On Socialism

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i can see why it may appear that way to someone who is mentally deficient :thumb:

I AM often mentally deficient. No argument there.
I usuallly put clothes that no longer fit me into a big plastic bag. So what did I do? I dumped the bag in the washing machine and mixed them all up!



if you want to promote the kind of "socialism" that was a foundation of this country that's fine with me

but that only works if you redefine "socialism" to mean something other than

Dictionary result for socialism
noun: socialism

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

in a similar manner, child molestation is not a bad thing. It is a foundation in this country of ours.

spousal abuse is not a bad thing. It is a foundation in this country of ours.

rape is not a bad thing. It is a foundation in this country of ours.

genocide is not a bad thing. It is a foundation in this country of ours.

Chewing food with your mouth open is not a bad thing. It is a foundation in this country of ours.

The military political and economic theory of social organization advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

We all benefit from our socialist military. You can work in an office, in a corner food store or sleep under a bridge.


.......The military political and economic theory of social organization advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

We all benefit from our socialist military. You can work in an office, in a corner food store or sleep under a bridge.

That is the most ridiculous, ignorant, and flat out false thing I have ever heard.


That is the most ridiculous, ignorant, and flat out false thing I have ever heard.

I can easily grasp why you feel that way. And, of course, part of the president’s campaign strategy is to paint the very word “Socialism” as a political, moral evil.

The early Christians in Acts practiced a nascent Marxism with a sentence of death if the economic system was not followed. The Jews made sure to have a built-in structural socialism put into their own cultural and religious context.

I know, I know that as a conservatie you that believes in freedom and the constitution.
You hate handouts and believe in hard work and the individual.
You think government should get out of the way and let you live your lives and allow you to prosper on your own.
You know that all rich people must have worked hard and all poor people are lazy.
There is no other reason why they could be poor considering life is completely fair and all people are born into situations and environments that allow them to have all the opportunities and blessings that you had.

There is no fathomable way they could have 2 or 3 jobs they work very hard at but still can't make ends meet.

No doubt you have it all figured out.

Socialism is taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability.

Sounds horrible, huh?


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I can easily grasp why you feel that way. And, of course, part of the president’s campaign strategy is to paint the very word “Socialism” as a political, moral evil.

Because it is.

Socialism violates God's enduring command, "You shall not steal."

The early Christians in Acts practiced a nascent Marxism

Nope. You've got it backwards, and wrong.

Marx got his ideas for Marxism from the first few chapters of Acts.

However, the believers (not "Christians", those didn't come around until later, the first of whom being Paul) in Israel lived communally, not because it's a good long term solution, but because it was an excellent short term solution.

Short term, because Christ had said He was planning on returning soon, and when He did, they wouldn't need their stuff.

with a sentence of death if the economic system was not followed.

If you think that the death penalty was enforced/should be enforced for not paying taxes, you've seriously misunderstood the text.

The Jews made sure to have a built-in structural socialism put into their own cultural and religious context.

I know, I know that as a conservatie you that believes in freedom


and the constitution.


You hate handouts

Handouts are fine, but only in certain circumstances.

and believe in hard work and the individual.


You think government should get out of the way and let you live your lives and allow you to prosper on your own.

... Prosper or fail...

You know that all rich people must have worked hard and all poor people are lazy.

Nope. That's backwards.

As a general rule, the ones who work hard and/or make good life decisions are rich, and the lazy and/or those who make poor life decisions are poor.

There is no other reason why they could be poor considering life is completely fair and all people are born into situations and environments that allow them to have all the opportunities and blessings that you had.


There is no fathomable way they could have 2 or 3 jobs they work very hard at but still can't make ends meet.


No doubt you have it all figured out.


Socialism is taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability.

Socialism is the government's attempts at redistributing wealth, which makes everyone poor.

Sounds horrible, huh?

Yup. Theft of money by receiving it from the government who took it from someone else.

Pretty horrible.


That's simply untrue. The death sentence was not for not sharing. It was for lying to the Holy Spirit.

It was the Holy Spirit that spoke to the early Christian communities and inspired them to “hold all things in common."

Socialist values as solidarity with the oppressed, economic equality, the protection of meaningful human community, democracy, freedom, and human justice will best be developed in societies in which businesses and the other economic institutions of society are democratically managed directly by workers and people in general

"It is God's gift to humankind that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all their toil.”
--Ecclesiastes 3:13

Under communism, man exploits man. Under capitalism, it’s the other way around.



It was the Holy Spirit that spoke to the early Christian communities and inspired them to “hold all things in common."

