Obama and the military


New member
I didn't know you were such a dope. "Some of us have principles". Well la de dah! :rotfl:

yeah who needs principles. Apparently not you. Just vote for whatever leftist the GOP gives you. Why not Michelle Obama in 2024? Long as she got dat R next to her name her good, right?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Dry it up whiner. The sky is not falling.

There's nothing worse than a fool who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. :nono:

i was looking for specifics

i wonder why he thinks single payer healthcare is a trampling of our liberties


New member
i was looking for specifics

i wonder why he thinks single payer healthcare is a trampling of our liberties

For the same reasons the Republicans lost their minds about socialized healthcare when they thought Obama might maybe someday support it. Now you have the Republican leaders blatantly calling for socialized healthcare and his supporters can't figure out how it's a bad thing.

Hmmm, forcing everyone to buy a product, taxing people to pay for that product for someone else, having government manage it, and killing whatever free market aspects of healthcare they haven't already. Hmmm. can't see how that isn't freedom. If you don't understand what's wrong with government owned healthcare, then you need to study up. Trump supporters can tell you what's wrong with it because they were against it for 40 years before they started supporting it this summer.


New member
I think you guys need to turn off CNN and Fox News and Hannity and whatever state propoganda you're listening to and read an economics book. Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlittz is a good starting point. After that, you can get into Friedman, Sowell, Mises, Hayek, and Bastiat.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Hmmm, forcing everyone to buy a product, taxing people to pay for that product for someone else, having government manage it, and killing whatever free market aspects of healthcare they haven't already.

oh, you work in the healthcare insurance business?


New member
i suspect you don't have a very firm understanding of either

but you do like making a lot of noise, so don't let me stop you

You are supporting government control of a gigantic sector of the economy, forcing everyone to buy that product, and think it will work. You need to read an economics book. You seriously sound like a 16 year liberal kid that saw a Bernie Sanders clip on youtube. If you're supporting socializing gigantic sectors of the economy, you obviously don't know anything about economics and have no appreciation for free trade. Learn self ownership.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... you do like making a lot of noise...

You are supporting government control of a gigantic sector of the economy, forcing everyone to buy that product, and think it will work. You need to read an economics book. You seriously sound like a 16 year liberal kid that saw a Bernie Sanders clip on youtube. If you're supporting socializing gigantic sectors of the economy, you obviously don't know anything about economics and have no appreciation for free trade. Learn self ownership.

yeah, like that


New member
Knowing Obama won 2 in a row, your conclusions are way off base.

My conclusion is that the Republican Trump supporters will vote for absolutely anyone that the GOP nominates. I was insinuating that they would vote for Michelle Obama if she ran as a Republican. The mere fact that they voted for Trump already proved that they will vote for a lifelong Democrat that still espouses liberal beliefs so long as he changed his party affiliation a couple of years before the election.


Well-known member
yeah who needs principles. Apparently not you. Just vote for whatever leftist the GOP gives you. Why not Michelle Obama in 2024? Long as she got dat R next to her name her good, right?

Apparently you're uniformed. Trump was not the establishment choice. He was the choice of the forgotten man...the deplorables. If you find me unprincipled I take that as a complement ....seeing who it comes from.

I think you're a racist with your "dis" and "dat" talk. You old liberal racist, you. Can't fool us common folk. :chuckle:


Well-known member
My conclusion is that the Republican Trump supporters will vote for absolutely anyone that the GOP nominates. I was insinuating that they would vote for Michelle Obama if she ran as a Republican. The mere fact that they voted for Trump already proved that they will vote for a lifelong Democrat that still espouses liberal beliefs so long as he changed his party affiliation a couple of years before the election.

The GOP didn't voluntarily "nominate" him or push him, oh brilliant one. We insisted....much to their dismay. What? Were you even in the country while all this was going on? We voted for Trump because he wasn't a politician....and he can get things done. Not that I expect you to admit it much less understand it. :hammer:


New member
Apparently you're uniformed. Trump was not the establishment choice. He was the choice of the forgotten man...the deplorables. If you find me unprincipled I take that as a complement ....seeing who it comes from.

