North Korea nuclear program accelerating


Well-known member
Pretty much sums up how I feel right now.

So what did the summit accomplish?

First and foremost: it took place. For the first time, an American president and a North Korean leader sat at the same table and talked. The precedent – loathed and denounced by our War Party – means that this frozen conflict is slated to rapidly thaw.

Secondly, contra the nattering nabobs of negativity, the North Koreans are clearly committed to denuclearization: it is bluntly stated in the joint communiqué signed by both Trump and Kim. Critics are noting the lack of specifics, but that is for the diplomats to iron out: agreement on fundamentals is the natural prerequisite to a binding agreement.

Thirdly, the North Koreans made a number of concessions before the summit even began: they stopped testing nukes, they stopped testing ballistic missiles, they withdrew their opposition to the presence of US troops in South Korea, and they released three American citizens who had been held in captivity. Trump, for his part, ended the military “exercises” that take place annually on the peninsula, and said he’d like to withdraw US troops from the South.

The War Party is horrified: one of their most stable and longstanding scams is in danger of being brought to a well-deserved end: just think of all the economic and political interests that have a stake in maintaining this relic of the cold war. They’re all being threatened now, and that accounts for the chorus of outrage that has greeted the Korean summit.

Singapore Summit: A Victory for Peace
A stinging defeat for the War Party
by Justin Raimondo
Posted on
June 14, 2018


New member
I don't know. In his unhinged mind, he thinks he's king and he can just snap his fingers and make things happen. In his mind: why not? Delusions of grandeur.

Anyway, yeah. His base was duped, but willingly duped. Because MAGA.

I keep coming back to, why does it keep helping Putin? I think it was just the pretext he needed to drop the military drills.

But you're right, his base seems to be in for the whole ride.


New member
Pretty much sums up how I feel right now.

So what did the summit accomplish?

First and foremost: it took place. For the first time, an American president and a North Korean leader sat at the same table and talked. The precedent – loathed and denounced by our War Party – means that this frozen conflict is slated to rapidly thaw.

Secondly, contra the nattering nabobs of negativity, the North Koreans are clearly committed to denuclearization: it is bluntly stated in the joint communiqué signed by both Trump and Kim. Critics are noting the lack of specifics, but that is for the diplomats to iron out: agreement on fundamentals is the natural prerequisite to a binding agreement.

Thirdly, the North Koreans made a number of concessions before the summit even began: they stopped testing nukes, they stopped testing ballistic missiles, they withdrew their opposition to the presence of US troops in South Korea, and they released three American citizens who had been held in captivity. Trump, for his part, ended the military “exercises” that take place annually on the peninsula, and said he’d like to withdraw US troops from the South.

The War Party is horrified: one of their most stable and longstanding scams is in danger of being brought to a well-deserved end: just think of all the economic and political interests that have a stake in maintaining this relic of the cold war. They’re all being threatened now, and that accounts for the chorus of outrage that has greeted the Korean summit.

Singapore Summit: A Victory for Peace
A stinging defeat for the War Party
by Justin Raimondo
Posted on
June 14, 2018

This really is breathtaking, doc, I'm sorry. It's just about the most credulous thing I've ever read.

Oh, he's committed to denuclearization? He said so? He wrote it on a piece of paper and signed it? Golly gee, that must mean he's serious. Unlike, you know, the last couple dozen times. Leave it to the diplomats? With what leverage? We've already given it away.

Come on Doc, you can't be this naive. North Korea has been committed to denuclearization for decades, on paper. And yet they keep making progress on their bomb.

It's great to be for peace. But this "War Party" stuff really overlooks a pretty obvious problem: If you are serious about wanting North Korea to give up its nukes, you have to use the strength that you have to force them to do so. That can be military strength. It can be economic strength. It can be diplomatic strength. But you can't just give them everything they want with no preconditions, or else you aren't really committed to the stated goal.


New member
And your'e saying we didnt want it?

That's not really the point. If I sell you a car, I am probably selling it because I want rid of it. That doesn't mean I'm going to say "Please take it, you barely have to pay me."

It would be lovely not to have to spend the money on the drills, but then, doing so shows our commitment to defend our ally in the face of considerable firepower aimed at their heads.


Well-known member
This really is breathtaking, doc, I'm sorry. It's just about the most credulous thing I've ever read.

Oh, he's committed to denuclearization? He said so? He wrote it on a piece of paper and signed it? Golly gee, that must mean he's serious. Unlike, you know, the last couple dozen times. Leave it to the diplomats? With what leverage? We've already given it away.

Come on Doc, you can't be this naive. North Korea has been committed to denuclearization for decades, on paper. And yet they keep making progress on their bomb.

It's great to be for peace. But this "War Party" stuff really overlooks a pretty obvious problem: If you are serious about wanting North Korea to give up its nukes, you have to use the strength that you have to force them to do so. That can be military strength. It can be economic strength. It can be diplomatic strength. But you can't just give them everything they want with no preconditions, or else you aren't really committed to the stated goal.

You're right, your post is breathtaking.


New member
That's not really the point. If I sell you a car, I am probably selling it because I want rid of it. That doesn't mean I'm going to say "Please take it, you barely have to pay me."

It would be lovely not to have to spend the money on the drills, but then, doing so shows our commitment to defend our ally in the face of considerable firepower aimed at their heads.

How about a "pretty please"?

Trump Bows Down To North Korea While Begging Kim Jong-un On Nuke Deal

Republicans who spent years accusing Obama of bowing down to America’s enemies are watching Donald Trump bow down to a North Korean regime that has threatened to attack the United States.

Trump pleadingly tweeted:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

I have confidence that Kim Jong Un will honor the contract we signed &, even more importantly, our handshake. We agreed to the denuclearization of North Korea. China, on the other hand, may be exerting negative pressure on a deal because of our posture on Chinese Trade-Hope Not!

9:25 AM - Jul 9, 2018

Trump is weakly begging North Korea to pretty please denuclearize

Trump’s tweet was the opposite of American strength. Trump didn’t say to the regime that they should cut a deal to denuclearize or face even more crippling sanctions. The problem is that Trump has already given away his big incentive to get a deal. Kim Jong-un already got what he wanted. The brutal dictator gained legitimacy through a meeting with Trump and photo-op on the world stage.

The meeting should have never taken place until the administration had a firm deal in writing. Trump’s impulsive actions killed any chance of an agreement and have resulted in foreign policy humiliation for the US. All Trump can do is plead with Kim Jong-un to be a good boy and not go back on an agreement that never existed. Republicans mocked the light years more successful Obama foreign policy, when what they have replaced it with is a humiliating debacle that will take the United States years, if not decades to recover from.

A man who campaigned on, “so much winning” has done nothing but lose.

Just as he begged the prior President of Mexico to agree to "pay for The Wall" so that he, Trump, would not look like the fraud of a negotiator he had been his entire business life prior his drones coning themselves into following his pied piper con job down to the swamp with him.


New member
Although I suspect a part of that "Singapore sling" had more to do with those crooked businessman from Singapore who visited Trump at his infamously fake Trump Tower, shortly after he conned his way into the White House.