One World Government/Religion

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Eclectic Theosophist
Millennial reign?

Millennial reign?

Where do you find a global dictator and a one world religion in the Holy Scriptures?

Hi disturbo,

How do you view the millennial reign of Jesus, and is this 'reign' not 'global', or is it just a localized reign? Or is all this merely 'figurative'?


Hi disturbo,

How do you view the millennial reign of Jesus, and is this 'reign' not 'global', or is it just a localized reign? Or is all this merely 'figurative'?

I'm not talking about the Millennial reign of Jesus. I'm talking about the reign of the demonic duo.

But since you've asked. Yes the Millennial reign of Christ will be global.


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Are you a prophet for believing there will be a one world religion and government?

It really doesn't take that much to figure out. The problem is similar to people believing in a revived Roman Empire. That, and a one world government and religion have taught for so long that people have a difficult time believing otherwise. Do you really think that all of the world's religions and governments would just relinquish their political and religious authority to one man? How would one man accomplish such an enormous task? I don't believe in globalism because the scriptures teach otherwise.
Seems you missed this one then:

Revelation 13:3 I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast; 4t hey worshiped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?" 5 There was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies, and authority to act for forty-two months was given to him.…


Seems you missed this one then:

Revelation 13:3-4 I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast; they worshiped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?" 5 There was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies, and authority to act for forty-two months was given to him.…

I didn't miss one. I know the chapter quite well and have done several word studies on it. I don't know what translation you use but it does no justice to the original text. Also, Revelation 13 is a great chapter to explain how misinterpreting one three letter word has led so many people believe in a global dictator.

Probably the most often misunderstood words in the bible are, all, end, world, before, and but.

The word 'followed' in Revelation 3:3 is a really bad interpretation of the original text. Most other translations are much closer to what John/God intended to mean. This is the KJV...

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

Look at how these translations are worded...

King James Version
13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

American Standard Version
13:3 And I saw one of his heads as though it had been smitten unto death; and his death-stroke was healed: and the whole earth wondered after the beast;

Bible in Basic English
13:3 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been given a death-wound; and his death-wound was made well: and all the earth was wondering at the beast.

Darby's English Translation
13:3 and one of his heads was as slain to death, and his wound of death had been healed: and the whole earth wondered after the beast.

Douay Rheims
13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were slain to death: and his death's wound was healed. And all the earth was in admiration after the beast.

Noah Webster Bible
13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

World English Bible
13:3 One of his heads looked like it had been wounded fatally. His fatal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled at the beast.

Young's Literal Translation
13:3 And I saw one of its heads as slain to death, and its deadly stroke was healed, and all the earth did wonder after the beast,

This next translation isn't quite accurate...

Weymouth New Testament
13:3 I saw that one of his heads seemed to have been mortally wounded; but his mortal wound was healed, and the whole world was amazed and followed him.

Some if not all translations expose the preconceived ideas of those who translated them. I think that's true with the one you quoted and also the Weymouth NT.

Greek and Hebrew are much more descriptive than English. If you use Strong's with Greek and Hebrew lexicon you'll see about 130 words total for the word ALL. There are only a few words for all that are most often used. The word is also used some 7 or 8 different ways in the bible. Prophecy experts use Rev. 13 and 17 to support a global empire and world dictator, as well as a united one world religion. Revelation 13 is a good chapter to explain some of the different ways the word all is used. There are hundreds of examples in the bible where all never means the entirety of the whole.

So let me explain.

In verse 3 the word all is the word 'holos' and when 'holos' is used it does mean the entire ball of wax.

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

Verse 3 doesn't imply that the entire world will follow the beast. It only implies that the entire world will wonder (be amazed) if someone who they believed was dead... is resurrected. But in Revelation 13:7-8 a different word for all is used.

Revelation 13:7-8 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over ALL kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And ALL that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

In Rev. 13:8 'all' is the word 'pas' and in the plural it signifies "the totality of the persons or things referred to." The verse doesn't imply the entire planet.

The word ALL or 'pas' means 'individually,' and in a nutshell means all those who would be within his kingdom and under his authority. It doesn't imply all the world. It implies all kindreds, tongues, and nations "within his authority and kingdom."

