Oregon Community College Shooting - What law (if any) could have prevented it?

Grosnick Marowbe

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Any armed guard anywhere near that school would have been better than none.

Armed guards would do (at minimum) two things....

1. Help deter crimes like this because shooters would know in advance there would be armed resistance.

2. Help reduce the amount of casualties dramatically. It takes several minutes for the cops to show up and those are the moments when these shooters are doing the most of their damage. If an armed guard is already on premises (even if he's in the opposite side of the building) it's still a quicker response than waiting for the police to arrive.

Good post

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Any armed guard anywhere near that school would have been better than none.

Armed guards would do (at minimum) two things....

1. Help deter crimes like this because shooters would know in advance there would be armed resistance.

2. Help reduce the amount of casualties dramatically. It takes several minutes for the cops to show up and those are the moments when these shooters are doing the most of their damage. If an armed guard is already on premises (even if he's in the opposite side of the building) it's still a quicker response than waiting for the police to arrive.

It's got to go there.


Well-known member
How so?

There were over 50 million people exterminated in the last century who didn't have guns, by people who did have guns.

Throughout history, every country where the government had all the guns, and the people had no guns, has had really, really bad results for the people with no guns.
This is both untrue, and insane.

There is no country where "the government has all the guns", first of all. And there are many countries around the world that ban owning and carrying guns by most citizens, yet have not fallen into murderous oppression and chaos. Ever heard of Great Briton?

Why do people just lose all sense of reason, proportion, and reality like this when guns are being discussed? I don't understand it.


This is both untrue, and insane.


Gun control is insane.

There is no country where "the government has all the guns", first of all.

Countries that have had strict gun control is where exterminations have taken place. Cambodia, China, Nazi Germany, Guatemala, Rwanda, Ottoman Turkey, Uganda, and USSR are examples where the government exterminated millions of unarmed people who were unable to defend themselves.

And there are many countries around the world that ban owning and carrying guns by most citizens, yet have not fallen into murderous oppression and chaos. Ever heard of Great Briton?

Great Britain is the most violent country in Europe.


Why do people just lose all sense of reason, proportion, and reality like this when guns are being discussed? I don't understand it.

Probably because we don't want to be exterminated by the government for disagreeing with the government on things like abortion, homosexual marriages, global warming, evolution, etc.

It wasn't that long ago that the Progressive Liberal Democrat FDR dragged the Japanese out of their homes, work, and schools to put them in camps based on their race.
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Eric h

Well-known member
What would you change in the current laws to make them more effective?

Allow the victim's family to sue the state for a few million dollars compensation. After all, it is the state laws that have allowed these guns to exist in the first place.

Just my five million cents worth.


New member
Hall of Fame
Allow the victim's family to sue the state for a few million dollars compensation. After all, it is the state laws that have allowed these guns to exist in the first place.

Just my five million cents worth.

Brainiac, its the federal constitutional law that allows them to exist, see the second amendment.


The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Eric h

Well-known member
Brainiac, its the federal constitutional law that allows them to exist, see the second amendment.


The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The second amendment may well have had a meaning when it was written. But things change, doesn't the government supply guns to it's soldiers and police force, after all they constitute the well regulated militia today.

Apart from the the armed forces and police, what other well regulated militia is needed for the security of a free state? Laws are changed all the time, why do you need the second amendment today?

I live in the UK, so I struggle to understand gun laws.

Eric h

Well-known member
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The second amendment justifies the right to bear arms, by saying, a well regulated militia is necessary.

Who makes up the well regulated militia today?

Is the USA ever going to be in a position, when it asks all its citizens, to bring their own guns, and form this militia?


Well-known member
What if it were a law that all schools had to have at least one armed guard on duty at all times? Bigger schools would have more.

I think that would have dramatically reduced the chances that this tragedy would have occurred.

Haven't you heard? ... we've been freed from the law.


New member
The second amendment justifies the right to bear arms, by saying, a well regulated militia is necessary.

Who makes up the well regulated militia today?

Is the USA ever going to be in a position, when it asks all its citizens, to bring their own guns, and form this militia?

The citizens could be in a position of needing to form a militia if our government becomes a threat to our freedoms?

