New Low From Trump


New member
Hall of Fame
Oh no doubt. If articles like THIS ONE out today continue on, Trump stays in the race, and the election numbers show that it was almost exclusively evangelical Christians who voted for him?

If you think Christianity in the US is declining now, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Their position is certainly understandable to some extent, isn't it? What matters more to the US, to the political issues that they care about. What Trump says about sleeping with women or what he will do in office vs what Clinton would do in office. They are voting on the issues, not character.

Of course, evangelicals who support Trump will never have an inch of ground to stand on if they ever bring up someone else's personal moral failings as a reason to vote for someone else.


New member
I agree. It seems clear her comments weren't about private opinions vs political opinions. It's the views she takes in public vs the views she takes in backroom discussions. What does she need to tell the public and then what does she tell everyone else. She says what she needs to get things done.

yeah, another excerpt from the same speech proves that.
But if everybody’s watching, you know, all of the backroom discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position


Well-known member
In fact, apart from the people who are in Trump's camp and so against the old status quo as represented by Clinton. There is another big lobby (like the African American community) who have not committed to Trump but are against the old status quo as represented by Clinton.

Together, these two sets of people are far more than those who are supporting Clinton. Additionally there are supporters of Sanders who reluctantly or by default, support Clinton.

This means that Clinton does not have a signification support base.

It is quite possible that a leader though democratically elected may not have the moral authority to rule. Sometimes such a leader (in frustration, through natural opposition by the masses) will believe that he/she have the right to use force on his or her population.

The time has come for leaders to seek the moral mandate instead of only the democratic/political one. This means that one's campaign must not be anchored on political correctness (i.e. not in hiding and having private and public opinions). But on showing one's true and consistent nature and position at all forums, but especially to the voting populace.

Fact is if Trump is elected and does his normal thing that is publicly aired and known, no one can fault him. However Clinton has not admitted to things that she is accused (by some) to have done. She sill promote her self as clean. Therefore if she is found lacking in those areas she cannot defend her self.

Indeed the old (way of doing things) must die to give way to the New.

Those who are not ready for this reality are now lost.

Fact is under the old system for example, if there is a run on a bank, government and bank executives are mandated to lie to the population. They must tell the population that all is good because a bank cannot handle a run which can devastate an economy. In this New age this will not work. More and more people will have intuitive insights of the truth.

People who continue to hold to and practice the Old system could find themselves paying dearly for deceiving the masses (even if it is done according to their perception of the interest of the general good). This is how and why the old Roman empire fell under a new consciousness (i.e. Christ consciousness) that overtook (and was adapted by) every one except the leaders in that empire.

Up to this time, deceiving the masses, for their own good by the ruling status quo worked. Simply because the masses were simplistic. This has changed. Significant numbers of people are now intuitively actualized. They know truth intuitively. They do not have to go to school or be privileged by other humans, to learn or know things).

Now, the New elite class are intuits, not intellectuals (who are the Old). The Old will eventually and inevitably be naturally and spontaneously relegated to give way to the New.

The Old who are being displaced may turn to violence again the masses so as to keep their hold on power. At all events and any event, it is a loosing scenario for them.

Do not be surprised if a 'Brexit like avalanche' empowers Trump. The same underlying force is at hand in the U.S.A. and the world at large.

Some news anchors have already made (possibly joking) mention of this possibility.
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
So what do all of you Trump supporters think of his recent disgusting comments about groping women?.........

What Trump only spoke about 8 years ago, Bill Clinton actually did and worse.
So if someone likes Bill Clinton, but snivels and cries about an 8 year old comment by Trump, then they are a hypocrite and a liar. If someone lets their kids list to wrap music that is far more vile in its lyrics and snivels and cries about an 8 year old comment by Trump, then they are a hypocrite and a liar. Every man in this forum at some point in his life has talked like that, and if they say they haven't then they are a hypocrite and a liar.

This is a non-issue. It has nothing to do with governing the country. Bill Clinton proved THAT. If Bill Clinton can rape, molest, and have sex in OUR White House under the nose of his daughter, and people still think he did a good job, then nobody should even be talking about this.

Jose Fly

New member
Their position is certainly understandable to some extent, isn't it? What matters more to the US, to the political issues that they care about. What Trump says about sleeping with women or what he will do in office vs what Clinton would do in office. They are voting on the issues, not character.

Of course, evangelicals who support Trump will never have an inch of ground to stand on if they ever bring up someone else's personal moral failings as a reason to vote for someone else.

Exactly. And given the dramatic generational declines in Christianity we're already seeing, within one or two more election cycles white evangelical Christians will definitely not be the voting bloc they once were.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Exactly. And given the dramatic generational declines in Christianity we're already seeing, within one or two more election cycles white evangelical Christians will definitely not be the voting bloc they once were.

I say again: What Trump only spoke about 8 years ago, Bill Clinton actually did, and worse.
So if someone likes Bill Clinton, but snivels and cries about an 8 year old comment by Trump, then they are a hypocrite and a liar. If someone lets their kids list to wrap music that is far more vile in its lyrics and snivels and cries about an 8 year old comment by Trump, then they are a hypocrite and a liar. Every man in this forum at some point in his life has talked like that, and if they say they haven't then they are a hypocrite and a liar.

This is a non-issue. It has nothing to do with governing the country. Bill Clinton proved THAT. If Bill Clinton can rape, molest, and have sex in OUR White House under the nose of his daughter, and people still think he did a good job, then nobody should even be talking about this.


