I guess not. Apparently it is your obligation to love them to death (Hell)!Can we disagree with him and not be "haters"? Ac 5:29
America, including most of the "Christian Church" has arrived at
2 Timothy 4:3-4
I guess not. Apparently it is your obligation to love them to death (Hell)!Can we disagree with him and not be "haters"? Ac 5:29
I'm noticing that you aren't answering any of my questions. And notice, too, that I posted nothing about you disagreeing with Obama. What's the matter, are you ashamed to tell us why you chose to name-call and insult people? Do you think if you throw in enough smilies, Bible quotes, and phony innuendo you'll be able to distract us from your hateful behavior?The portion of your response "No..." is all that we need (Eccl 10:2). :Commie: We are "haters" to your mind if we disagree with Obama (Ac 5:29). :Nineveh:
Any "good" person will reject a hater. :mario:
Did I misunderstand? What is there to discuss? :idunno:"I'm noticing that you aren't answering any of my questions. And notice, too, that I posted nothing about you disagreeing with Obama."
The name is accurate. Our church has individuals with a proclivity toward homosexuality--but they do not sin. They deserve respect. They are called Christians not Sodomites. People you speak of have no interest in honoring God (1 Cor 6:9)."What's the matter, are you ashamed to tell us why you chose to name-call and insult people?"
You are hateful. I am normal. :skeptic:"Do you think if you throw in enough smilies, Bible quotes, and phony innuendo you'll be able to distract us from your hateful behavior?"
You're a fool and a bigot and everyone can see it but the other bigoted fools like yourself.You are hateful. I am normal.
You're a fool and a bigot and everyone can see it but the other bigoted fools like yourself.
Truth is hate to those who hate the truth (Enyart).
:yawn: Ad hominem. :yawn: Bandwagon (Ex 23:2). Who would debate a fool and a bigot? Dismiss them so that you can dismissYou're a fool and a bigot and everyone can see it...
Are you a Sodomite? :smokie: 1 Cor 6:9This! (can't rep)
But he'll lose votes as well. Seems like he'll lose more vote than to gain votes but who is going to vote for a Mormon anyway?Congratulations to Obama, obviously such moral fortitude is to be welcomed.
Now... about that actions speaking louder than words bit... I suspect that Obama has realised that the backing of the gay, and gay-friendly, vote helped him into power last time and he wants to make sure he gets their vote again despite having largely failed to deliver any concrete support throughout his presidency.
I think "perversion" is the correct word for gays. The new word for gay marriage is pervertiage.It seems to me that God wants these PERVERTS and SODOMITES to Resist their Satanically inspired mindset and Control their Lusts before He will let them into His Kingdom....,
Truth is hate to those who hate the truth
You like that liberal preacher, :Commie: do you? :Shimei:"The Church sign is correct..."
Do you mean 1 Cor 13:2? :dizzy:1 Corinthians 13:12 "And if I should have prophecy and should know all mysteries, and all knowledge, and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing."
[Luke 10:31-37]
Jesus wasn't a homosexualist. He just didn't spend much time obsessing about homosexuals. Sexual misconduct, He handled by telling people "go and sin no more."
The last time I checked, the Bible still says that homosexuality is a sin
God ordained the civil magistrate to hinder and punish sinners, not to reward them with things like marriage.
Yep. God probably would have spent more time on it, if there weren't so many other serious sins to deal with. Apparently, lack of charity is one that is much more corrosive to your soul than sexual misconduct. But it's always a bad idea to make pronouncements about which sins are nicer than others.
If that were true, none of us would ever get married. Think.