The word ALL resorts back to the word 'him!' It doesn't imply that the whole world will be under the authority of the beast, but only those subject to his power and influence.

Two different words with two different meanings. If John wanted to imply the entire world in verse 7-8 he would have used the word 'holos.'


The word world and earth doesn't always imply the entire earth. It can mean land, the ground, the earth as a whole, the inhabited earth, a country, land enclosed within fixed boundaries, a tract of land, a territory, or a region. Context and the use of the word ALL is often what determines how to interpret the words world and earth.
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Revelation 13 has nothing to do with globalization...
"...Remnant of Israel, Chapter 12:17

Wild Beast Out of the Sea—a Political Power and a Person, Chapter 13:1–10

Wild Beast, Description, Chapter 13:1–2
Wild Beast, Death–Dealing Stroke, Chapter 13:3
Wild Beast, Deity Assumed, Chapter 13:4–5
Wild Beast, Defying God, Chapter 13:6–8
Wild Beast, Defiance Denied to Anyone, Chapter 13:9–10

Wild Beast Out of the Earth—a Religious Leader, Chapter 13:11–18

Wild Beast, Description, Chapter 13:11
Wild Beast, Delegated Authority, Chapter 13:12–14
Wild Beast, Delusion Perpetrated on the World, Chapter 13:15–17
Wild Beast, Designation, Chapter 13:18" McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible Commentary: The Prophecy (Revelation 1-5) (electronic ed., Vol. 58, pp. xxix–xxx). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

As a reminder disturbo is number 46 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category. :burnlib:


"...Remnant of Israel, Chapter 12:17

Wild Beast Out of the Sea—a Political Power and a Person, Chapter 13:1–10

Wild Beast, Description, Chapter 13:1–2
Wild Beast, Death–Dealing Stroke, Chapter 13:3
Wild Beast, Deity Assumed, Chapter 13:4–5
Wild Beast, Defying God, Chapter 13:6–8
Wild Beast, Defiance Denied to Anyone, Chapter 13:9–10

Wild Beast Out of the Earth—a Religious Leader, Chapter 13:11–18

Wild Beast, Description, Chapter 13:11
Wild Beast, Delegated Authority, Chapter 13:12–14
Wild Beast, Delusion Perpetrated on the World, Chapter 13:15–17
Wild Beast, Designation, Chapter 13:18" McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible Commentary: The Prophecy (Revelation 1-5) (electronic ed., Vol. 58, pp. xxix–xxx). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

As a reminder disturbo is number 46 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category. :burnlib:

And I hope to make it to #1! The trinity is an attempt of the carnal mind trying to explain something they cannot.

I have no idea what you are trying to say by your reply. Tell me. Where do you find globalism in God's Word.


[Antichrist (2 Pe 2:1) on Satan, Inc. :burnlib:] "And I hope to make it to #1!"

45 others would have to get saved for that to happen.

"There's always hope. There's just no chance." ~ Dennis Prager

"Section Outline Thirteen (Revelation 13)

John sees two beasts, one from the sea and one from the earth, symbolizing the Antichrist and his false prophet.

The Beast Out of the Sea (13:1–10): This is the Antichrist.

His appearance (13:1–2)

He has ten horns (each with a crown) and seven heads (each with a blasphemous name) (13:1).

He looks like a leopard with feet like a bear and a mouth like a lion (13:2a).

His authority (13:2b): It comes from Satan himself.

His (possible) assassination (13:3a): Some believe he will be killed and then rise from the dead.

His adulation (13:3b–4, 8): Following this the entire world is astonished and worships him.

His arrogance (13:5–6): For a period of forty-two months, he blasphemes God.

His activities (13:7, 9–10)

In regard to God’s people (13:7a, 9–10)

The cruelty (13:7a, 9–10a): He persecutes and conquers them.

The challenge (13:10b): They are exhorted to display endurance and faithfulness.

In regard to all people (13:7b): He rules over them.

The Beast Out of the Earth (13:11–18): This is the false prophet.

His mission (13:11–12): With the appearance of a lamb but the voice of a dragon, he forces the world to worship the Antichrist.

His miracles (13:13, 15): He performs great miracles.

He calls down fire from heaven (13:13).

