New Wikileaks dump reveals Hillary called Muslims "sandnig***s"


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The more I think about it the more I realize Islam and Donald Trump are a match made in Hell:

The false prophet Mohammad raped little Aisha when she was 9, Donald Trump waited until the girl was 13.

It's amazing that a religion would worship a pedophile such as Mohammad. It's also amazing that supposed 'Christians' would endorse for President an accused child rapist like Donald Trump.

You're a pedophile.

Now that I just accused you of being one, you should treat yourself in the same manner as Trump :plain:

Get a grip :thumb:

You little Trumpeteers are confusing me. Nicky called me a "dyke", Catholic Crusader called me a "pederast" and now you're calling me a "pedophile". So basically I'm a butch lesbian who likes to have sex with underage boys as well as pre-pubescent ones?

Let's get back to Donald Trump's RAPE of a 13 year old girl. I was riding in a shuttle van the other day and the driver was talking politics. Like most Americans he loathed both major party candidates. When I told him and the other passenger about Trump's pending civil suit alleging that he RAPED a 13 year old girl, there was dead silence for a minute.

A quick question for you: What do you think this election's "October Surprise" is going to be?

I think that the democrats are going to wait until about a week from the election and run this Donald Trump/Jeffrey Epstein story where they allegedly RAPED a 13 year old girl, covering the story 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

While America allows the molestation of children's minds (as I've pointed out in another thread), they loooooooooathe child molesters.


I think that the democrats are going to wait until about a week from the election and run this Donald Trump/Jeffrey Epstein story where they allegedly RAPED a 13 year old girl, covering the story 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

While America allows the molestation of children's minds (as I've pointed out in another thread), they loooooooooathe child molesters.

Let them talk about it, it's what they do :idunno:
They'll cal Gandhi a sexist bigot before they ever considered how full of it they are.

You don't seem to mind being a baldfaced liar, in which you are saying Trump did this and did that while reporting that they are also mere allegations.
I mean really dude :AMR:


cruci, to acw:

if someone makes the claim and it's on the internet, it must be true :idunno:

aCW is the epitome of a false witness :plain:

It got old the second time he perpetuated such- now he's on his millionth time and it's just a dead corpse crawling through dirt :chuckle: