No True Pro-Life Catholic Can Vote for Hillary Clinton Because She Supports Abortion


Christians voting for the President of Babylon, justifying it by a candidate's personal beliefs when they are only meant to represent Babylon :AMR:

It's almost like Christians are just trying to convince themselves that there is still Christianity in there somewhere. There is no such thing as a 'Christian country'; ironically, you wouldn't want to live in a Christian country because then you would actually have to go all the way with your moral conundrums :rolleyes:


Well-known member
No True Pro-Life Catholic Can Vote for Hillary Clinton Because She Supports Abortion

Ha! So.... let me get this right..... there are people who think that Donald Trump would try to legislate against (ban) abortions if he becomes President? We will find out, because I reckon that he might win this vote.

What he could do is support a reduction in the gestation time limit. Nobody needs to wait months before deciding........

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Ha! So.... let me get this right..... there are people who think that Donald Trump would try to legislate against (ban) abortions if he becomes President? We will find out, because I reckon that he might win this vote.

What he could do is support a reduction in the gestation time limit. Nobody needs to wait months before deciding........

I have said this a million times and I guess I will have to say it again: A Supreme Court decision made abortion legal nationally, and only another Supreme Court decision can make abortion illegal again nationally. Therefore, the only thing a president can really do is make sure that Constitutional, originalist judges are appointed to the court in order that the latter can happen.

That is Trump's task on this issue: Appoint judges. And yes, I think he has demonstrated that he will do just that.

Now, short of that, are there little legislative things that can be done to chip away around the edges? Yes, there are. In that regard, perhaps Trump won't be proactive because he is focused on trade and jobs and security, but if the Congress passes such legislations, do I think that Trump will take a moment to sign them? Again, yes I do.




Well, the Pope speaks from notions which are largely ignored in general society- spilling one's seed in vain, contraceptives, etc., the right to life exists all therein, but nobody is having any qualms with such.

If the definition of 'life' is simply a seed and egg coming together, than born life isn't worth much.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Ha! So.... let me get this right..... there are people who think that Donald Trump would try to legislate against (ban) abortions if he becomes President? We will find out, because I reckon that he might win this vote.

What he could do is support a reduction in the gestation time limit. Nobody needs to wait months before deciding........

We KNOW what Hillary will do. Trump says he will do otherwise. That pretty much decides it.


Both Bush Presidents or at least George W:rolleyes:

Also Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter

I must have missed where those Presidents took action to overturn Roe v Wade. Reagan in fact as Governor of CA changed abortion laws, which were responsible for abortion going mainstream throughout our nation.

Regarding Trump:


Get back to me on how our nation's leading abortion mill "does very good things".

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
It's not Hillary who's caused Christian women to obtain abortions at a higher rate than people who have no religious belief or affiliation.

Look to your own house.

Religion and Abortion

  • Those women who had abortions in 2008 listed their religious affiliation as:​
Roman Catholic = 28.1%
Protestant = 37.3%
Other = 7.1%

Oh my, you mean there are fake Catholics out there - i.e. Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, et al - just like there are fake protestants, Jews, and others out there? What a shocker.

What Hillary does is keep child murder legal. THAT is her crime against God and against humanity.


like marbles on glass
Oh my, you mean there are fake Catholics out there - i.e. Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, et al - just like there are fake protestants, Jews, and others out there? What a shocker.

What Hillary does is keep child murder legal. THAT is her crime against God and against humanity.

Bad argument.

No true Scotsman fallacy first and foremost, that no real Christian Catholic or otherwise, would get an abortion.

Second, Hillary isn't marching women into the abortion clinic. For whatever reason they have for going, it's a decision the woman makes - and the majority of those women identify as Christian, whether or not they pass your litmus test.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
....Hillary isn't marching women into the abortion clinic......
You keep saying that and you keep missing the point!! People will always do bad things, but if we legalize bad things just because people do them, then the person who legalizes them is evil.

Murders happen every day. That will never change. But if a person said, "Let's decriminalize murder because we can't stop it", such a person would be evil.

Likewise, the fact that Hillary isn't marching women into the abortion clinic is besides the point. What she DOES do is keep the slaughter of those children legal, and THAT is evil.

And YOU share in her evil because you support giving her the power. Just own it. You support it so own it.
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like marbles on glass
You keep saying that and you keep missing the point!! People will always do bad things, but if we legalize bad things just because people do them, then the person who legalizes them is evil.

Murders happen every day. That will never change. But if a person said, "Let's decriminalize murder because we can't stop it", such a person would be evil.

Likewise, the fact that Hillary isn't marching women into the abortion clinic besides the point. What she DOES do is keep the slaughter of those children legal, and THAT is evil.

And YOU share in her evil because you support giving her the power. Just own it. You support it so own it.

There's nothing to own.

Those statistics were from 2008. The last year of an 8-year Republican presidency.


Only atheists get abortions, even the ones who sometimes feel they are Christian. The guilt factor is high as well- feeling ashamed makes one more apt to not want to anger God.

But don't expect atheists to accept that- they don't even see that their claim is nevertheless a pointless one- what is their to be gained of reprobates pointing out reprobates :idunno: