Nuclear Iran Obama's Legacy

The Barbarian

Funny you should mention that...

Reports of an explosion at Iran's Fordow nuclear facility have surfaced and are being both confirmed and denied by multiple sources.

The Jerusalem Post cites a report by Reza Kahlili that says: “The blast shook facilities within a radius of three miles. Security forces have enforced a no-traffic radius of 15 miles, and the Tehran- Qom highway was shut down for several hours after the blast.”

Kahlili's report says the Fordow nuclear facility was severely damaged in an explosion and up to 240 workers trapped inside. The explosion was reportedly confined to the plant, suggesting that if it were an airstrike, it was highly localized. But this possibility is no more or less likely than sabotage, or an accident, assuming the explosion occurred at all.

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Probably just a coincidence.


New member
Well, isn't that special.

Maybe you should go over there with your giant magic fairy wand-o-peace and smite them all into peacefulness. :chuckle:

You know what I think of your comments and the person who makes them. You really need to become a Christian because you're not one and only use it for cover for rightwing political attacks on the very people Jesus would be defending and honoring.

Read the Gospels, especially the part about honoring peace-makers, you hypocrite.

Christ's Word

New member
You know what I think of your comments and the person who makes them. You really need to become a Christian because you're not one and only use it for cover for rightwing political attacks on the very people Jesus would be defending and honoring.

Read the Gospels, especially the part about honoring peace-makers, you hypocrite.

Originally Posted by skinker View Post
because he had a the heart of a liberal who values human rights over penis waving gun totters..

Did you learn to speak like this from reading the Gospels?

The Barbarian

(super bunker-buster now available to the US)

(Big explosion reported at Iranian nuclear facility)

Barbarian observes:
Probably just a coincidence.

You don't know Tom very well, do you?

I thought they favored a more personal touch than an air strike. It's a real shame when traditional customer service is set aside in the name of efficiency.


"Barack Obama fears an Israeli strike more than he fears a nuclear Iran." ~ John Bolton :Nineveh: Ob 7

How Rouhani Is Playing Obama

Iran announces 34 new nuke sites

Israel Warning on Iran Bomb

Iran demands right to expand nuke program

Iranian state television broadcast simulated missile attack on Israel

French Tougher on Iran than Obama Admin

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Deal leaves Israel few options

Bolton: Abject Surrender

Secret US-Iran talks Ob 7 :Nineveh:

'Iran got what it wanted'

Report: Israelis inspect Saudi bases for possible strike

Canada 'deeply skeptical' about international nuclear deal reached with Iran

Peace For Our Time


Krauthammer: Worst since Munich

News Agencies Kept Iran Talks Secret

Suddenly the Left loves nuclear energy :BRAVO:
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Iran unveils ballistic missile technology

Rouhani: Iran Will Not Dismantle Nuke Facilities

USA extends oil sanctions waivers

Krauthammer: Nuclear agreement with Iran a 'sucker's deal'
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New member
Obama would be an idiot to trust Iran. If he has any backbone at all he will not leave office without at least sending the B-2's at one point. And plus, I would very much like to see those babies in action.


New member
Really? Are you serious?


Exodus 20:13
Preferably, only the facilities would be hit, but yes, there would likely be some all honesty, I am extremely biased when it comes to Iran anyway since I do have family not just in here England but also some in Saudi Arabia. There's no question that Iran with a nuke would mean KSA is immediately threatened. I would preferably like to see Iran hit if they do charge head first for the bomb, that's my personal opinion, but I can see why you're opposed and naturally I'm opposed to war too.


Obama would be an idiot to trust Iran. If he has any backbone at all he will not leave office without at least sending the B-2's at one point. And plus, I would very much like to see those babies in action.

Carter got us a nuclear Pakistan. Clinton got us a nuclear N. Korea. Obama will get us a nuclear Iran. :Nineveh: Ob 7


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Updated: Six Reasons to Worry About the Iranian Nuclear Deal

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'Secret side deal' with Tehran

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New member
Iran has the enrichment
technology to make
nuclear warheads.
The unknown is at
what volume and speed
can they gather the needed
mass of material to finish a
bomb. Obama has at his
disposal the Mother of all Penetrators.
The B2 is the delivery system, and
we now have enough of the Penetrators
to peck deeply into the earth and
destroy Iran's nuclear facilities completely.

Although it is possible for Iran to
strike once with a Nuke, it won't
happen a second time, as the B2s
out of Whiteman would annihilate
them in less than 24.