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Your twisted opinions are lies and by default sinful.
Note that what has been expressed has been based on what the scriptures themselves say (2 Timothy 4:2-4).
Your twisted opinions are lies and by default sinful.
Note that what has been expressed has been based on what the scriptures themselves say (2 Timothy 4:2-4).
You use scripture for support and not for illumination. You attempt to support a lie with the truth. This is what Satan did with Eve and what Satan tried with Yah Shua in the wilderness.
Note that no scripture has been used to support a lie (1 Thessalonians 2:13).
The devil's theology is to contradict God's Word with something which sounds better to humans, in order to deceive them into rejecting God's will (Genesis 3:1-6, Matthew 16:21-23; 1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Timothy 4:3-4).
Also, to arrive at correct doctrine, a verse in one place in the Bible must be compared with (conditioned by) other, related verses elsewhere in the Bible (Isaiah 28:9-10; 1 Corinthians 2:13). Our doctrine must be based on what the entire Bible says (2 Timothy 3:16, Matthew 4:4), and not just on what some unconditioned verses say.
For example, note how Jesus Christ put a condition on the verse in Matthew 4:6 (Psalms 91:12) with the verse in Matthew 4:7 (Deuteronomy 6:16). When Jesus said: "It is written again" (Matthew 4:7), He was referring to the principle of Isaiah 28:9-10. For in Matthew 4:7 the original Greek word (palin: G3825) translated as "again" can mean "furthermore" (Strong's Greek Dictionary).
More RCC propaganda... keep up the not good work.
The RCC does NOT determine what is and what is not Scripture.The Church had deacons, priests, bishops, and popes before it had a settled canon of Scripture.
No, it's called historical revisionism.This is just historical fact.
The Lord Jesus Christ.Remind me again, where'd you get that list of inspired books from?
You must forgive them if you are to be forgiven by God for your own sins (Matthew 6:15).
And you must not come against them with any physical force (Matthew 5:39), but must leave that to the secular powers (Romans 13:4).
(See also post #4 above)
Jesus told the woman to go and sin no more.
One person wrongly put to death is one too many.
. . . if I break the law I must pay for it. I am against the death penalty.
I believe life in prison gives a person time to repent and be saved.
If not they will will have to face God the Ultimate Judge in the end. That will be worse than the death penalty. Also I find that too many people have been cleared of death penalty charges through DNA and other means. One person wrongly put to death is one too many.
That makes no sense at all.It did not say that there were not two or more witnesses. "caught in the act of adultery."
a curious thing to say, for sure, especially in light of his prior statement that indicated that alland how many innocent people killed by murderers allowed to escape justice are too many?
These sorts of vague generalities prove nothing.One murder is one too many. God will judge all in the end.
Your desires do not prove anything either.If I were murdered I would not want the person to receive the death penalty.
Non-sequiturKing David had Bathsheba's husband Uriah killed, because he committed with Bathsheba.
One murder is one too many.
God will judge all in the end.
If I were murdered I would not want the person to receive the death penalty.
One person wrongly put to death is one too many.
Jesus was wrongly executed.
You think that Jesus would have rejected the law?
Scripture does not say. Care to make some wild speculation?
Tragic. No other word. What about all of those who could have been exonerated and reunited with their loved ones if they hadn't been swiftly executed? Have you got a word for that?