Don't think that you are the first person to pervert that particular verse to support communism and socialism. It is offensive to hear people pervert the word of God for the purpose of supporting bad human inventions.


Don't think that you are the first person to pervert that particular verse to support communism and socialism. It is offensive to hear people pervert the word of God for the purpose of supporting bad human inventions.

Perversion and interpretation are two different things.
It’s regrettable that you are offended by my unique method of Bible Study.
I think it is very useful to me to:

1.Read the actual verse or passage and identify what specifically it actually says.
2.Study the religious and cultural history of what the passage or verse meant to its original writers and it’s original readers.
3.And based on that, how we can best apply the text to our lives as Christians in the context of the emerging global culture.

My method of exegesis is not for everyone.


Capitalism is a challenged system.
A little less than half of young people are still in favor of a capistalistic system.

It thrives on the exploitation of working citizens. It is run and supported by those who are not really working, but who actually steal from workers by virtue of them being owners of the "means of production.”

Financial inequality, the rise in world poverty, and private capital is taking over countries. The powerful multinational corporations act like global economic cartels to mrddle in and influence policy and legislative decisions of nations of the world.

Capitalism literally kills people through commercialization of health, educationand other evil collusions and other methods.

I am all-too-aware of other negative facts like pollution and the rapid loss of resosurces--a real concern of scientists and the U.S, Defense Department disproportionate distribution of wealth or income;. High unemployment rates and economic instability due to capitalistic cycles of "boom and bust” economic fluctuations.


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Capitalism is a challenged system.

It thrives on the exploitation of working citizens.

Why is it a bad thing for a company to make money off it's customers?

It is run and supported by those who are not really working, but who actually steal from workers by virtue of them being owners of the "means of production.”

Have you ever owned or run a business before, Aikido?

Because it doesn't sound like it.

Admittedly, I haven't, but I do know people who do run their own business, and they say it's a lot of work.

Financial inequality,

Is something that you need to get used to.

the rise in world poverty,

Is caused by socialist programs, like welfare and "social safety nets."

and private capital is taking over countries.

Why is this bad?

The powerful multinational corporations act like global economic cartels to meddle in and influence policy and legislative decisions of nations of the world.

Maybe it's because the government has a say in how they make money, so by controlling or even just simply influencing the government, they'll be able to make bigger profits.

And there's absolutely nothing inherently wrong with that.

Capitalism literally kills people through commercialization of health, education and other evil collusions and other methods.

Not true, and socialism isn't any better than you make capitalism out to be.

Socialism kills people on installment plans.

God said (through Paul): For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies.Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread. - 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2Thessalonians3:10-12&version=NKJV

God said: "Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’: “Cursed is the ground for your sake; In toil you shall eat of it All the days of your life.Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, And you shall eat the herb of the field.In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread Till you return to the ground, For out of it you were taken; For dust you are, And to dust you shall return.” - Genesis 3:17-19 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis3:17-19&version=NKJV

Socialism violates those commands, and takes from those who work for a living and gives it to those who refuse to.


"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.”

--Acts 4:32

Take Finland, Norway, Sweden, Germany....
Crushing poverty common in the United States but these countries have made sure that such inequality has all but eliminated [though per capita income is generally slightly lower],

But there are there are other benefits:
***Longer life expectancy [in many places in the United States, it’s actually going backward!].
***Lower infant mortality
***Greater physical stature due to superior diet and lifestyle.
***Less crime. In many European countries, the homicide rate is markedly lower than it is in the United States.
***Higher levels of education.

Socialism violates those commands, and takes from those who work for a living and gives it to those who refuse to.

The United States military is 100% socialized and paid for by the government.

There are varying definitions of the term "socialization" depending on the declarants political affiliation.

Many try to pigeonhole the military into some other category to avoid causing cognitive dissonance. However, the military is 100% controlled by the government and funded using community funds. It is the very definition of "socialization."

Just because it is not a welfare program does not remove it from the category.


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"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.”

--Acts 4:32


They were expecting Christ's triumphant return in 7 years.

The way they were living was not a long term solution.

Take Finland, Norway, Sweden, Germany....
Crushing poverty common in the United States but these countries have made sure that such inequality has all but eliminated [though per capita income is generally slightly lower],

But there are there are other benefits:
***Longer life expectancy [in many places in the United States, it’s actually going backward!].
***Lower infant mortality
***Greater physical stature due to superior diet and lifestyle.
***Less crime. In many European countries, the homicide rate is markedly lower than it is in the United States.
***Higher levels of education.


Doesn't change the fact that God commands that, "If a man does not work, he shall not eat."

The United States military is 100% socialized and paid for by the government.

There are varying definitions of the term "socialization" depending on the declarants political affiliation.

