New Hampshire Defunds Planned Parenthood

Jose Fly

New member
Yeah, completely. NH has been under siege for a while now by some real freaks, to be blunt. We had jokers in here with guns literally falling out of their pockets while in the House chamber--and those were members of the House. We had at least one idiot who proposed every bit of legislation proposed somehow cite, or reference, or tie back to, the Magna Carta. (I am not making that up.) The "free state" movement's infected the western half of my state, leading to all manner of lunacy. And now this, a backlash in the wake of the videos, driven by knee jerk idiots, targeting clinics that don't even participate in the program that drew the most attention.


Wow. Sounds somewhat like E. WA and N. ID where I'm at. I always like to say that in other parts of the northwest, the crazies are outside protesting government meetings, but up here the crazies are inside running them.

Looks like you're in the same boat.


New member
Hall of Fame
Apparently you can't! :chuckle:

Take another look at what you're quoting...

"“No one should miss the horrific reality of what Planned Parenthood does behind closed doors, as revealed in the recently released undercover videos,” he continued. “Our tax dollars should fund local public health clinics, not corporate welfare for Planned Parenthood."

And who's the "he" who said that?

"ADF Senior Counsel Casey Mattox"

So that was some guy from an activist group. You should pay closer attention before you jump all over someone else, otherwise you'll just look stupid. :think:

Only if that's where the money goes, and some guy from an advocacy group saying something isn't how funds get appropriated. :duh:

Thats all irrelevant that everything that PP does is done already at the local health departments with the exception of abortion. Why pay just a few pp clinics, when funding could help more women all over the state?

They just wont be able to get an abortion. That is what really bothers you and granite isnt it.


New member
Hall of Fame
Wow. Sounds somewhat like E. WA and N. ID where I'm at. I always like to say that in other parts of the northwest, the crazies are outside protesting government meetings, but up here the crazies are inside running them.

Looks like you're in the same boat.

Yeah. So far they haven't been able to do any significant damage--but this latest might be a major exception to the rule.

Jose Fly

New member
Thats all irrelevant wasn't irrelevant just a bit ago when you were telling me I need to read better. But when it turned out you needed to heed your own advice, suddenly "that's all irrelevant".

Hilarious. :rotfl:

that everything that PP does is done already at the local health departments with the exception of abortion. Why pay just a few pp clinics, when funding could help more women all over the state?

They just wont be able to get an abortion. That is what really bothers you and granite isnt it.

If they send the same amount of money to the health clinics, that'll help. But yes, women who need safe, legal abortions should have a place to go get them.


New member
Hall of Fame
If they send the same amount of money to the health clinics, that'll help. But yes, women who need safe, legal abortions should have a place to go get them.

Since tax dollars aren't suppose to pay for them anyway there is no loss here that the tax payers money for womens services will be increased to local health departments that are already providing them.

Seems you and granite are objecting to nothing, other than the potential closing of pp and lack of ability for abortion, which has no bearing on tax money anyway, so granite keeps saying. (he claims tax dollars dont cover them anyway) so no loss here.

Jose Fly

New member
the tax payers money for womens services will be increased to local health departments that are already providing them.

Where do you get that from?

Seems you and granite are objecting to nothing, other than the potential closing of pp and lack of ability for abortion, which has no bearing on tax money anyway, so granite keeps saying. (he claims tax dollars dont cover them anyway) so no loss here.

If either of the PP clinics close, that's a loss.


New member
Hall of Fame
Here's the reality: Funding for these clinics is being refused, and the services they used to be able to offer won't be anymore. There is no extra money or funding lying around that's going to be directed to other hospitals, clinics, or agencies to make up for the difference.

Actions have consequences. This is not going to end well or do my state any good. Real harm will come from this.


New member
Hall of Fame
Where do you get that from?

The article states the money will be given to other health departments that provide the contracted services and ive already quoted that to you, learn how to read.

If either of the PP clinics close, that's a loss.

No, its a gain, for the children in the womb that wont be slaughtered. Which still has no bearing on anything here (tax funding), since tax dollars aren't suppose to be used for abortion.

So are you worried they are used for that, and women wont have easy access to abortion? That could really only be your objection, since again, local health departments all over the state, cover all the services pp provides, except abortion and poor women cant get help from pp anyway unless they have insurance or are already on medicaid, if they dont, they are sent to the local health department BY planned parenthood who require all payment up front. (health departments give service regardless of ability to pay)

So if you are truely worried about the poor, seems you would prefer funding being sent to the local health departments.


New member
Hall of Fame
Here's the reality: Funding for these clinics is being refused, and the services they used to be able to offer won't be anymore. There is no extra money or funding lying around that's going to be directed to other hospitals, clinics, or agencies to make up for the difference.

Actions have consequences. This is not going to end well or do my state any good. Real harm will come from this.

How, the local health departments dont turn anyone away for inability to pay, and they ALREADY offer all the same services with the exception of abortion. They have already said the same funding being given to pp for services other than abortion will be sent to the health departments that offer the same services (other than abortion).

You have no argument. Poor women already cant get services at PP, they are turned away if they cant pay, thats NOT the case at the local health departments.

Jose Fly

New member
The article states the money will be given to other health departments that provide the contracted services and ive already quoted that to you, learn how to read.

Where does it say that?

So are you worried they are used for that, and women wont have easy access to abortion?

Yes. Abortions are legal and there are women who need them. So it's important that they have places to go to get them.


New member
Hall of Fame
Jose, the funds that were killed were earmarked specifically for PP. There's no magic pot of money that appears and can be re-allocated. There's a real, real important clarification that needs to be made: This was a contract between NH and Planned Parenthood that was just denied. The $600k intended for this contract can't (and won't) just up and go over to other organizations.

Jose Fly

New member
Ive already quoted it and its in the op article.

It's so funny to see someone who keeps telling people they need to learn how to read, not be able to read very well. Here are the relevant parts of your OP....

"The Committee is also requesting that funding be reallocated to other women’s health organizations."

So, 1) that's rhetoric, not actual appropriations; and, 2) "other women's health organizations" could be all sorts of things.

"“Our tax dollars should fund local public health clinics, not corporate welfare for Planned Parenthood."

As we've covered, that's just rhetoric from a guy from an advocacy group, which is meaningless.

So again, where does the article say "the money will be given to other health departments that provide the contracted services" as you claimed?

All irrelevant to tax dollars. They are not suppose to be being spent on abortion and all other services are already covered by health departments.

Then why are they defunding PP if none of the public money was paying for abortions?


New member
Hall of Fame
And there ya' go. This is just ideological and vindictive.

Absolutely, and if you notice, it's not even that even pro-choicers like this, but, they do realize PP's become radioactive at the moment.

Total farce. The best that GOPers have done so far is "suggest" that other providers be found to fill the need for the services Planned Parenthood was offering. I guess they have a magic wand lying around.


New member
Hall of Fame
From the op that you cant seem to read or understand.

“It’s time for Governor Hassan to put politics aside and work with the Commissioner of Health and Human Services and the Executive Council to identify alternative health care providers to cover the services that were included in this contract,” she stated.

Jose Fly

New member
From the op that you cant seem to read or understand.

“It’s time for Governor Hassan to put politics aside and work with the Commissioner of Health and Human Services and the Executive Council to identify alternative health care providers to cover the services that were included in this contract,” she stated.

And who said that? That would be Jennifer Horn, chair of the NH GOP.
