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New member
BillyBob said:
Nobody is asking for a handout, Beanie, we are just wondering why you don't pull your own weight. If anyone is getting handouts it's YOU GUYS! :doh:

So, if i want a site that starts threads like, "what do you find the most disgusting about beanieboy", you now want me to pay? You want me to pay for some people to insult me?

I would try to see your point of view, but I dont' think I can put my head that far up my... never mind.

What is the problem with simply making it a Pay to Pray site?
Don't want freeloaders? Take away the option.
Make it a subscriber forum. Only paying people will post.
That's option 1.

Option 2.
Sell something for support.
All of the products sold here are for conservatives only.
They promote guns, christianity, TruthSmacking.
Apparently, the conservatives aren't buying, so you need to appeal to the liberal side.

Option 3.
There are many advertisers that would like to use your site to sell stuff.
Why not appeal to them? They will pay you to advertise, just like TV and Radio does to all those freeloaders watching and listening for free.

Option 4.
Talk to someone in business. See how it can self support itself.
Get contributions from churches. Do some development.

Option 5
Sell Amway, or some of Pat Robertson's Godspeed FatNoMore.


New member
How about this:


Please send $5 to the person at the top of the list.
Then take the top name off and add yours to the bottom, and send it to 5 friends.
When your name reaches the top, you will earn over $100,000!
Don't break the chain.
One woman did so in Ohio, and her leg needed to be amputated, and now she has a bowling pin for a leg. Don't let this happen to you.


beanieboy said:
So, if i want a site that starts threads like, "what do you find the most disgusting about beanieboy", you now want me to pay? You want me to pay for some people to insult me?

Get over yourself, Beanie, we ALL get insulted! :duh:


New member
beanieboy said:
Option 6.
Nonsubscribers will only be allowed consonants, and must "buy a vowel."


I'll bet some would still post!

I'm active on another board that has had similar problems. The moderator's solution was to make membership mandatory for a popular section of the site, one that posts daily links of interest. If you want to talk, the discussion board is still free. If you want to see what everyone is talking about, you have to pay. Not sure there's an equivalent dynamic going on here, though. :think:

The main problem as I see it, is that subscribing doesn't offer attractive enough benefits.

Even PBS gives away some kind of crappy carry bag with their logo on it during their fund raisers (or they used to).


New member
BillyBob said:
Get over yourself, Beanie, we ALL get insulted! :duh:

Have you had several threads attacking you recently, BillyBob?
I had one comparing me to pond scum.
One that talked about what specific trait of mine was the most disgusting (including not thinking that I need Jesus.)

Why would I pay for that?

It's like eating stale chips when I go for Margaritas.
If they are free, I'm not going to complain.
But I'm not going to buy them.
If my waitress is rude, should she complain when I give her a lousy tip for lousy service?

Not much of a sell.
Simply put, it's bad business. It's a product that may not be worth paying for.

I watch the beginning of American Idol.
Would I pay to watch it?
Would I watch it for free? If I have nothing else going on, sure.

Six Feet Under costs money. It's smart, intelligent, and interesting, and intriguing. I have rented some, borrowed tapes from some people, watched it on HBO at a friend's house.
HBO has great programing.

But I'm not going to pay Fox to watch When Animals Attack and Cops.

So, deal with it.


beanieboy said:
Have you had several threads attacking you recently, BillyBob?

Yes, as a matter of fact I have.

I had one comparing me to pond scum.

I must have missed that one.

One that talked about what specific trait of mine was the most disgusting (including not thinking that I need Jesus.)

Why would I pay for that?

If it bothers you so much, why post here at all?

It's like eating stale chips when I go for Margaritas.
If they are free, I'm not going to complain.
But I'm not going to buy them.

That's where you and I differ. I wouldn't eat the stale chips, I'd buy some fresh ones.


Resident Fiend
BillyBob said:
Nobody is asking for a handout, Beanie, we are just wondering why you don't pull your own weight. If anyone is getting handouts it's YOU GUYS! :doh:
I've never encountered generosity that I wouldn't take advantage of.

Again, why are you, of all the folks on here, making so much noise?

Don't even think of telling me you've never taken advantage of someone's generosity; a saint you ain't...


New member
BillyBob said:
If it bothers you so much, why post here at all?

Here is my choice:
Not post here.
Post here and read things from people that have insight, but tolerate some of the rudest people I've ever encountered.

I choose the latter, because it's worth the price.
It's it worth paying money to those that condone the rudeness?

So, I will post while I can.

If TOL starts charging tomorrow, my options are:
Choose not to post.
Pay to post - Pay to Pray.

