Nicer than God!


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

As usual, you are wrong.

Job 5:17 Behold, happy [is] the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty:


Pro 3:11 My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction:


Isa 26:16 LORD, in trouble have they visited thee, they poured out a prayer [when] thy chastening [was] upon them.


Hbr 12:5 And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:


Hbr 12:7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?


Hbr 12:11 Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.


Psa 139:21 Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?

Resting in Him,


Active member
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer

We are not talking about sin in general we are talking about criminal behavior. Homo's should be executed because they have committed a capital crime.

Resting in Him,

I got nothin' to match the wrath that an unrepentant gay will face, and as such, will spend my life seeking their repentance. As well, I will not keep fellowship with a Christian who refuses to repent of sexual sin, including homosexuality. What else can I do? I would willing die for the Name, so I don't see execution as much of a threat. I think persecution of gays just makes them more militant anyway.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by Lovejoy

I got nothin' to match the wrath that an unrepentant gay will face, and as such, will spend my life seeking their repentance. As well, I will not keep fellowship with a Christian who refuses to repent of sexual sin, including homosexuality. What else can I do? I would willing die for the Name, so I don't see execution as much of a threat. I think persecution of gays just makes them more militant anyway.

Who cares? Let them be militant! It's a better thing for them to be as evil as can be than for them to be able to assimilate into your community without the slightest resistance! Stop worrying so much about the homo's state of mind and worry more about YOUR family that they are working to destroy.

Resting in Him,

Aussie Thinker

Clete cut straight to the point of his hatred… HOMOS..

A psychologist would have a field day with you Clete !

If ever I have heard the rantings of a closet homosexual.. YOURS ARE IT !

I hope you confess all your illicit evil homosexual thoughts .. its is so clear you HATE them so much because they get to act on their desires.. while you have to chaff and itch and suffer… because God says you must..

Give in Clete.. there is no God anyway.


New member
Hall of Fame
If Enyart wants people to be really harsh, perhaps he should explain his child abuse charges and three marriages.


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

Yep.. why else would you give a rats behind about what fags want to do with their lives !
Then you must be a closet Creationist. :hammer:
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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

Clete cut straight to the point of his hatred… HOMOS..

A psychologist would have a field day with you Clete !

If ever I have heard the rantings of a closet homosexual.. YOURS ARE IT !

I hope you confess all your illicit evil homosexual thoughts .. its is so clear you HATE them so much because they get to act on their desires.. while you have to chaff and itch and suffer… because God says you must..

Give in Clete.. there is no God anyway.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by granite1010

If Enyart wants people to be really harsh, perhaps he should explain his child abuse charges and three marriages.

The only reason you know anything about it in the first place is almost certainly because he has told his own story about a million times on national T.V. and radio.
Why do you take pleasure in throwing around accusations about a Godly man in defense of perverts?


New member
Three marriages?

Three marriages?

Originally posted by granite1010

If Enyart wants people to be really harsh, perhaps he should explain his child abuse charges and three marriages.

Do you have a link where I can read about this?
-- helmet84


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by granite1010

If Enyart wants people to be really harsh, perhaps he should explain his child abuse charges and three marriages.

Aussie Thinker


Then you must be a closet Creationist.

TOUCHE ! Good one !

I only have fixation with YECers as I feel they attempt to undermine learning and education.

I am not sure how homosexuals effect us in any way ?


Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Re: Three marriages?

Re: Three marriages?

Originally posted by helmet84

Do you have a link where I can read about this?
-- helmet84
It's no secret. Call him on air or off, and he'd probably tell you all about it. In fact, he might even put you on the line with his stepson he "abused." He's done that before.


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

If Enyart wants people to be really harsh, perhaps he should explain his child abuse charges and three marriages.

He has. Numerous times on his TV shows, tapes, etc.


Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

Clete cut straight to the point of his hatred… HOMOS..

A psychologist would have a field day with you Clete !

If ever I have heard the rantings of a closet homosexual.. YOURS ARE IT !

I hope you confess all your illicit evil homosexual thoughts .. its is so clear you HATE them so much because they get to act on their desires.. while you have to chaff and itch and suffer… because God says you must..

Give in Clete.. there is no God anyway.


This from an Aussie "Thinker!"


Aussie Thinker

How does Enyart defend his 3 marriages.

I have NO religious belief yet I hold the vows I made in my marriage to be sacred.

I would forgive 1 mistake but not 2 (or 3).

I made a fair dinkum commitment to someone else and it would be pissweak of me to bail out on it.

It a true sign of the man’s poor character !


Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

How does Enyart defend his 3 marriages.

I have NO religious belief yet I hold the vows I made in my marriage to be sacred.

I would forgive 1 mistake but not 2 (or 3).

I made a fair dinkum commitment to someone else and it would be pissweak of me to bail out on it.

It a true sign of the man’s poor character !

Do you even know one iota of Enyart's story?


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer

The only reason you know anything about it in the first place is almost certainly because he has told his own story about a million times on national T.V. and radio.
Why do you take pleasure in throwing around accusations about a Godly man in defense of perverts?

Uh, Clete? Time out. I didn't accuse him of anything. These are the facts: Enyart was convicted of child abuse and has been married three times.

Show me an instance where I've defended perversion and I'll call it a day. Unless criticism of Enyart is somehow an attack on morality.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Originally posted by granite1010

Uh, Clete? Time out. I didn't accuse him of anything. These are the facts: Enyart was convicted of child abuse and has been married three times.

Show me an instance where I've defended perversion and I'll call it a day. Unless criticism of Enyart is somehow an attack on morality.

I didn't say that you accused him; I said that you threw the accusations around. Besides, it doesn't matter if the accusations are true or not, does it? You don't bother to give any of the details surrounding the child abuse charges and make no reference to the fact that he doesn't like that he destroyed his own family any more than you do. In other words, it makes no difference to you that he has clearly repented of that which destroyed his family and wasn't guilty of child abuse in the first place. All you care about is smearing the reputation of a Godly man specifically for the purpose of scoring points against me in a discussion about whether it is right or wrong to stigmatize homo's.
So I say it again! You take pleasure in throwing around accusations about a Godly man in defense of perverts.

Resting in Him,

P.S. I know that Bob was convicted in a court of child abuse. I also know that he was acquitted on the same charge. He has two son’s that he had spanked. He had two separate trials both with the same evidence, the same testimony, same prosecutor and same judge. In one he was acquitted the other he was convicted. The only difference was the juries; one was more liberal than the other. In any case, spanking is not child abuse regardless of what the law says and I therefore say that he was not guilty of child abuse in the first place.

P.P.S. Do you have anything that is on topic to bring to bear against my position? Or is attacking Bob Enyart the best that you can do?
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