Oppressed Freedom Fighting Palies Launch Mostly Peaceful Bottle Rockets, Evil Zionists ...


Well-known member
Funding Israel has resulted in the deaths of far more Palestinians including 60 children.

Whatever your thoughts may be, we are all created by the same God, and the same God hears all our prayers despite our differences. That must make us brothers and sisters.

The Jewish nation seem to have forgotten the Holocaust. If they truly remembered it, they would know that they are becoming the same as the people they feared and hated the most. They are turning Gaza into a Ghetto, in the same kind of way that the Nazies created Ghettos. They are cutting off supplies and isolating Gaza. Like the Nazies, the Jews now have the power to terrorise a suppressed people.
The Palestinians are wicked. In their efforts to seize land belonging to the Jews they fire thousands of deadly missiles into Judea hoping to kill innocent women and children for their demonic cause. Of course Israel should fight back, as anyone with a logical brain would agree.


Well-known member
Gaza's southwestern border is NOT with Israel
Exactly. Gaza borders with Egypt, another nation that has recognized Israel's sovereignty, something Palestinian terrorists refuse to recognize. Trump was forging peace agreements in the Middle East at record paces before Biden came in and began systematically overturning every good thing Trump has done.

President Donald Trump announced Friday that Sudan has become the third country to normalize relations with Israel during the Trump administration, underscoring how the president’s diplomatic efforts in the Middle East may prove to be the most significant foreign policy achievement of his first term.


Well-known member
The Jews are mostly a secular nation.

If they followed their faith then God would help them. Here are a few passages from the Bible that say how the Jews should treat aliens, or foreigners living in Israel.

Leviticus 19
33 " 'When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him. 34 The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. I am the LORD your God..

Ezekiel 47
21 “You are to distribute this land among yourselves according to the tribes of Israel. 22 You are to allot it as an inheritance for yourselves and for the foreigners residing among you and who have children. You are to consider them as native-born Israelites; along with you they are to be allotted an inheritance among the tribes of Israel. 23 In whatever tribe a foreigner resides, there you are to give them their inheritance,” declares the Sovereign LORD.

Leviticus 24
You are to have the same law for the alien and the native-born. I am the LORD your God.

Exodus 22:21
"Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him, for you were aliens in Egypt.

Leviticus 19:10
Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the LORD your God.
Israel is not mistreating its murderous terrorist enemies. Israel warns Palestinian building residents to get out before it bombs the building because of terrorist activities being conducted from those premises. The tribal barbarian Palestinian savages don't warn anyone as they lob hundreds and hundreds of unguided missiles into Israel, hoping to kill innocent women and children by the thousands.


Well-known member
Abraham is the Father of many nations.

First the Jews would have to follow God's law. Israel is a mainly secular nation now.
Abraham is the father of the Muslims, and he is the father of the Edomites, but God did not give Muslim or Edomites property rights in Judea. Those rights were given by God to the descendants of Jacob and nobody else.

  1. Malachi 1:2
    I have loved you, saith the Lord. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the Lord: yet I loved Jacob,

  2. Romans 9:13
    As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have Ihated.


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Abraham is the father of the Muslims, and he is the father of the Edomites, but God did not give Muslim or Edomites property rights in Judea. Those rights were given by God to the descendants of Jacob and nobody else.

  1. Malachi 1:2
    I have loved you, saith the Lord. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the Lord: yet I loved Jacob,

  2. Romans 9:13
    As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have Ihated.

A quick note about "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated":

"Love and hate" is a Hebrew idiom for "love more and love.

Esau wasn't hated by God. Jacob was simply loved by God so much that it was as if He hated Esau.

Eric h

Well-known member
The Palestinians are wicked. In their efforts to seize land belonging to the Jews
In 1948 the Jews represented about 32% of the population in Palestine. Today; there are about 9.3 million people in Israel, and around 6.9 million are Jews. These numbers show it is the Jews who have been seizing land since 1948.


Eric h

Well-known member
All the land belongs to God, we are all temporary custodians on God's Earth.
It's not your numbers that are stupid, it's your reasoning.
Since 1948 the Jews have grown in numbers from about a third of the population to around two thirds of the population. They have claimed greater land ownership somehow.


Well-known member
In 1948 the Jews represented about 32% of the population in Palestine. Today; there are about 9.3 million people in Israel, and around 6.9 million are Jews. These numbers show it is the Jews who have been seizing land since 1948.

Not only had thousands of Jews bought their property from Arab warlords before the UN granted the Jews ownership of Judea in 1948, the Jews have been constantly battling warring Middle Eastern marauders for more than 70 years to keep the land they purchased, they inherited, and they received as deeded from God and the UN, but they have won the rights to those properties by the age-old tradition that the spoils of war go to the victors.