I will choose option 1.
Either way, I'm fine with it.

If it bothers you so much, BB, why not start a mandatory subscription campaign?
The resistance, in my opinion, is that it wouldn't be able to sustain itself.
You would no longer have easy targets, and if TOL didn't eat itself, it would simply fizzle out.

TOL needs me more than I need TOL.


beanieboy said:
If it bothers you so much, BB, why not start a mandatory subscription campaign?

I have no desire to do so, I just want to know why you guys who have thousands of posts here won't pay to play? [I know Zak's reason]

The resistance, in my opinion, is that it wouldn't be able to sustain itself.
You would no longer have easy targets, and if TOL didn't eat itself, it would simply fizzle out.

TOL needs me more than I need TOL.

Yes, in fact, the whole world needs you much more than you need it. :rolleyes:


New member
Not the world. TOL.

Who else would people take their anger out on? Other Christians?
Sure, you can tell each other how much you hate Michael Jackson, but it's more fun to insult people to their face, or post, as it were. If Michael Jackson were to post here, people would love hurling insults at him. That's what fuels the fires of hell here. If he left, they would say that they were happy, but they wouldn't be able to insult him directly anymore, and underneath it, that is what some people enjoy. They just put on sheeps clothing to make their teeth look less sharp, and many a moderator looks the other way, or pats them on the head.

If I couldn't get in tomorrow, would I care that much? No.
There are other sites.

If TOL didn't have me, would it fall apart? No.
But it needs scapegoats to hurl insults at. Otherwise, you begin to fight one another.
You need a homosexual to give vomit icons to, and exhalt yourself. You need an atheist here to tell them that you hold all the answers and he is an idiot. You need that.

So, why do I come here?
I don't know how many times I can explain the reason to you, BB.
I watch Bobby Brown because it is like watching a train wreck. Same with TOL.
There are some really insane people who hate in the name of Jesus, or think that furniture flies around the house because of demons, and psychologically, it's fascinating, in a dysfunctional kind of way.

But I don't want to financially support it any more than I want to financially support Bobby Brown's show. I just kind of fascinated the way everyone is with a train wreck. I often think, "Are these people this mean in real life? Do they ever have any amount of happiness or hope in their life?"
I hope that I can provide insight. I try to question people about what they claim the bible says.
I try to inspire by my words and actions.
Sometimes I try to make people laugh.

It's worth putting up with the hardships.
But it isn't worth a few bucks to me. That's the real deal .


New member
Hall of Fame
beanieboy said:
Perhaps you're right.
So, why not make the site a subscriber site only, like many sites on the net?

Do you have a yahoo account?
Do you pay for it, or do you have the free account?
If not, do you send them money, because it's the right thing to do?

Self sufficiency.

Weird hearing all the conservatives asking for handouts....

I assume you were responding to me. Yes I have Yahoo account, and yes I get to see the millions of adds that make it worth Yahoo's while. Same applies as I said about TOL. If Yahoo is happy, I'm fine using it for free, and if Knight is happy, I don't care if you use TOL for free. I just think it is a cool thing to do to support the guy. Do what ever you want, and Knight can make the rules however he wants.

Better? :)


New member
Vaquero45 said:
I assume you were responding to me. Yes I have Yahoo account, and yes I get to see the millions of adds that make it worth Yahoo's while. Same applies as I said about TOL. If Yahoo is happy, I'm fine using it for free, and if Knight is happy, I don't care if you use TOL for free. I just think it is a cool thing to do to support the guy. Do what ever you want, and Knight can make the rules however he wants.

Better? :)

Were I a Christian, and, well, really crabby, I would probably send Knight some bucks.
But I'm a Buddhist, and Buddhism doesn't support a lot of the anger and rudeness that is encouraged, so I can't ethically support the site.
It makes no sense that I would support the site financially.


New member
BillyBob said:
Do you have as many posts at those 'other sites' as you do here?
They are more, hmm...mature.

There are more thread about Open vs. Closed Theism, and less on pointless drivel about the Batman's sexuality being questioned.

So, while they are interesting, it's kind of PBS vs. Fox. Sometimes, you are in the mood for trash TV.


New member
Hall of Fame
beanieboy said:
Were I a Christian, and, well, really crabby, I would probably send Knight some bucks.
But I'm a Buddhist, and Buddhism doesn't support a lot of the anger and rudeness that is encouraged, so I can't ethically support the site.
It makes no sense that I would support the site financially.

I'm fine with that. When we finally get you to see the light, maybe you'll subscribe! :)
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