Many try to pigeonhole the military into some other category to avoid causing cognitive dissonance. However, the military is 100% controlled by the government and funded using community funds. It is the very definition of "socialization."

Just because it is not a welfare program does not remove it from the category.

Funding and maintaining a military is one of any government's obligations. It falls under the category of "criminal justice." Likewise, building and maintaining roads, bridges, regulating air traffic, airwaves, and more is part of a government's responsibility.

Taking care of people from cradle to grave is not.


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Capitalism is a challenged system

Just gonna leave this here...let you read it...after you read it and you still think socialism is all that and a bag of chips, we can continue.

Capitalism vs. Socialism
By Walter E. Williams
May 30, 2018

Several recent polls, plus the popularity of Sen. Bernie Sanders, demonstrate that young people prefer socialism to free market capitalism. That, I believe, is a result of their ignorance and indoctrination during their school years, from kindergarten through college. For the most part, neither they nor many of their teachers and professors know what free market capitalism is.

Free market capitalism, wherein there is peaceful voluntary exchange, is morally superior to any other economic system. Why? Let’s start with my initial premise. All of us own ourselves. I am my private property, and you are yours. Murder, rape, theft and the initiation of violence are immoral because they violate self-ownership. Similarly, the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another person, for any reason, is immoral because it violates self-ownership.

Tragically, two-thirds to three-quarters of the federal budget can be described as Congress taking the rightful earnings of one American to give to another American — using one American to serve another. Such acts include farm subsidies, business bailouts, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, welfare and many other programs.

Free market capitalism is disfavored by many Americans — and threatened — not because of its failure but, ironically, because of its success. Free market capitalism in America has been so successful in eliminating the traditional problems of mankind — such as disease, pestilence, hunger and gross poverty — that all other human problems appear both unbearable and inexcusable. The desire by many Americans to eliminate these so-called unbearable and inexcusable problems has led to the call for socialism. That call includes equality of income, sex and race balance, affordable housing and medical care, orderly markets, and many other socialistic ideas.

Let’s compare capitalism with socialism by answering the following questions: In which areas of our lives do we find the greatest satisfaction, and in which do we find the greatest dissatisfaction? It turns out that we seldom find people upset with and in conflict with computer and clothing stores, supermarkets, and hardware stores. We do see people highly dissatisfied with and often in conflict with boards of education, motor vehicles departments, police and city sanitation services.

What are the differences? For one, the motivation for the provision of services of computer and clothing stores, supermarkets, and hardware stores is profit. Also, if you’re dissatisfied with their services, you can instantaneously fire them by taking your business elsewhere. It’s a different matter with public education, motor vehicles departments, police and city sanitation services. They are not motivated by profit at all. Plus, if you’re dissatisfied with their service, it is costly and in many cases even impossible to fire them.

A much larger and totally ignored question has to do with the brutality of socialism. In the 20th century, the one-party socialist states of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Germany under the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and the People’s Republic of China were responsible for the murder of 118 million citizens, mostly their own. The tallies were: USSR 62 million, Nazi Germany 21 million and PRC 35 million (http://tinyurl.com/zafgs5p). No such record of brutality can be found in countries that tend toward free market capitalism.

Here’s an experiment for you. List countries according to whether they are closer to the free market capitalist or to the socialist/communist end of the economic spectrum. Then rank the countries according to per capita gross domestic product. Finally, rank the countries according to Freedom House’s “Freedom in the World” report. You will find that people who live in countries closer to the free market capitalist end of the economic spectrum not only have far greater wealth than people who live in countries toward the socialistic/communist end but also enjoy far greater human rights protections.

As Dr. Thomas Sowell says, “socialism sounds great. It has always sounded great. And it will probably always continue to sound great. It is only when you go beyond rhetoric, and start looking at hard facts, that socialism turns out to be a big disappointment, if not a disaster.”


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Just gonna leave this here...let you read it...after you read it and you still think socialism is all that and a bag of chips, we can continue.

Capitalism vs. Socialism
By Walter E. Williams
May 30, 2018

Several recent polls, plus the popularity of Sen. Bernie Sanders, demonstrate that young people prefer socialism to free market capitalism. That, I believe, is a result of their ignorance and indoctrination during their school years, from kindergarten through college. For the most part, neither they nor many of their teachers and professors know what free market capitalism is.

Free market capitalism, wherein there is peaceful voluntary exchange, is morally superior to any other economic system. Why? Let’s start with my initial premise. All of us own ourselves. I am my private property, and you are yours. Murder, rape, theft and the initiation of violence are immoral because they violate self-ownership. Similarly, the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another person, for any reason, is immoral because it violates self-ownership.

