Lord God of heaven, Maker and Creator of all of us, our Holy Father and Abba,
In You we live and move and have our being. You have made us from dust and to dust our bodies will return.
You Who are most Holy, what is man that You are mindful of us? You know our going out and our coming in; You search our hearts and know who we are on the inside. And You love us anyway. You love us anyway. That's too incredible for mere words.
I thank You Lord for the privilege of lifting Town and his earthly father to You asking for Your grace and healing for these men. Our bodies are perishing even as we live and breathe. We know You hold our times in Your hand and I ask for time for these two.
I ask, Lord, that You guide the physicians as they work on a father, a man who is loved and wanted, necessary and needed. I ask comfort and peace for Town and healing and peace for his father.
I ask your Holy Spirit to lead these men into all Truth. I pray they know and serve and love You even through these times of hurt and helplessness. In Thee do we trust to provide for us and protect us, to suffer our infirmities and to carry us when we are incapable of carrying ourselves.
Please guard these men; keep them strong and focused on our Lord Jesus. Please tell them there are children here who love them and want Your best for them, both of them.
I pray they will rely upon Your strength and Your courage and that they will both find their rest under Your healing wings.
You are our hope and our stay. Thank You, so much, for the gift of fellowship with one another. We pray for our friend and his father and gratefully acknowledge that whatever Your will is we will praise You for it.
I pray, in the Name of Jesus, King of all Kings and Your wonderful gift to a lost humanity.
Thank You, Lord.
Amen and amen.