New member
That's the best news I've heard today. This is shaping up to be a blowout of historical proportions.
trump well likely lose but not by a blowout, Hillary will likely win by less than 4% of the popular vote. America is a very divided country right now, this election proves it, Neither Hillary or Trump deserve half a percent of America's vote.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yes Aaron, I have something called "integrity".

the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness:

...With respect to morality, there can be no absolute positions. Morality legitimately varies from person to person, family to family, religion to religion, political party to political party, country to country, etc.:

...The idea of absolute concepts of morality (as exemplified by the ten commandments) was long recognized, to be flawed, by Jesus. Such ideas were done away with, by Jesus, 2000 odd years ago. A new approach was introduce. This new approach has finally come home to earth, to rule.

Wow, where do you find these lies?


New member
I say again: What Trump only spoke about 8 years ago, Bill Clinton actually did, and worse.
So if someone likes Bill Clinton, but snivels and cries about an 8 year old comment by Trump, then they are a hypocrite and a liar. If someone lets their kids list to wrap music that is far more vile in its lyrics and snivels and cries about an 8 year old comment by Trump, then they are a hypocrite and a liar. Every man in this forum at some point in his life has talked like that, and if they say they haven't then they are a hypocrite and a liar.

This is a non-issue. It has nothing to do with governing the country. Bill Clinton proved THAT. If Bill Clinton can rape, molest, and have sex in OUR White House under the nose of his daughter, and people still think he did a good job, then nobody should even be talking about this.

I think that is why so many voters still support Trump.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
From what I've heard x-rays have shown that Donald Trump doesn't have a decent bone in his body. Because of that GOP lawyers are currently working on ways to oust the pervert.

Nothing will happen to Trump, most Republican are not fazed by his comments, as long he opposes Hillary they will vote for him.

The power hungry sociopath will not resign, but wisely so, former Trump supporters in the GOP are jumping ship.

Trump's closest allies are ready to jump ship as Republican senators call on the Donald to quit the campaign so Mike Pence can lead the ticket.
Dozens of Republican senators, representatives and governors have withdrawn their support from Trump after a*video, published Friday, featured him saying stars can 'do anything' to women,

Read more:

God bless the Republican Party, they don't want a pervert running for President.

Look on the bright side Jeff: After Trump loses in a landslide to Hillary Clinton, you and Catholic Crusader can sit side by side watching him on some reality tv show, where he belongs.


New member
The only rationalization they need is that he's still not Clinton and that Clinton does bad stuff too. :plain:

Not quite. Trump is the only thing standing between us and the utter destruction of the America your father used to know. Not one remnant will be left standing in a few short years. Of course, if you benefit from the massive changes in the past thirty years and the works of the establishment don't concern you and are even agreeable to your sensibilities,then this latest is more reason to dump trump.


New member
Paul Ryan heckled at Wisconsin festival over criticism of Trump
Ryan, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson all disagreed, releasing statements Friday sharply criticizing Trump for the comments on the leaked tape. The trio, however, made little mention of the controversy during the festival proceedings.

Ryan was the lone member to even mention Trump. After taking the stage to a mixture of enthusiastic cheers and boos, he said there was “an elephant in the room.”

“It’s a troubling situation. I’m serious,” Ryan said. “I stand by what I said [in the statement]. … But that’s not why we’re here.”

Trump supporters heckled Ryan throughout his remarks, accusing him of turning his back on the GOP. The speaker spent the bulk of his speech on the House Republicans’ “Better Way” agenda. He did proclaim that Wisconsin will “need to deliver its 10 electoral votes” in the presidential race — indicating he had not fully bailed on Trump’s candidacy.

But Trump supporters still disavowed Ryan for not explicitly supporting Trump in his remarks.


Originally Posted by jeffblue101
I think that is why so many voters still support Trump.

We support Trump because he is the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dike, if you are familiar with the story.

Actually Donald Trump himself talked about you people (his diehard supporters) quite sometime ago:


Admit it, Donald Trump could do anything and you'd still vote for him.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I say again: What Trump only spoke about 8 years ago, Bill Clinton actually did, and worse.
So if someone likes Bill Clinton, but snivels and cries about an 8 year old comment by Trump, then they are a hypocrite and a liar. If someone lets their kids list to wrap music that is far more vile in its lyrics and snivels and cries about an 8 year old comment by Trump, then they are a hypocrite and a liar. Every man in this forum at some point in his life has talked like that, and if they say they haven't then they are a hypocrite and a liar.

This is a non-issue. It has nothing to do with governing the country. Bill Clinton proved THAT. If Bill Clinton can rape, molest, and have sex in OUR White House under the nose of his daughter, and people still think he did a good job, then nobody should even be talking about this.

I think that is why so many voters still support Trump.

I think you are correct. Trump supporters are earthy, regular Joes, working stiffs, and people like that don't think his comments were so horribly evil. Sure, they think his comments are inappropriate and he should not have said them, but when placed in perspective of Bill Clinton and with society in general and with their 8 year old age, normal people don't think they are THAT big of a deal.


like marbles on glass
Every man in this forum at some point in his life has talked like that, and if they say they haven't then they are a hypocrite and a liar.

Really? Every man in this forum has said something like: "You can do anything... Grab them by the [redacted]. You can do anything."

Just because you've talked this way about women and you only know men who talk about women this way doesn't mean all men are like you.

Thankfully, there are good men out there who don't brag about grabbing women by their [redacted], or worse, actually grabbing women by their [redacted].

All you supposedly 'Christian' men out there who don't have a problem with grabbing a woman's [redacted], there's something seriously wrong with you.


New member