Obama’s Nasty Surprise For Trump Means New President Can’t Use Oval Office

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Obama is a jerk right to the end........

Obama’s Nasty Surprise For Trump Means New President Can’t Use Oval Office… Wow

When President Obama vacates the White House after eight years of “fundamentally transforming” America, there will be a lot of undoing and redoing for the next occupant of the Oval Office to undertake.

Repealing Obamacare. Lowering taxes. Reducing the debt. Rebuilding the military. Securing the border.

But when Donald Trump moves into 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in 2017, he may have to conduct the nation’s business outside of the Oval Office itself because of a fundamental transformation Obama failed to do.

On Wednesday, Fox News reported that President-elect Trump may not be able to use the Oval Office for a year. Why? Well, it seems that important security upgrades were deferred by the Obama administration, leaving the improvements to whoever came after him.

The U.K. Daily Mail reported that bulletproof glass needs to be installed, among other things that are, you know, kind of important.

“My understanding is that for the first year of his time in office, President Trump will not have the Oval Office,” former Bush administration official Karl Rove told Fox News Wednesday.

“President Obama could have told the Secret Service, ‘I know you want to modernize the Oval Office with security enhancements — literally strip it down to the bare walls and build it back up so we’ve got bulletproof glass and so forth and so on, security arrangements in it, in my last year in office,’” Rove said


New member
It's not like bullet proof glass was just invented. Seems like something they should have installed about 30 years ago. Probably deferred by every president.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
every new president has to do something like this

heck, W had a crew in for a week scrubbing the place down with clorox


New member
Clearly you have not stood next to somebody that thinks it is unholy to wash, except for your feet. You idiot...

So are you idiotically claiming Obama doesn't bathe, or are you claiming that he is not a true Muslim because he does? Seems like you put yourself in a lose/lose here.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I am claiming he doesn't know much about muslims and has never stood next to one or a mosque. Try reading.

Greg Jennings

New member
Clearly you have not stood next to somebody that thinks it is unholy to wash, except for your feet. You idiot...


You know nothing about Muslims, clearly. They have to keep clean everywhere in order to pray in good conscience, which they do 5 times a day if they are super devout. My friend in college would literally use toilet paper after going number 1, just to make sure none got on his underwear. Being clean is a BIG deal to them.

The smell you refer to is likely from the spices that they cook with. My friend's house always smelled strongly of these spices, and his clothes sometimes as well. Another friend of mine, who was less tolerant, could not stand to be in the same car as him. However, it has nothing to do with cleanliness


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It takes awhile though to clean off all of those pentagrams on the walls and floors

The current Oval office wasn't completed until 1939 so it's not a huge deal to move to another room and hang out there. I can see Trump renovating the entire White House it is after all what he does.