Tragically, two-thirds to three-quarters of the federal budget can be described as Congress taking the rightful earnings of one American to give to another American — using one American to serve another. Such acts include farm subsidies, business bailouts, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, welfare and many other programs.

Free market capitalism is disfavored by many Americans — and threatened — not because of its failure but, ironically, because of its success. Free market capitalism in America has been so successful in eliminating the traditional problems of mankind — such as disease, pestilence, hunger and gross poverty — that all other human problems appear both unbearable and inexcusable. The desire by many Americans to eliminate these so-called unbearable and inexcusable problems has led to the call for socialism. That call includes equality of income, sex and race balance, affordable housing and medical care, orderly markets, and many other socialistic ideas.

Let’s compare capitalism with socialism by answering the following questions: In which areas of our lives do we find the greatest satisfaction, and in which do we find the greatest dissatisfaction? It turns out that we seldom find people upset with and in conflict with computer and clothing stores, supermarkets, and hardware stores. We do see people highly dissatisfied with and often in conflict with boards of education, motor vehicles departments, police and city sanitation services.

What are the differences? For one, the motivation for the provision of services of computer and clothing stores, supermarkets, and hardware stores is profit. Also, if you’re dissatisfied with their services, you can instantaneously fire them by taking your business elsewhere. It’s a different matter with public education, motor vehicles departments, police and city sanitation services. They are not motivated by profit at all. Plus, if you’re dissatisfied with their service, it is costly and in many cases even impossible to fire them.

A much larger and totally ignored question has to do with the brutality of socialism. In the 20th century, the one-party socialist states of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Germany under the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and the People’s Republic of China were responsible for the murder of 118 million citizens, mostly their own. The tallies were: USSR 62 million, Nazi Germany 21 million and PRC 35 million (http://tinyurl.com/zafgs5p). No such record of brutality can be found in countries that tend toward free market capitalism.

Here’s an experiment for you. List countries according to whether they are closer to the free market capitalist or to the socialist/communist end of the economic spectrum. Then rank the countries according to per capita gross domestic product. Finally, rank the countries according to Freedom House’s “Freedom in the World” report. You will find that people who live in countries closer to the free market capitalist end of the economic spectrum not only have far greater wealth than people who live in countries toward the socialistic/communist end but also enjoy far greater human rights protections.

As Dr. Thomas Sowell says, “socialism sounds great. It has always sounded great. And it will probably always continue to sound great. It is only when you go beyond rhetoric, and start looking at hard facts, that socialism turns out to be a big disappointment, if not a disaster.”

Similarly, the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another person, for any reason, is immoral because it violates self-ownership.

I have to disagree on this one point.

It is not immoral to force someone into indentured servitude for crime (Ex. 22:1-3), for unpaid debt (Lev 25:39), and as a deterrent against warfare.



There is nothing more feared and hated in America.

The word alone sends shivers down the spine of the American people.

Those three syllables conger up images of Big Brother Government ruling over us all, telling us what to eat, wear, buy, and think. Our children in national uniform being indoctrinated with propaganda in government education camps that use to be schools, turning them into little slaves. While their parents work twelve hour shifts in the concentration camp that slaughters rich successful billionaires, as the poor and needy get a million dollars a month in welfare.

A murderous government waging a war against freedom and liberty to gain complete control over everyone and everything.

You know, the way things were under that socialist Bill Clinton. And the way things were under that socialist Barack Obama.

Fearful people imagine the USSR and how Democrats are turning America into it because our government will give money to poor people so they don't starve to death.
Of course, giving money to billion dollar corporations is NOT socialism somehow. You would be a communist to think otherwise.

This is scary stuff!


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There is nothing more feared and hated in America.

The word alone sends shivers down the spine of the American people.

Those three syllables conger up images of Big Brother Government ruling over us all, telling us what to eat, wear, buy, and think. Our children in national uniform being indoctrinated with propaganda in government education camps that use to be schools, turning them into little slaves. While their parents work twelve hour shifts in the concentration camp that slaughters rich successful billionaires, as the poor and needy get a million dollars a month in welfare.

A murderous government waging a war against freedom and liberty to gain complete control over everyone and everything.

You know, the way things were under that socialist Bill Clinton. And the way things were under that socialist Barack Obama.

Fearful people imagine the USSR and how Democrats are turning America into it because our government will give money to poor people so they don't starve to death.
Of course, giving money to billion dollar corporations is NOT socialism somehow. You would be a communist to think otherwise.

This is scary stuff!

Your entire post is an appeal to emotion.

Come back when you have something substantive to add.
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