Well-known member
Do you have different numbers?
I have more numbers. In 1967 a 20 state coalition of assorted Muslim and anti-Jewish warlords conspired to commit genocide against Israel, but Israel took up their war challenge and best them so badly they were crying for mercy and help from other nations to rescue them before Israel took back the whole of the land of Judea given them by God. It was called the Six Days War and it lasted 6 days before the US pressured Israel to stop kicking the barbarian warlords' butts.


Well-known member
All the land belongs to God, we are all temporary custodians on God's Earth.

Since 1948 the Jews have grown in numbers from about a third of the population to around two thirds of the population. They have claimed greater land ownership somehow.
What moronic Palestinian terrorists cannot seem to get through their thick heads is that God gave the Jews the land they keep trying to steal and that the Palestinians fight against God and keep losing in their efforts to murder every living Jew in the Middle East. What moronic leftists around the world cannot seem to grasp is that Palestinians deserve no seat at any negotiating table or any consideration of their claims until they finally declare their error of continuously demanding the annihilation of the Jewish people.

Gary K

New member
In 1948 the Jews represented about 32% of the population in Palestine. Today; there are about 9.3 million people in Israel, and around 6.9 million are Jews. These numbers show it is the Jews who have been seizing land since 1948.

LOL. Yeah, the only expansion of land they have taken was taken when the Arabs attacked them.

Apparently your knowledge of the history of the middle east is woefully lacking. Here's an analogy for you.

You live next door to a professional wrestler and his family. You've lived beside him for several years peacefully. Then his display of wealth starts to make you envious. Pretty soon you can't stand the man because of the money he makes and his wealth so you decide to mess with him and his family. You bully his kids, throw eggs at his house, do donuts on his lawn with your car, steal his newspaper on a daily basis, key his cars, etc... When he finally gets tired of your attacks he beats you half to death even though you hide behind your children so you go to the cops and complain. When they hear the story they tell you that you got off light as he declined to charge you with criminal mischief, which you could be legally charged with.

Your response? You go to the newspapers and complain and show your bruises and whine about him beating you up. The newspapers publish your story and condemn your neighbor for his "unprovoked attack" on you. This makes you forget all about the beating and decide to go after your neighbor again. You do all the same stuff all over again to him. He once again gets tired of your attacks and finds you outside and works you over again but this time one of your kids gets hurt because you were hiding behind your children once and and threw one of them in his path. You complain once again to the newspapers and they once again back you up with their condemnation of your neighbor for his "unprovoked attack" on you.

You repeat this cycle time and time again, and every time it happens you get beaten pretty thoroughly and your kids get hurt because you keep throwing them in his path as he's coming for you. Now, if you were capable of learning from your experience you would understand that your neighbor had only beaten you after you attacked him. But you're incapable of learning this as you're so filled with hatred of him.

Who's at fault? You or your neighbor? Who needs to change their behavior to stop you from getting beaten up again and again and your kids from getting hurt?

Eric h

Well-known member
marke said:
The Palestinians are wicked. In their efforts to seize land belonging to the Jews
So the Palestinians took the land.
the Jews have been constantly battling warring Middle Eastern marauders for more than 70 years to keep the land they purchased, they inherited, and they received as deeded from God and the UN, but they have won the rights to those properties by the age-old tradition that the spoils of war go to the victors.
So now you are admitting the Jews took the land by force, which is it?

Gary K

New member
So the Palestinians took the land.

So now you are admitting the Jews took the land by force, which is it?
Ummmm.... Who started those wars? It certainly wasn't the state of Israel. Who were the bullies and tyrants? Who has repeatedly, publicly, said that total genocide was their goal? Who is it that has publicly said, repeatedly, that one side in these conflicts has no right to exist?

The ones responsible for all of this, and so full of hatred they want to wipe out an entire race of people, are those you support. And you call yourself a Christian while supporting genocidal maniacs?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Ummmm.... Who started those wars? It certainly wasn't the state of Israel. Who were the bullies and tyrants? Who has repeatedly, publicly, said that total genocide was their goal? Who is it that has publicly said, repeatedly, that one side in these conflicts has no right to exist?

The ones responsible for all of this, and so full of hatred they want to wipe out an entire race of people, are those you support. And you call yourself a Christian while supporting genocidal maniacs?
Honestly, this site seems to have become overrun lately by cretins


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All the land belongs to God, we are all temporary custodians on God's Earth.

Since 1948 the Jews have grown in numbers from about a third of the population to around two thirds of the population. They have claimed greater land ownership somehow.

The land was given to them by God.

The ones who are trying to move the fence posts (which is a crime according to God) are the Palestinians.

Not to mention that given the chance, the Palestinians would wipe Israel off the face of the planet if they could.