He gives life to a statue (13:14–15): This statue bears the image of the Antichrist.

His mark (13:16–18)

What it is (13:18) : It is the number 666.

Where it is applied (13:16) : Either on the right hand or forehead.

Why it is applied (13:17) : No one is able to buy, sell, etc., without it." Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Re 13). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.


45 others would have to get saved for that to happen.

"There's always hope. There's just no chance." ~ Dennis Prager

"Section Outline Thirteen (Revelation 13)

John sees two beasts, one from the sea and one from the earth, symbolizing the Antichrist and his false prophet.

The Beast Out of the Sea (13:1–10): This is the Antichrist.

His appearance (13:1–2)

He has ten horns (each with a crown) and seven heads (each with a blasphemous name) (13:1).

He looks like a leopard with feet like a bear and a mouth like a lion (13:2a).

His authority (13:2b): It comes from Satan himself.

His (possible) assassination (13:3a): Some believe he will be killed and then rise from the dead.

His adulation (13:3b–4, 8): Following this the entire world is astonished and worships him.

His arrogance (13:5–6): For a period of forty-two months, he blasphemes God.

His activities (13:7, 9–10)

In regard to God’s people (13:7a, 9–10)

The cruelty (13:7a, 9–10a): He persecutes and conquers them.

The challenge (13:10b): They are exhorted to display endurance and faithfulness.

In regard to all people (13:7b): He rules over them.

The Beast Out of the Earth (13:11–18): This is the false prophet.

His mission (13:11–12): With the appearance of a lamb but the voice of a dragon, he forces the world to worship the Antichrist.

His miracles (13:13, 15): He performs great miracles.

He calls down fire from heaven (13:13).

He gives life to a statue (13:14–15): This statue bears the image of the Antichrist.

His mark (13:16–18)

What it is (13:18) : It is the number 666.

Where it is applied (13:16) : Either on the right hand or forehead.

Why it is applied (13:17) : No one is able to buy, sell, etc., without it." Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (Re 13). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

You didn't answer my question and....

The trinity saves nobody because there's no such thing and even if there were, salvation isn't found in a man made trinity.


Do you find anything wrong or immoral with Pres. Obama's or Pope Francise's address?

You do realize the Jewish hope from an OT perspective includes realization of a 'one world government'? Take also the belief in a millennial period of peace and righteousness with the Messiah ruling and reigning the entire world', besides a new heaven and earth wherever you them put in time.

Sooner or later, whether a 'one world government' is headed by the true Messiah or the anti-Christ,...its 'assumed' that these will be actual states one day. How do these 'assumptions' hold? The thing to consider is will such a government be held by true and good principles, based on integrity, truth, mutual co-operation, tolerance and justice. If world peace can be sustained upon the grounds of real justice/righteous relations and mutual peace COULD be realized. Do you accept such a Utopia for our world?
Imagine what a global nightmare it would be if we had a “One World Post Office”?

Now we have a system where every nation has “bought into” where stamp prices are set and every country respects every other country’s mailing methods.

Structural socialism like this works.


[Pope Endorses Agenda for a United Religion, Economy, and Government Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] "We are steamrolling toward a one world government, a one world economy, and a one world religion. Of course we will not get there overnight. It is going to take some time, and there are going to be quite a few bumps along the way. In fact, I believe that our planet will experience an extreme amount of chaos before we actually get there. But every major crisis will be used as an excuse to advance this agenda. Virtually every solution that the elite offers us will involve more globalization and more centralization. We will be told that all of our problems will be solved if humanity will just come together in unity. For some, the goal of a "united planet" where we are all working together to eradicate things like poverty, war, and disease makes all the sense in the world. For others, a one world government, a one world economy, and a one world religion would simply mean setting the stage for "one world tyranny."

From September 25th to September 27th, the United Nations launched a "new universal agenda" for humanity. The Pope traveled to New York City to give the address that kicked off this conference, thus giving his considerable endorsement to this new plan. Virtually every nation on the entire planet willingly signed up for the 17 goals that are included in this plan, but this stunning turn of events made very few international headlines. The UN is not asking permission but issuing a command that the entire planet will commit to 17 sustainable development goals designed to radically transform our world by 2030. Read more." Re 13:1-18
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