Obama and the military

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Reagan fixed the Army very quickly. Trump will too. Structurally that is. Rebuilding your numbers takes some time after a purging.


Reagan fixed the Army very quickly. Trump will too. Structurally that is. Rebuilding your numbers takes some time after a purging.

The Center for Military Readiness is a website that documents major problems within the US Armed Forces.


Has the sexual deviant President Elect vowed to undo things that were put in place during the last administration and are still sitting on the proverbial burner? If so, please provide documentation.


In case you have ever been curious about how the Obama administration has impacted our military take a listen to this episode. My Marine friend joins me and we talk about that very issue. He exposes what Obama has done to the military in his eight years in office. You won't want to miss this.


One would think that if President Elect Donald Trump wanted to make a huge change from the current administration, that he wouldn't nominate an Obama appointee as Secretary of Defense.



New member
He's increased its budget and started more wars. Like every recent President before him. He continues to bankrupt the country, destabilize other countries, and send off our military guys to be killed and to kill people in countries they have no business in anyway.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Sometimes I think aCW is a platinum dyed blonde woman, because he is such an airhead and bimbo. Mattis is a hero of mine.


Sometimes I think aCW is a platinum dyed blonde woman, because he is such an airhead and bimbo. Mattis is a hero of mine.

Are you Trump lemmings actually capable of debate, or do you know your limitations when it comes to defending the degenerate that you elected?

Again: Obama hired James Mattis. Go ahead and say that you agree with Obama's decision. I wanna frame that quote.


aCW has an agenda against Trump, and it doesn't have anything to do with homosexuality, sexual assault claims, or whatever else.
I mean for real, come on now :chuckle:

[MENTION=13737]aCultureWarrior[/MENTION], your beef with Trump is deep seeded in something from wayyy before the presidential race, hombre :rolleyes:


New member
aCW has an agenda against Trump, and it doesn't have anything to do with homosexuality, sexual assault claims, or whatever else- he's got it out for Trump for reasons he apparently does not want to reveal, because there's no way a person could be THAT much of a tool and still report to have conservative values.
I mean, for real, come on now. He just plain doesn't like Trump :chuckle:

Exactly. Real conservatives support Trump. Finally conservatives have a leader who will champion all of the causes they've support for years. Like single payer socialized healthcare, raising the minimum wage, mandatory paid maternity leave, government funded childcare, a progressive student loan reform program, government regulation of the economy, and bigger government spending. How could conservatives not support Trump?


Exactly. Real conservatives support Trump. Finally conservatives have a leader who will champion all of the causes they've support for years. Like single payer socialized healthcare, raising the minimum wage, mandatory paid maternity leave, government funded childcare, a progressive student loan reform program, government regulation of the economy, and bigger government spending. How could conservatives not support Trump?

I simplified that post to make it clear- you give aCW one more sentence than what is necessary, and that's one more thing he can misconstrue :plain:
It dawned on me recently that it must be the case, because otherwise the guy is just an impossible conundrum.


Well-known member
The Center for Military Readiness is a website that documents major problems within the US Armed Forces.


Has the sexual deviant President Elect vowed to undo things that were put in place during the last administration and are still sitting on the proverbial burner? If so, please provide documentation.

That you call Trump a "sexual deviant" is a false witness and slander. And you know what God thinks of that. :nono:

Prov. 6:18-19KJV


Well-known member
One would think that if President Elect Donald Trump wanted to make a huge change from the current administration, that he wouldn't nominate an Obama appointee as Secretary of Defense.


And Obama found out he wasn't the "yes man" he'd hoped for when he was nominated by Gates, so he was pushed aside and "gladly" resigned, I'm sure.


Well-known member
Exactly. Real conservatives support Trump. Finally conservatives have a leader who will champion all of the causes they've support for years. Like single payer socialized healthcare, raising the minimum wage, mandatory paid maternity leave, government funded childcare, a progressive student loan reform program, government regulation of the economy, and bigger government spending. How could conservatives not support Trump?

Uh oh, you've been visiting MoveOn.Org. haven't you? :chuckle:


New member
Uh oh, you've been visiting MoveOn.Org. haven't you? :chuckle:

No, Trump and his supporters must because they're advocating left wing policies. What is absolutely hilarious about Trump supporters calling all of his opponents "liberals" or "democrats" is that Trump IS the liberal Democrat, and he and his supporters are promoting liberal policies. YOU, my friend, are apparently the liberal.

