You have no sense of irony, do you? Show us the evidence for those wooden ship timbers he claimed to have found.
See the OP video. How many times must you read this before you actually watch it?
And the evidence those chariot wheels he claimed to have found in the Red Sea.
Part 2|Red Sea- proof of the supernatural
More Evidence of Chariot Wheels in the Red Sea Found in 2000
He just collects money from investors,
Citation need again.
but there's nothing he can produce to show anyone.
Again you need to actually watch the videos first, if you can't this time you are clearly trolling.
You are wrong, a claim is:
state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.
Video is however often used as evidence in court cases etc. Claims can not be used as evidence.
And they have, others have filmed these artefacts too.
He says he has physical evidence. Why can't anyone see it?
Millions have seen the videos and gone to see these artefacts for themselves. When you have watch the videos you too will have seen them.
He could shut his critics up by showing the material he claims to have found.
You do know Ron died nearly 20 years ago?
But he can't show us the blood, of course. For these guys, there's always a reason why they can't produce evidence they claim to have.
Again it's all there for you to see. You do know how to watch youtube don't you?
And "the authorities won't let me show you" is just another dodge.
Every fraud does this.
If you're referring to the Ark of the covenant which is the only artefact that is not on film then I have already explained that to you. The authorities tried to retrieve it but were prevented from obtaining it. It is explained in the above VT.