Open invite to Freak....

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me again

New member
Posted by Sozo
It's the Jay Bartlett Show!!! Where the devil speaks through a jackass.
No Sozo, that is written in a "spirit of meanness" and it deeply saddens me that you would have so much malace. :( :nono:

Nathon Detroit

I think Jay will do it.

But he will only do it when he has time.

We are all busy so I can understand that Jay may have to wait until his schedule free's up a bit.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
So is this still going to happen? I'm still going through episodes I've missed, but as far as I know this debate hasn't happened yet. What gives? I was really looking forward to it.


New member
Originally posted by Freak
Yes. I am here.

The host always have the advantage....I know because I host a radio program on the Reality Radio Network. The host is always able to dictate.

I'm thinking about it.

Tye has a show. Maybe you two could debate there...would that be neutral enough ground?

me again

New member
me again

me again

Jay Bartlett, errrr, I mean "the Freak" is hoping that this thread will blow over because he gave his word that he would do the show. :eek::up:

Yes folks, you heard it here first. Jay, errrr, I mean "the Freak" gave his word. :freak::up:

He will keep his word, right? ;):up:

Is he a man of his word? :down::confused::up:


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Re: me again

Re: me again

Originally posted by me again
Yes folks, you heard it here first. Jay, errrr, I mean "the Freak" gave his word. :freak::up:

He will keep his word, right? ;):up:

Is he a man of his word? :down::confused::up:
That reminds me: Freak, where's my Jeep?


New member
Originally posted by Knight
OK. When in July? You tell me and I will set it up!

July 29th, Tuesday, at 10pm EST, 9pm CST, 8pm MST, 7pm PST on the Deliverance program heard weekly on the Reality Radio Network

*My broadcast is regularly on Tuesdays evenings at 9pm EST but on the 29th I'll do a special 2 hour program....Bob can (since he'll be doing his show during my regular time, I have added another hour so he can join me for the second hour. How does that sound?


Originally posted by Freak
I have no problem defending my views. I have been doing radio for 12 years and have lectured all over the world.

And I thought all along the world's problems were due to communism. :doh:
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New member
Originally posted by wholearmor
And I thought all along the world's problems were do to communism.

No, the problems in our world stem from people like you--those who are anti-Christ.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Freak
July 29th, Tuesday, at 10pm EST, 9pm CST, 8pm MST, 7pm PST on the Deliverance program heard weekly on the Reality Radio Network

*My broadcast is regularly on Tuesdays evenings at 9pm EST but on the 29th I'll do a special 2 hour program....Bob can (since he'll be doing his show during my regular time, I have added another hour so he can join me for the second hour. How does that sound?
Bob's show is recorded at 9 EST, 8 CST, 7MDT and 6 PST can we do the show then?


Bob will be on your show at the same time you are on his show - the ol' simulcast deal.

Sound good?


New member
Originally posted by Knight
Bob's show is recorded at 9 EST, 8 CST, 7MDT and 6 PST can we do the show then?


Bob will be on your show at the same time you are on his show - the ol' simulcast deal.

Sound good?

When I do my show-- my land line is tied up calling my network in Indiana (that is where the network is located). I can't call Colorado & Indiana using the same line, at least I don't think so.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by Freak
When I do my show-- my land line is tied up calling my network in Indiana (that is where the network is located). I can't call Colorado & Indiana using the same line, at least I don't think so.
Well then... how would Bob call in even if he weren't doing the simulcast?

Cant you take callers?
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