

Dr. Jill Vecchio--PPACA Pt 1 Coverage "Practicing physician gives a Non-partisan, thorough explanation of PPACA (aka Obamacare) and what it means to all Americans. 7 segments: 1) Who will be covered; 2) and 3) What are the costs 4) State Exchanges and Employers 5) Doctors and Patients; 6) Constitutional issues 7) Ideas for Real Healthcare Reform" Vid: Dr. Jill Vecchio--PPACA Pt 1 Coverage :Nineveh: Ex 20:15, Am 8:5, Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Jn 8:36, Re 13:17 more

Dr. Jill Vecchio--PPACA Pt 1 Coverage
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Junius Gallio

New member
Proof please. :peach: That is a quote from the text.

I did not say you were the one doing the lying.

From her CV posted on Crawfordbroadcasting.com:"Dr. Vecchio’s guest editorials are published by the Heritage Foundation, Independence Institute and Tea Party Express magazine."

She is most certainly not "non-partisan," regardless of the claims made by the people who released the video.


Well-known member
"When government controls your healthcare, it controls you." ~ Jill Vecchio
When insurance corporations control your health care, they control YOU. When your employer controls your health care, they control YOU. At least I have some control over my government's decisions. I have NO control over the insurance company's decisions, or my employer's decisions.

The Barbarian


From the Wall Street Journal:
Palin’s “Death Panels” Charge Named “Lie of the Year”

"Death panel" architect a pro-life Republican from Georgia?
But there is nothing resembling the alleged "death panel" in the health care reform plan. A spokesperson for Palin told ABC News that the former governor was referring to a section promoting advance care planning that appears on page 425 of the House Democrats' bill [pdf]. Advance care planning includes living wills and durable powers of attorney that allow individuals to make clear their wishes for end-of-life care, whatever they may be.

And as it turns out, the cause of advance planning has been championed especially strongly by a pro-life Republican -- U.S. Sen. Johnny Isakson of Georgia.

Isakson (photo above) is a member of Senate Health committee that played a key role in shaping the health care reform legislation. He successfully offered an amendment in committee that allows funds for a government-funded program that provides in-home services to people with disabilities to be used for advance care planning, according to the national Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.


Triple irony. There are no "death panels", a pro-life republican inserted the provision Palin called a "death panel", and of course we now know, that Palin was operating a real death panel in Alaska, which resulted in deaths of real people, due to planned delays in service to the elderly.

Palin's Real Death Panel Killed Real People:
A particularly alarming finding concerns deaths of adults in the programs. In one 2 1/2 year stretch, 227 adults already getting services died while waiting for a nurse to reassess their needs. Another 27 died waiting for their initial assessment, to see if they qualified for help.

The programs at issue provide in-home help for thousands of Alaskans with the basics of life, from medication to meals. The goal is to help people stay in their own homes rather than go into nursing homes or other institutions.

Read more here: http://www.adn.com/2009/07/14/864670/troubled-alaska-health-programs.html#storylink=cpy

Serpent gets a dishonesty trifecta.


Active member
You have no biases but I do? :smokie:

You repeatedly link to sources full of confirmed lies, and seem no have no problem with it even after the lies are pointed out. You don't want an honest discussion, but instead prefer lies for some reason.