No Longer A Christian

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Well, ma dear. When I was a catholic eons ago I believed in the great skypilot. I prayed like mad for the end of all wars. I prayed like mad for the end of suffering all over the world. I prayed for the end of poverty. I prayed for all kinds of stuff that would benefit mankind. I did not spend hours a day but hours a week praying. Like the 6,000,000 Jews killed in the Holocaust, I prayed, I bloody well prayed and you know what, like those poor buggers not one of my prayers were answered. Prayer is mental masturbation and nothing else.


New member
Jackielabby:I bloody well prayed and you know what, like those poor buggers not one of my prayers were answered.
Are you HONESTLY telling us that NOT EVEN ONE prayer in all your time as a Christian was answered?
Jackielabby:I prayed for all kinds of stuff that would benefit mankind.
Would 'benefit mankind' in your determination? Maybe your ideas on the things truly needed and His were different. It is a possibility that can be considered.


Originally posted by julie21

Are you HONESTLY telling us that NOT EVEN ONE prayer in all your time as a Christian was answered?

Would 'benefit mankind' in your determination? Maybe your ideas on the things truly needed and His were different. It is a possibility that can be considered.

The end to starvation, poverty, child abuse, cruelty, disease, war were what I wanted an end to. So his ideas were different, eh? What a god!


Originally posted by julie21

Are you HONESTLY telling us that NOT EVEN ONE prayer in all your time as a Christian was answered?

Would 'benefit mankind' in your determination? Maybe your ideas on the things truly needed and His were different. It is a possibility that can be considered.

Can you tell me why your so-called loving god did not save anyone of those 6,000,000 men, women and children? THEY all prayed to him/it/her.


"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?"


New member
Originally posted by Jackielabby

Well, ma dear. When I was a catholic eons ago I believed in the great skypilot. I prayed like mad for the end of all wars. I prayed like mad for the end of suffering all over the world. I prayed for the end of poverty. I prayed for all kinds of stuff that would benefit mankind. I did not spend hours a day but hours a week praying. Like the 6,000,000 Jews killed in the Holocaust, I prayed, I bloody well prayed and you know what, like those poor buggers not one of my prayers were answered. Prayer is mental masturbation and nothing else.

My dear Jackie: Praying shouldn't be superstitious, e.g., expecting 'good luck' or 'miracles'; praying is to give thanks, praise, and to help one cope with every day angst. You're expecting too much if you ask for an 'end to poverty', etc. Praying to God is a relationship with the Almighty, and an admission to one's self that there is a higher power which is stronger than the human will. It is NOT mental masturbation =I'm sorry that you think of it this way.


Originally posted by Thia

My dear Jackie: Praying shouldn't be superstitious, e.g., expecting 'good luck' or 'miracles'; praying is to give thanks, praise, and to help one cope with every day angst. You're expecting too much if you ask for an 'end to poverty', etc. Praying to God is a relationship with the Almighty, and an admission to one's self that there is a higher power which is stronger than the human will. It is NOT mental masturbation =I'm sorry that you think of it this way.
If you are praying to a supernatural entity does that not mean that it is superstitious? Give thanks for what? Praise for what? I cope with my every day angst by just being with my lovely family and loyal dog. You believe that there is an almighty...go with works for you but sorry it does not for me.... and never will.


New member
Originally posted by Jackielabby

If you are praying to a supernatural entity does that not mean that it is superstitious? Give thanks for what? Praise for what? I cope with my every day angst by just being with my lovely family and loyal dog. You believe that there is an almighty...go with works for you but sorry it does not for me.... and never will.

No, praying to a 'supernatural' entity, ie., Jesus, is not superstitious; it means that you believe in what you cannot see (in Jesus' name), through your faith in God and his Son, Jesus, and your baptismal promises. I understand what you're saying, though...I know many people who feel as you do. What I give thanks for is the opportunity to pray to my Lord -who understands all. THAT is the saving grace, for me.


Originally posted by Thia

No, praying to a 'supernatural' entity, ie., Jesus, is not superstitious; it means that you believe in what you cannot see (in Jesus' name), through your faith in God and his Son, Jesus, and your baptismal promises. I understand what you're saying, though...I know many people who feel as you do. What I give thanks for is the opportunity to pray to my Lord -who understands all. THAT is the saving grace, for me.
I know where you are coming from and I respect you for that.:)


New member
Originally posted by Jackielabby

I know where you are coming from and I respect you for that.:)

Thank you. If only we could all feel this way, eh? Blessings to you and your family, Jackie!


New member
Jackielabby:Can you tell me why your so-called loving god did not save anyone of those 6,000,000 men, women and children? THEY all prayed to him/it/her.
A very wide statement there. I wuld think that there were some of those poor souls who didn't pray...just because they were Jews you make them into believers.
There are accounts of believing Jews who were there with the 6,000,000 who perished, who did actually pray, but acknowledge that without their prayers, they would not have survived. Some acknowledge that it was only their 'faith' that got them through the horror of it, and they believe that from out of the horror, little bits of good did come. In no way saying that the deaths of these people was good, or anything like that, but good did come in various ways after the suffering.