I think you're a racist with your "dis" and "dat" talk. You old liberal racist, you. Can't fool us common folk. :chuckle:

The Billionaire friend of the Clintons that spent his adult life donating money to liberals like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, hanging out with the Clintons and their buddies, and who got more free air time than all of the other candidates put together...yep, he was a total outsider. hahahahahaha. You got conned. You voted for a guy that was an admitted liberal Democrat for his entire life until a couple years before the general election, then he switched his party affiliation. He didn't drop his liberal policy position though. He knew people like you would eat it up because you don't care about policy or principle. You got conned. Fooled. Played. Bamboozled. He's a liberal that already backed out of his main campaign promises weeks ago. Literally within days of winning the election he backed out of all of his major promises that did set him apart, and now all you're left with is an orange Bernie Sanders. hahahaha. You got hoodwinked because you're economically illiterate.


New member
The GOP didn't voluntarily "nominate" him or push him, oh brilliant one. We insisted....much to their dismay. What? Were you even in the country while all this was going on? We voted for Trump because he wasn't a politician....and he can get things done. Not that I expect you to admit it much less understand it. :hammer:

Oh, you demanded that a liberal Democrat take over the GOP. Boy, you showed them. Now the Democrats control BOTH parties. Good job. Not that you care since you support their left wing socialist policies anyway.


Well-known member
Oh, you demanded that a liberal Democrat take over the GOP. Boy, you showed them. Now the Democrats control BOTH parties. Good job. Not that you care since you support their left wing socialist policies anyway.

Stop lying about me you ignorant man. You have no idea what I support. I support a man who will appoint judges who follow the Consitution. I support a man who will lower taxes and get this economy going. I support a man who will support our law enforcement and military and who will at least attempt to keep us safe and secure our borders. So take your labels and whine in some other corner because you are annoying me.


Well-known member
The Billionaire friend of the Clintons that spent his adult life donating money to liberals like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, hanging out with the Clintons and their buddies, and who got more free air time than all of the other candidates put together...yep, he was a total outsider. hahahahahaha. You got conned. You voted for a guy that was an admitted liberal Democrat for his entire life until a couple years before the general election, then he switched his party affiliation. He didn't drop his liberal policy position though. He knew people like you would eat it up because you don't care about policy or principle. You got conned. Fooled. Played. Bamboozled. He's a liberal that already backed out of his main campaign promises weeks ago. Literally within days of winning the election he backed out of all of his major promises that did set him apart, and now all you're left with is an orange Bernie Sanders. hahahaha. You got hoodwinked because you're economically illiterate.

Shut up fool. Apparently millions of Americans were smart enough to elect Trump instead of Crooked Hillary. I'm one of those, so you'd better tuck your tail between those wee little legs and be off.


New member
Stop lying about me you ignorant man. You have no idea what I support. I support a man who will appoint judges who follow the Consitution. I support a man who will lower taxes and get this economy going. I support a man who will support our law enforcement and military and who will at least attempt to keep us safe and secure our borders. So take your labels and whine in some other corner because you are annoying me.

In a year, I'll come back and ask how your "hope and change" is working out for ya. Ooops. I mean whatever your little slogan is this time. I'm talking policy, and you're talking "Republican good hurr durr." We're on two different levels. If you ever want to talk economics or personal liberty, come see me. If you want to be a partisan hack that repeats the garbage you heard on Sean Hannity or CNN, you can do that to the other lemmings. The intelligent talk policy and ideas. The useful idiots argue over "Muh guy gooder than ur guy." Good day.


New member
In a year, I'll come back and ask how your "hope and change" is working out for ya. Ooops. I mean whatever your little slogan is this time. I'm talking policy, and you're talking "Republican good hurr durr." We're on two different levels. If you ever want to talk economics or personal liberty, come see me. If you want to be a partisan hack that repeats the garbage you heard on Sean Hannity or CNN, you can do that to the other lemmings. The intelligent talk policy and ideas. The useful idiots argue over "Muh guy gooder than ur guy." Good day.

Good idea to give this a year. Then we can discuss results instead of more speculation.