On NATO, It's Long Past Time We Raised Our Voices


New member
Well then, Yeltsin isn't even the same guy as Putin, so....not sure what the comparison is suppose to be. Bush never was the brightest guy, but considering that he said that at a point in time when Putin wasn't invading countries and annexing territory and having people murdered in the territories of our allies and attacking democracy here and in Europe, I think he gets a little bit of a pass.

All under Bush, Obama presidencies. Our actual president is trying (notice the trying) to maybe (notice the maybe) do something about it. What can be done? Well, our actual president said that he wanted to 'talk' (notice the talk) to the other party. What was the result of this 'talking'? That he is a treasonous person. Really?

Was Obama a treasonous person for saying he wanted to 'talk' to Putin? Did not President Obama speak with Putin after the election? Was he accused of being a treasonous person for 'talking' to Putin? I do not remember President Obama being accused of treason for 'speaking' with Putin. Did you?

I mean, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton even brought a button to 'restart relations' with Russia. Did you hear that she was accused of being a treasonous person then? Remember all the smiles and laughter of the news reportage about restarting relations with Russia? Any treasonous accusation reportage of Mrs. Clinton then?

Kit the Coyote

New member
All under Bush, Obama presidencies. Our actual president is trying (notice the trying) to maybe (notice the maybe) do something about it. What can be done? Well, our actual president said that he wanted to 'talk' (notice the talk) to the other party. What was the result of this 'talking'? That he is a treasonous person. Really?

Was Obama a treasonous person for saying he wanted to 'talk' to Putin? Did not President Obama speak with Putin after the election? Was he accused of being a treasonous person for 'talking' to Putin? I do not remember President Obama being accused of treason for 'speaking' with Putin. Did you?

I mean, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton even brought a button to 'restart relations' with Russia. Did you hear that she was accused of being a treasonous person then? Remember all the smiles and laughter of the news reportage about restarting relations with Russia? Any treasonous accusation reportage of Mrs. Clinton then?

Nothing is wrong with talking but as we were told over and over again when Obama was accused of 'apology' tours overseas, a president bad talking his own country overseas is considered bad. Even if he disagreed with his intelligence services, is badmouthing them on a Russian stage next to Putin somehow a good thing?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... a president bad talking his own country overseas is considered bad.

overseas or at home

Even if he disagreed with his intelligence services, is badmouthing them on a Russian stage next to Putin somehow a good thing?

find a transcript of trump's remarks, give me a quote and i'll tell you

i have a strong suspicion that a written quote of trump's actual words will look more like a seventh grader's english paper written at 1 in the morning on the day it is due after he's run out of ritalin, than a normal presidential address

but i always hope to be surprised :)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
...find a transcript of trump's remarks, give me a quote and i'll tell you

i have a strong suspicion that a written quote of trump's actual words will look more like a seventh grader's english paper written at 1 in the morning on the day it is due after he's run out of ritalin, than a normal presidential address

but i always hope to be surprised :)

ok, i found it on vox and it was everything i feared

i assume this is part of what's being discussed:

Trump: Frankly, I’m going to let the president speak to the second part of your question. But, just to say it one time again and I say it all the time, there was no collusion. I didn’t know the president. There was nobody to colluded with. There was no collusion with the campaign. Every time you hear all of these 12 and 14 — it’s stuff that has nothing to do — and frankly, they admit, these are not people involved in the campaign. But to the average reader out there, they are saying, well maybe that does. It doesn’t. Even the people involved, some perhaps told mis-stories. In one case the FBI said there was no lie. There was no lie. Somebody else said there was. We ran a brilliant campaign. And that’s why I’m president. Thank you.

my brain hurts trying to make sense of that - it goes to prove george will right about his assessment of trump's communication skills and command of the english language

apparently he learned his public speeching skills from miss south carolina's parents:
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Nothing is wrong with talking but as we were told over and over again when Obama was accused of 'apology' tours overseas, a president bad talking his own country overseas is considered bad. Even if he disagreed with his intelligence services, is badmouthing them on a Russian stage next to Putin somehow a good thing?

now kit, what specifically do you see that is "badmouthing" his intelligence services?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You're only parsing semantics to avoid admitting that Trump folded up like wet tissue paper and threw his own intelligentsia under the bus.

my question was to kit

and i sincerely hope that you're not so far gone in your insanity that you don't realize the difference between intelligentsia and intelligence services :dizzy:


New member
All under Bush, Obama presidencies. Our actual president is trying (notice the trying) to maybe (notice the maybe) do something about it. What can be done? Well, our actual president said that he wanted to 'talk' (notice the talk) to the other party. What was the result of this 'talking'? That he is a treasonous person. Really?

It's not the talking that constitutes the treason. It's the participating in Putin's crimes against the United States.

Was Obama a treasonous person for saying he wanted to 'talk' to Putin? Did not President Obama speak with Putin after the election? Was he accused of being a treasonous person for 'talking' to Putin? I do not remember President Obama being accused of treason for 'speaking' with Putin. Did you?

Are you suggesting that it was treasonous? Because it sure doesn't seem like it to me.

I mean, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton even brought a button to 'restart relations' with Russia. Did you hear that she was accused of being a treasonous person then? Remember all the smiles and laughter of the news reportage about restarting relations with Russia? Any treasonous accusation reportage of Mrs. Clinton then?

So? She's supposed to.


Well-known member
my question was to kit

and i sincerely hope that you're not so far gone in your insanity that you don't realize the difference between intelligentsia and intelligence services :dizzy:

Intelligentsia: a group of intelligent and well-educated people who guide or try to guide the political, artistic, or social development of their society.

Not my fault that you can't comprehend the scope or nuances of the word. But I take some solace in that you're incapable of addressing the meat of my comment.

That's when you resort to the personal cuts to cover up for your own short comings.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Not my fault that you can't comprehend the scope or nuances of the word. But I take some solace in that you're incapable of addressing the meat of my comment.

That's when you resort to the personal cuts to cover up for your own short comings.

It was a retarded comment from a poster who has showed herself to be insane

I gave it the attention it deserved


like marbles on glass
It was a retarded comment from a poster who has showed herself to be insane

I gave it the attention it deserved

IIRC "herself" is a he and quite a bit less partisan than you're making him out to be and certainly not insane.

It's some kind of odd paranoia, calling everyone here insane who's critical of Trump.


Well-known member
It was a retarded comment from a poster who has showed herself to be insane

I gave it the attention it deserved

You seem to be throwing a lot of clinical diagnoses around of late.

Do you have a license to practice medicine?

If not, then I respectfully suggest that you refrain.