Eric h

Well-known member
The citizens could be in a position of needing to form a militia if our government becomes a threat to our freedoms?

Don't you have a democratically elected government? Surely the second amendment was not written to overthrow the government that wrote the second amendment.


Don't you have a democratically elected government? Surely the second amendment was not written to overthrow the government that wrote the second amendment.

Go back and study how Hitler gained his power.

One of the first things he did was arrest all his political opponents, then he shut down their newspapers "to keep the peace".

Obama has taken his shots at Fox News. Progressive Liberals have been trying for years to shut down Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, and other Conservatives.

All you have to do is listen to Progressive Liberals. They want to take away guns, and they want to shut up everyone who disagrees with them.

It's a blueprint for tyranny.

Dan Emanuel

Active member
Don't you have a democratically elected government? Surely the second amendment was not written to overthrow the government that wrote the second amendment.
Read the preamble to the United State's Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

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Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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Having thought about this a bit more, I still think that no law will prevent these tragedies. Laws are only as good at preventing things as the people who obey them. If you have decided to kill somebody, you have pretty well proven you don't care about laws.

So, since the 2nd amendment discusses a well regulated militia, I think that gun owners should be required to be part of a registered militia to own guns. See the link in this thread I started.


TOL Subscriber
Alright, here it is. My solution to the school shooting deal that I think will be acceptable to both sides of the argument.

There are around 100,000 schools in the US. There are an insane number of unemployed US military vets. The numbers vary so much(300,000 to 900,000 from a quick search), so basically there are plenty of vets for my plan. Lets find vets that need/want jobs. Lets brush up their training again, and have a qualification for them. Lets stick 2-3 veterans ARMED and in some sort of uniform in front of schools with radios, lawn chairs and smiles. IF an active shooter situation occurs, the veterans at that school radio for nearby vets to head over for back up. If armed, trained soldiers in front of schools isn't deterrent enough, at least that would have a faster(immediate) response than we are currently seeing. PAY these vets a significant LIVING wage, give them a medical plan, and lets go. This way, we don't need to add to the teacher's workload, we don't have to have the "training" argument, and WE START PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN. I'd love to see this happen, and it kills two birds with one stone. I've been saying it for a couple of years, but haven't tried to put it out there.


New member
Alright, here it is. My solution to the school shooting deal that I think will be acceptable to both sides of the argument.

There are around 100,000 schools in the US. There are an insane number of unemployed US military vets. The numbers vary so much(300,000 to 900,000 from a quick search), so basically there are plenty of vets for my plan. Lets find vets that need/want jobs. Lets brush up their training again, and have a qualification for them. Lets stick 2-3 veterans ARMED and in some sort of uniform in front of schools with radios, lawn chairs and smiles. IF an active shooter situation occurs, the veterans at that school radio for nearby vets to head over for back up. If armed, trained soldiers in front of schools isn't deterrent enough, at least that would have a faster(immediate) response than we are currently seeing. PAY these vets a significant LIVING wage, give them a medical plan, and lets go. This way, we don't need to add to the teacher's workload, we don't have to have the "training" argument, and WE START PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN. I'd love to see this happen, and it kills two birds with one stone. I've been saying it for a couple of years, but haven't tried to put it out there.

Amen Brother! I like this!


New member
Hall of Fame
Alright, here it is. My solution to the school shooting deal that I think will be acceptable to both sides of the argument.

There are around 100,000 schools in the US. There are an insane number of unemployed US military vets. The numbers vary so much(300,000 to 900,000 from a quick search), so basically there are plenty of vets for my plan. Lets find vets that need/want jobs. Lets brush up their training again, and have a qualification for them. Lets stick 2-3 veterans ARMED and in some sort of uniform in front of schools with radios, lawn chairs and smiles. IF an active shooter situation occurs, the veterans at that school radio for nearby vets to head over for back up. If armed, trained soldiers in front of schools isn't deterrent enough, at least that would have a faster(immediate) response than we are currently seeing. PAY these vets a significant LIVING wage, give them a medical plan, and lets go. This way, we don't need to add to the teacher's workload, we don't have to have the "training" argument, and WE START PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN. I'd love to see this happen, and it kills two birds with one stone. I've been saying it for a couple of years, but haven't tried to put it out there.
