Can't wait to read all this.You know, there's a very simple way that you could stop "Ageist bigotry."
I don't!1. Stop voting for conservatives.
I don't mind anybody having their say. Unlike you I would listen to anybody's ideas, it seems.2. If you are unwilling to do this, then stay home on election day and let people who are not retired have their say on things.
I listen to folks of all ages, and only talk down and back at people when they have talked down at me.3. Stop talking down to millennials and zoomers.
If you think that everybody over a certain age has the same political viewpoint then there is something wrong with you. I am very interested in E-vehicles, solar voltaics and wind energy.Between the gig economy, automation and the climate crisis, we are at a critical period in time where old people voting for conservatives is actively making things worse for everybody.
The fact that you think that all old people are stuck back in time shows that you know nothing about old people.We are living at a period in time which is fundamentally different from the one that you grew up in, but old people are still pretending like it's the 1950s.
How am I standing in the way of economic reforms?There is growing "ageist bigotry" (vis-à-vis the #OkBoomer meme) because you people are standing in the way of much needed economic and environmental reforms that everyone who isn't retired very clearly sees are necessary.
The fact that you think I vote for conservatives show just how crank your ideas are.You exercise disproportionate political influence over a political context that you just don't understand.
How?And you are actively making things worse.
What am I doing? And what are you doing?Because of you people, we may end up not being able to save the planet (and by extension, our own hides).
What conspiracy do you think I believe is occuring?Because while the planet burns, you boomers think that the scientists are all engaging in one giant conspiracy.
Long story short:
If you voted for Corbyn, then good on you. The fact is, however, that, statistically speaking, the vast majority of 65+ year old people voted against Sanders (and against Corbyn, I suspect), not for him.
Bernie Sanders is overwhelmingly popular among people under the age of 45 years of age. Overwhelmingly unpopular among people over the age of 65.
If you're a Bernie Sanders or a Jeremey Corbyn supporter, then I hope that the coronavirus somehow spares you.
What a foolish thing to say. I know a lot of older people who can't keep warm this winter. We take coats and duvets round.But the fact of the matter is that most people your age are not #FeelingTheBern, and they didn't vote for Jeremy Corbyn.
That's just ignorant rubbish. The climate change denialists come in all age groups, and where I live we look out to sea and can perceive the second largest windfarm in the world........ it is mind bogglingly vast. And inland we see a huge solar-voltaic farm. People here are much more aware of climate change risks because our government, our researchers, our naturalists all say the same thing. If you live in the States then you don't get that common perspective. Around here my (old) mates all drive hybrids and E-cars, and have solar roofs and solar water systems. I've got a mate who has so insulated his home that his telly heats the whole house...... true! Climate change? Denialists? Us? You've lost the plot.Most people your age think that climate change is a hoax.
Ask any pensioner here and they can tell you that they believe in inheritance tax and higher taxation for higher earnings.Most people your age are fine with conservative officials cutting taxes on rich people and wracking up huge deficits that MY generation, NOT YOURS, will have to repay.
That's why I'm rooting for the Coronavirus. Even if you're not an utterly worthless human being, over 50s as a whole are parasites on society and it would be good for all of us if the virus deleted them from our world.
Sigh. That does seem to be the case ... this *old* woman will continue to vote in elections until I take my last breath ...
... the over 45s.
They aren't necessary. They are absolutely useless.
And It would be good for all of the rest of us if ALL OF THEM succumbed to the disease.
sez the guy who's voting for the oldest candidate running :darwinsm:
I'm over 45 and I will never vote for a fossil like Sanders.
And after you draw your last breath and stand before God for judgement, and all the babies you helped murder are there as a witness to God's decree, and God asks you why you threw all your support behind the murdering monsters of the Democrat party, what will you tell God?
The above sent to Rusha.
But let me answer, eh?
And when you stand before God, feeling all self righteous, He may just clout you hard to get your full attention, and then He might just say,. 'And you?!!! What did you care? You made all that fuss, demanding all those rights, right up until those babes got born, and then you turned and walked away, totally careless about their medical aid, their subsistence, clothing, food, security, decent education or anything else. You wouldn't pay a penny in tax towards their welfare.!!!'
And that could be you, joining us, by the fire.
That would be fun, even with the eternal pain.