On Socialism

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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
My takeaway in the first minute is that Sanders is a liar (no surprise) and that as usual, a false narrative never stops even after it is exposed.


New member

Fox News Poll: Capitalism buries socialism

Capitalism is far more popular than socialism, according to a Fox News Poll of registered voters. The poll also finds economic optimism high, and the number wanting help from the government the lowest in years.

The new poll, released Wednesday, asks what message voters want to send to the federal government. Over half would say “leave me alone.” About a third would ask Uncle Sam to “lend me a hand.”

The 34 percent saying “lend me a hand” is down from 41 percent last year and 39 percent in 2016.

The 55 percent who would tell the government “leave me alone” is up from 51 percent in 2018 and 54 percent in 2016.

Fifty-seven percent of voters have a positive opinion of capitalism. That’s more than twice the number who feel the same about socialism (25 percent). Some of the groups most likely to have a favorable view of socialism include self-identified liberals (50 percent), Clinton voters (43 percent), and those under age 30 (36 percent).

“Despite the prominence of socialistic ideas and policy proposals in recent weeks, Americans are favorable toward the merits of the capitalistic system,” says Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who conducts the Fox News Poll with Democrat Chris Anderson. “And they’re bullish on the state of the economy.”



New member
competition (a defining characteristic of capitalism) causing competitors to up their game

whoda thunk it :idunno:
Non-Socialists may have thunk it.

Capitalism and Competition

Market competition is at the heart of the capitalist system. It serves as the driving force for creative innovation, the mechanism by which market supplies and demands are brought into coordinated balance for multitudes of goods, and an institutional setting for individuals to freely find their own place to best earn a living in society.

Competition meant that a resourceful individual with a willingness to bear risk and self-employed responsibility could found his own business, make a product of his own choice, and market it to those with whom he increasingly freely negotiated and contracted. He could experiment with new manufacturing methods and techniques, he could hire whom he wanted on mutually agreed upon terms of work and wages, and he could retain the profits he may have earned to not only live better himself, but to plow a good part of those profits back into his business to expand production in new and better ways.



Well-known member
Socialism hasn't worked anywhere and it isn't ever going to be implemented in the United States of America, a Democratic Republic. Capitalism works, we simply have to put limits on special interest groups.

The Berean

Well-known member
competition (a defining characteristic of capitalism) causing competitors to up their game

whoda thunk it :idunno:

I can give a classic example of how competition has spurred innovation: SpaceX.

Before SpaceX was around the rocket industry was dominated by behemoth established companies (Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Rocketdyne, etc.) with close ties to the US government. Then SpaceX was founded in 2002 by Elon Musk and a bunch of rocket guys from Los Angeles. Musk wanted to start a rocket company and he literally hired a bunch of guys who built rockets for fun. Seriously. But these guys were super smart guys who worked in the aerospace industry as well. So they set out to design a new rocket FROM SCRATCH. For those who are not familiar with the rocket industry this was considered absurd in the industry. The idea that some software billionaire and some amateur rocket guys could design and build a brand new rocket that will compete with the big boys was absurd and laughable. In just four years SpaceX designed, built, and launched the Falcon 1 rocket in 2006. This got the ball rolling for SpaceX as it led to the development of the Falcon 9 rocket which has a reusable first stage which is the first in history.

The success of SpaceX spurred the creation of new companies like Blue Origin, Rocket Lab, Vector Launch, and Relativity Space.


New member
Capitalism works, we simply have to put limits on special interest groups.
Capitalism only works when private ownership of property is protected.
This includes the protection of privately owned businesses and their right to do business with who they want to and refuse to do business with the people they don't want to do business with.
Corporations, on the other hand, are a danger to the private ownership of property, privately owned businesses, and to government.

America was not always pro-corporations

The Supreme Court’s 5-to-4 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, concluded that the decision was not an aberration but that “America has been pro-*corporate and elitist, from the beginning” [“Corporate civil rights began long before Citizens United”].

Our Founding Fathers had the opposite opinion. They didn’t trust corporations, based on the power and influence they had seen accumulated in England and France via gifts of stock and donations (bribes) to friendly politicians. The Boston Tea Party was aimed at breaking the stranglehold British corporations held over American business and life.

Corporations were initially severely limited in the ways they could operate. Interstate banking was restricted. However, today, as the Founding Fathers feared, corporations have used their money and power to overwhelm the ability of real people to control our political leaders.



New member
4:23 "low income earners in sweden pay a lot more in taxes than low income earners in america.....people who earn below average income pay up to 60% in taxes"

Cigarette and Alcohol Taxes

Cigarette and alcohol taxes are ... sometimes called corrective or “sin taxes” because, unlike a general sales tax, they are used in part to discourage use of the product

Does Sweden want to reduce the number of people who earn below average income pay?

The high income earners in America pay a lot more in taxes than low income earners in America.
Does America wants to reduce the number of people who earn higher than average income pay?

