within the nature (physis) of the being (ousia) and within the members of the body (soma).

Everyone has a will, and it functions within certain parameters. Nobody's will is "free", for man's will is merely boulema and cannot inherently accomplish all that it might take counsel to do.

The will is only as "free" as the mind that applies it via intention. And neither the mind nor the will can accomplish God's righteousness, whether inwardly in character or outwardly in conduct.

Nowhere in scripture is "free" will spoken of. It's a construct of varying influences throughout the last two millennia and before.

Your will can only be as free as the quality of renewal in the spirit of your mind.

You have more stuffing in you than a Christmas turkey!
Paul had "freedom" to do as he thought with God always in the mix before he was made consciencely aware of it his error. Then he wilfully died to it. How come he says he died? Was he knowingly in sin before he died to it? What was it he died to? Sin or self? Paul was "blameless" in the sight of himself and of God. How'come? Rom 7 spells out this understanding that leaves you with no excuse to learn. When you read it again for the first time, note that when Paul speaks of the law, not the Law of God, consider he speaks of the law of the flesh.

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New member
Have you changed your position to being Triune recently?

Nope. Pay closer attention to what I am saying and that it takes little away from orthodoxy such as a time factor for consideration as to when Jesus, the man, was officially accepted into Godhead to become it in Glorified human flesh. The particulars are very important for us who claim to follow in His footsteps . . being conformed to His Image in the process. This all in the afterwards of our savaltion and can only be in the afterwards of it that we might enter into it. Paul, I believe, is the greatest example we might want use as an example. His being "blameless" equates with him being "redeemed' by the cross whereas, being born again was specifically of Jesus Christ on the road to Demascus. Did not Paul first believe for his salvation by the very words he used when acknowledging Jesus and then his new birth the result of his obedience [after counting the cost ;)], that summed up everything purposed of God 3 days later? Do a re-read of Rom 7 in that light. Note the law he mentions [I believe] is not the written law but, the law of the flesh. It makes more sense, after examining my own life..

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New member
1Mind1Spirit;4682849[QUOTE said:
]When he found himself fashioned as a man.

Why did he [the Word] have to?

When he was placed in Mary's womb.

Why did He [the Word] empty Himself?

And then ask yourself why we are to empty ourselves in order have His life indwelling us. [Think in reverse for this] Use Luke 4:1-14 KJV as the lesson text and you also see the answer for your question re why the manifest presence of God was removed from Jesus and why it was the same with Adam and Abraham when the command came for them to obey. Pay special attention to verse 1,13 and 14. see also Mk1:12-13 KJV.


So now we've wandered of into the free will v. predestination debate ... again.

As there are multiple verses to support both positions could the problem here be man's inability to intellectually embrace a reality that includes both notions?
No, not IMO, nor in the opinion of our Magisterium. Check out what they teach us concerning Providence, and I think you'll agree.

For instance: "why does evil exist? To this question, as pressing as it is unavoidable and as painful as it is mysterious, no quick answer will suffice. Only Christian faith as a whole constitutes the answer"
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Literal lunatic
Why did he [the Word] have to?

Why did He [the Word] empty Himself?

And then ask yourself why we are to empty ourselves in order have His life indwelling us. [Think in reverse for this] Use Luke 4:1-14 KJV as the lesson text and you also see the answer for your question re why the manifest presence of God was removed from Jesus and why it was the same with Adam and Abraham when the command came for them to obey. Pay special attention to verse 1,13 and 14. see also Mk1:12-13 KJV.

You have no understanding of what it meant for Jesus to have the Spirit without measure.

Your idea that God took it from him is ignorant.
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Literal lunatic
You have more stuffing in you than a Christmas turkey!
Paul had "freedom" to do as he thought with God always in the mix before he was made consciencely aware of it his error. Then he wilfully died to it. How come he says he died? Was he knowingly in sin before he died to it? What was it he died to? Sin or self? Paul was "blameless" in the sight of himself and of God. How'come? Rom 7 spells out this understanding that leaves you with no excuse to learn. When you read it again for the first time, note that when Paul speaks of the law, not the Law of God, consider he speaks of the law of the flesh.

Get a grip.

2 Corinthians 12:9
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

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New member
Get a grip.

2 Corinthians 12:9
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

I gotta grip. What is your problem you think I need one?

Cross Reference

New member
This has to do with the inner workings of body, soul and spirit.

You are still subject to vanity without hope.

You also don't have a clue what it is to be with the wild beasts.

In Adam was I was subjected to vanity with a hope. It didn't work out too well and now, because it didn't, I am given to overcome having been sealed to it. However, in this in which I must overcome, i.e., the law of my flesh, is my salvation attained unto.
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Literal lunatic
In Adam was I was subjected to vanity with a hope. It didn't work out too well and now, because it didn't, I am given too overcome having been sealed to it. However, in this in which I must overcome, i.e., the law of my flesh, in my salvation attained unto.

Nope, in Adam one is subjected to vanity.

In Christ one is subjected to hope.

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New member
Nope, in Adam one is subjected to vanity.

In Christ one is subjected to hope.

You possess a mis-reading of Romans 8:20.

Adam, the creature, was unwillingly subjected to vanity for the purpose of creating a choice Adam would not otherwise have. A choice between obeying God or caving into the demands of his flesh. I wasn't yet born when he failed to obey God's command which sealed ALL of Adam's progeny to live with the consequences, the one being "VANITY", self, desires otherwise known as the law of the flesh Paul speaks of in Romans 7; power of sin, Jesus canceled that those who abide in Him have such power to overcome it as He did.

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New member
Your incessant speaking from the vanity of your own mind, that's what.

WHat are you talking about you now use as an excuse to cover up your own lack of understanding?? How 'bout crucifiying your own frustration after reading something you think you knew all about . .but had no clue other understanding even existed?