Some of us have principles. We believe in liberty and free markets and don't cast that aside because some Pelosi-donor Democrat put an "R" next to his name and won an election. Some of us haven't drank the big government leftist kool aid like you guys that think a gigantic monstrosity of a liberal government is going to somehow work just because the leftist idiot President will now have an "R" beside his name. If you're a so-called "conservative" or "libertarian" that supports Trump, you've proven that you simply do not care about principle or policy, but rather about candidates and party. Trade in liberty and free markets for more socialism, but don't try to use your left wing lies to smear people that stand for civil and economic liberty no matter what the political parties and their media try to force down our throats. Get back to me in a year and let me know how that "hope and change" worked out for ya.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
No, Trump and his supporters must because they're advocating left wing policies. What is absolutely hilarious about Trump supporters calling all of his opponents "liberals" or "democrats" is that Trump IS the liberal Democrat, and he and his supporters are promoting liberal policies. YOU, my friend, are apparently the liberal.

Some of us have principles. We believe in liberty and free markets and don't cast that aside because some Pelosi-donor Democrat put an "R" next to his name and won an election. Some of us haven't drank the big government leftist kool aid like you guys that think a gigantic monstrosity of a liberal government is going to somehow work just because the leftist idiot President will now have an "R" beside his name. If you're a so-called "conservative" or "libertarian" that supports Trump, you've proven that you simply do not care about principle or policy, but rather about candidates and party. Trade in liberty and free markets for more socialism, but don't try to use your left wing lies to smear people that stand for civil and economic liberty no matter what the political parties and their media try to force down our throats. Get back to me in a year and let me know how that "hope and change" worked out for ya.

in what way do you expect trump to tread on our liberties?


Well-known member
No, Trump and his supporters must because they're advocating left wing policies. What is absolutely hilarious about Trump supporters calling all of his opponents "liberals" or "democrats" is that Trump IS the liberal Democrat, and he and his supporters are promoting liberal policies. YOU, my friend, are apparently the liberal.

Some of us have principles. We believe in liberty and free markets and don't cast that aside because some Pelosi-donor Democrat put an "R" next to his name and won an election. Some of us haven't drank the big government leftist kool aid like you guys that think a gigantic monstrosity of a liberal government is going to somehow work just because the leftist idiot President will now have an "R" beside his name. If you're a so-called "conservative" or "libertarian" that supports Trump, you've proven that you simply do not care about principle or policy, but rather about candidates and party. Trade in liberty and free markets for more socialism, but don't try to use your left wing lies to smear people that stand for civil and economic liberty no matter what the political parties and their media try to force down our throats. Get back to me in a year and let me know how that "hope and change" worked out for ya.

I didn't know you were such a dope. "Some of us have principles". Well la de dah! :rotfl:


New member
in what way do you expect trump to tread on our liberties?

In all the ways he said he would. Do you pay attention to anything or do you put just say "hurr durr Republicans good." Single payer healthcare is a trampling out liberties. New entitlements are trampling our liberties. He nominated Jeff Sessions as AG, and possibly Guiliani as Sec State. These are two guys that openly scoff at the Constitution and people who don't want to give up their liberties. But dem Republicans so day must b good. Every President in the modern era has continues to trample the liberties of this country and this big government, left wing moron and his appointees that are quite open about their desire for a total police state aren't going to be any different. But dem R'Publicans so dem da good guyz. People will swallow any garbage they're fed. Instead of having actual principles, they just defend anything their political party does because they've been brainwashed to believe in god-men that have the right to rule over everyone else.


Well-known member
In all the ways he said he would. Do you pay attention to anything or do you put just say "hurr durr Republicans good." Single payer healthcare is a trampling out liberties. New entitlements are trampling our liberties. He nominated Jeff Sessions as AG, and possibly Guiliani as Sec State. These are two guys that openly scoff at the Constitution and people who don't want to give up their liberties. But dem Republicans so day must b good. Every President in the modern era has continues to trample the liberties of this country and this big government, left wing moron and his appointees that are quite open about their desire for a total police state aren't going to be any different. But dem R'Publicans so dem da good guyz. People will swallow any garbage they're fed. Instead of having actual principles, they just defend anything their political party does because they've been brainwashed to believe in god-men that have the right to rule over everyone else.

Dry it up whiner. The sky is not falling.

There's nothing worse than a fool who thinks he's smarter than everyone else. :nono:


New member
He's fallen for the liberal lies and counts himself "principled". Sucker!

All you can do is call "liberal" at people that don't support your left wing liberal socialist policies. Hillary Clinton should just run as a Republican next time and you'll fall in line and lick her boots. I thought the Democrats were bad with their insane unquestioning love for Obama, but you guys are turning Trump into a literal cult of personality.