PS Jackielabby...Hasn't Crow moved this thread to Philosophy etc?
I will post in that one, rather than here. Meet you over there if you want to .

The Pom:Good to see the convicts have a sense of humour, too! Go away and pray now.....
1. You evidently do not know your history...I live in a State which had no convicts-so don't come and spoil our record, will you?
2. I can supply my genealogical tree and prove there were no convicts within my tree...I can only hope that you aren't related!!
3.Shows your lack of intellect and posting decorum to take one thing like this into a non theological thread!
And who said the Poms didn't know manners? Darbie and Joan would not be impressed with your behaviour! Pip Pip!!
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On Fire

New member
Originally posted by Jackielabby

It's axiomatic that religion is a good thing. "He's a very religious person", is almost always meant as a compliment. I don't know how many times I've heard someone say: John Doe couldn't have done that, after all, he's a very religious person. As if being pious inoculated a person from committing any sin or making any mistakes.
Then I suggest that you atheists stop trying to correlate religion and perfection. We KNOW how imperfect and fallen we are.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by On Fire

Then I suggest that you atheists stop trying to correlate religion and perfection. We KNOW how imperfect and fallen we are.

Oh really. Well, some of you do and some of you don't. There's always the freaks like Sozo claiming you people are perfect, after all.

On Fire

New member
Something hit me over the weekend. Don't get your hopes up Jackie and granite, it wasn't a truck or a big rock. The same non-believers come here day after day and argue with the same believers day after day. Neither side gives an inch. Neither side presents a truly original idea (it's all been said before). And it struck me that the non-believers may as well be talking to their television sets during their favorite sitcom.

This forum is nothing more than entertainment for the non-seeking non-believer. You're just as unlikely to experience God while watching a re-run of "Friends" as you are rehashing the same old arguments on TOL. God isn't in your television set or on your computer screen. No one here can truly answer your questions about why bad things happen to good people. You've got to get to know Jesus and ask Him yourself.

Would you ask Joey or Chandler why God let 6 million Jews die? Then why ask us? You don't really want our opinion on the matter, you want ANSWERS! And if you DON'T want answers then you're just banging your head against the wall.

Experiencing God is a journey. That journey may start here at TOL but you've got to read His word or join His body or fall on your knees before Him and admit your brokeness to really get anywhere.

I'm going to try and do a better job of ignoring the head bangers.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by On Fire

Something hit me over the weekend. Don't get your hopes up Jackie and granite, it wasn't a truck or a big rock. The same non-believers come here day after day and argue with the same believers day after day. Neither side gives an inch. Neither side presents a truly original idea (it's all been said before). And it struck me that the non-believers may as well be talking to their television sets during their favorite sitcom.

This forum is nothing more than entertainment for the non-seeking non-believer. You're just as unlikely to experience God while watching a re-run of "Friends" as you are rehashing the same old arguments on TOL. God isn't in your television set or on your computer screen. No one here can truly answer your questions about why bad things happen to good people. You've got to get to know Jesus and ask Him yourself.

Would you ask Joey or Chandler why God let 6 million Jews die? Then why ask us? You don't really want our opinion on the matter, you want ANSWERS! And if you DON'T want answers then you're just banging your head against the wall.

Experiencing God is a journey. That journey may start here at TOL but you've got to read His word or join His body or fall on your knees before Him and admit your brokeness to really get anywhere.

I'm going to try and do a better job of ignoring the head bangers.

Knock yourself out.:chuckle:


Resident Fiend
Originally posted by On Fire
You say that as if it's a bad thing.
Certainly not.

If'n that's watchoo wanna do, it makes me no nevermind.

Something to consider, though: if you Ignore everybody and everybody Ignores you, the signal-to-noise ratio around here might improve. Can you really in good conscience be a party to such as that?



Originally posted by julie21

A very wide statement there. I wuld think that there were some of those poor souls who didn't pray...just because they were Jews you make them into believers.
There are accounts of believing Jews who were there with the 6,000,000 who perished, who did actually pray, but acknowledge that without their prayers, they would not have survived. Some acknowledge that it was only their 'faith' that got them through the horror of it, and they believe that from out of the horror, little bits of good did come. In no way saying that the deaths of these people was good, or anything like that, but good did come in various ways after the suffering.

PS Jackielabby...Hasn't Crow moved this thread to Philosophy etc?
I will post in that one, rather than here. Meet you over there if you want to .

1. You evidently do not know your history...I live in a State which had no convicts-so don't come and spoil our record, will you?
2. I can supply my genealogical tree and prove there were no convicts within my tree...I can only hope that you aren't related!!
3.Shows your lack of intellect and posting decorum to take one thing like this into a non theological thread!
And who said the Poms didn't know manners? Darbie and Joan would not be impressed with your behaviour! Pip Pip!!

Actually lived in Melbourne from 1969 to 1973. My comments were in response to your condescending comments about Pommies, which as you probably know is still a derogative term. A bit of a hypocrite it seems. Do as I say, not as I do. When I was called a Pommie bastard in Aussie I always countered with convict bastard....As you xians say: 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'.
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