The Berean

Well-known member
The topic has come up a lot lately, i ran across this today and thought it worth starting a new thread

the whole thing is worth listening to, i'll note a few high points

3:19 on education and school choice
Clueless leftest Americans have no idea how Sweden and the other Scandinavian countries actually work. These nations are not socialist at all. These people confuse socialism with the concept of the welfare state as the video states. Another factor that they never consider is that the Scandinavian countries are very small compared to the US.

USA 328,285,992
Sweden: 9,995,153
Denmark: 5,748,789
Finland: 5,503,297
Norway: 5,258,317
Iceland: 338,349

Not only are these nations tiny they are mostly ethnically European, though some of them are importing a large number of Muslims and Africans. This has become a source of contention in places like Sweden.

It does seem odd that in Sweden the lowest income earners have the highest tax rate.


If we are 18-64, we have no options or freedom over our own health care.
I don't understand why this isn't viewed as a corporate takeover of health care.

Socialism is not a bad thing. It is a foundation in this country of ours.

Claiming socialism is bad because of radical and non-factual comparisons to Hitler and Stalin is like saying all guns are bad because of the Columbine killers and Jared Loughner.

National socialism and communism are very, very different from Democratic Socialism here in America.
Socialism defeated Hitler.

War would not be possible without socialism.
Our tax dollars are used to fight wars for your country.
This is Big Government at its biggest.

Private companies don't attack other countries--at least not yet!
Our government is the only entity in America that can defend us from foreign enemies and our tax dollars are used for every second of it.

Socialism has brought down Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and Bin Laden.

In fact, war may very well be the most socialist thing in the U.S.


My takeaway in the first minute is that Sanders is a liar (no surprise) and that as usual, a false narrative never stops even after it is exposed.

Everyone who studies world economies should know that Sweden is in fact very pro-capitalism,.

And it does its redistribution through taxes.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Socialism is not a bad thing. It is a foundation in this country of ours.

if you want to promote the kind of "socialism" that was a foundation of this country that's fine with me

but that only works if you redefine "socialism" to mean something other than

Dictionary result for socialism
noun: socialism

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

in a similar manner, child molestation is not a bad thing. It is a foundation in this country of ours.

spousal abuse is not a bad thing. It is a foundation in this country of ours.

rape is not a bad thing. It is a foundation in this country of ours.

genocide is not a bad thing. It is a foundation in this country of ours.


I agree, socialism doesn't work. Like the Trump White House pushing for the socialist paid family leave act (we can't talk about Trump's support of socialized medicine in another post).

Budget & Spending
Paid Family Leave is an Investment in America’s Families — It Deserves Bipartisan Support


Any Libertarian/John Stossel videos exposing this socialist act?

I didn't think so...


That is not true in the slightest.
What happened to ObamaCare’s pre-existing conditions rules?
The time period for going online to apply for healthcare has been cut in half.
The advertising budget allocated for ObamaCare has been cut in half.
There used to be trained workers to help guide people through the process--many of them have been let go.
Subsidies for insurance companies have been dropped completely.
Recently Trump has signed an order for what the government calls “association plans” and the public has been told the new changes are to help small insurance companies to band together. But the plan is actually meant to offer cheaper plans that cover less.
My anti-rejection medications following a kidney transplant increased in price from around $20 to well over $250 for two of those essential drugs.

"Its [sic] the WORST thing."

Note that the nations of the world now have mixed economies. China is communist and capitalist. Denmark is socialist and democratic. Also, FOX “News” deliberatly called out President Obama as a socialist. Later on it was revealed FOX’s Washington. D.C. editor made the whole thing up as--in his words--“a joke.”

Socialism benefits each and every one of us in one way or another.

To use just one example, The United States military is the largest and most-funded socialist program in the world.

It operates thanks to our taxpayer dollars and protects the country as a whole--from the richest citizens to the homeless who sleep under the bridge.

We are all protected by our military whether we pay taxes or not.
This is complete socialism.

Brave men and women of different races and backgrounds rise together and are united by a common cause.
They march together in formation, kept in step by their voices joined in song.

These workers leave their communal housing arrangements and go toil together “in the field.”
And while they are out doing their day’s labor....
--Their children are cared for in subsidized childcare programs.
--If they hurt themselves on the job, they can count on universal health care.
--The fenced-in military bases we see are a successful experiment in collectivization has been going on for years.
--It is a massive jobs program.

Police and fire departments are also built on a socialist model.
Unless you burst into a crowded fire house and yell “theater!” these two agencies have worked for this nation for generations.

Anyone can call the police whether they pay taxes or not.
They are there to protect and serve the community, not individuals. This is complete socialism on a state level, but still socialism all the same.
Would you rather have to swipe your credit card before the police will help you?

It use to be set up where you would pay a fee every month to the fire department for their service.
If you didn't pay, they let your house burn down. So don't take for granted the fact that you have a 24/7 fire services to put out your burning hom--thanks to socialism!
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