New Hampshire Defunds Planned Parenthood


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New Hampshire Defunds Planned Parenthood

CONCORD, N.H. — Officials in the state of New Hampshire have voted to defund the abortion giant Planned Parenthood on Wednesday, canceling its $650,000 contract.

The 3-2 party line vote by the State Executive Council comes as a result of a series of videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, showing that the organization harvests the organs of aborted babies donated by their mothers, and sells them to scientific companies who pay the organization the body parts.

The majority vote comes despite objections from Gov. Mary Hassan, who also released a statement decrying the decision.

“The council’s vote to defund Planned Parenthood will hurt the health and economic well-being of thousands of Granite Staters,” she said. “Moving forward, I will continue to fight to ensure that women and families have access to the important health services that are essential to the economic security and vitality of our families.”

But the the State Executive Council is calling for an investigation into Planned Parenthood, and the Republican State Committee is backing the proposition. The Committee is also requesting that funding be reallocated to other women’s health organizations.

“The appalling videos showing Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of human body parts have raised serious and legitimate concerns,” said Chair Jennifer Horn in a statement. “Instead of calling for an investigation of Planned Parenthood’s potentially criminal activity, Governor Hassan has turned a blind eye to this controversy and tried to give more taxpayer dollars to this scandal-plagued organization.”

“It’s time for Governor Hassan to put politics aside and work with the Commissioner of Health and Human Services and the Executive Council to identify alternative health care providers to cover the services that were included in this contract,” she stated.

The legal organization Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) also applauded the council for its move.

“The people of New Hampshire should not be forced to fund a billion-dollar corporation that was caught on camera negotiating the sale of baby body parts,” said ADF Senior Counsel Casey Mattox. “The New Hampshire Executive Council should therefore be commended for ending the use of state taxpayer dollars for such barbarism.”

“No one should miss the horrific reality of what Planned Parenthood does behind closed doors, as revealed in the recently released undercover videos,” he continued. “Our tax dollars should fund local public health clinics, not corporate welfare for Planned Parenthood. We join the call … for New Hampshire’s attorney general to thoroughly investigate Planned Parenthood.”

The state of New Hampshire has contracts with Planned Parenthood of Northern New England in the amount of $385,000; Planned Parenthood NNE-Claremont in the amount of $253,900; Weeks Medical Center in the amount of $117,100; Joan Lovering Health Center in the amount of $134,200; and Concord Feminist Health Center in the amount of $179,800.

Excellent news, and since local health departments (so many more of them than these limited locations) help women and children without ability to pay also with more services, thats where the money should be going.

Its blatantly false that women don't have access to women's services without planned parenthood, they have access through local health departments which don't charge them if they cant pay and offer them a much greater number of services and care whether they can pay or not.

The only thing these women wont have access to if PP closes, is abortion through planned parenthood.

Hopefully in light of this, other states will follow suit.


The states of louisiana and alabama also just recently defunded planned parenthood.

Bobby Jindal does what Senate refuses to do: Defunds Planned Parenthood in Louisiana


Alabama makes three states that defunded Planned Parenthood this week

Now add Utah and Arkansas who is defunding them:

Utah Becomes Next State to Defund Abortion Giant Planned Parenthood

Arkansas Ends Taxpayer-Funded Medicaid Payments to Planned Parenthood
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Hall of Fame
None of the PP clinics in my state participate in fetal tissue donation.

Idiotic move by our executive council.


New member
"Planned Parenthood" has become a horrible misnomer. It seems more like Planned Abortions for Profit these days. That is the problem with sending public money to companies - there is always that motive to make money or for profit. So in that sense I agree with you, state public clinics seem a better option. But I think it should be remembered they are only acting as a net for those without family support. I am happy that at least this one state is taking steps to find better, more responsible options. Traditionally states kept the responsibility for public welfare in their domain, so imho they should be governing this area and trying to promote family life, marriage, and individual accountability and stop punting the ball to a national corporation with questionable motives.

Jose Fly

New member
The Committee is also requesting that funding be reallocated to other women’s health organizations.

Who? Because if those organizations don't provide free and easy access to contraception, all this will do is increase the number of abortions.


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Hall of Fame
Who? Because if those organizations don't provide free and easy access to contraception, all this will do is increase the number of abortions.

Local health departments provide that, what they don't provide is abortion - they also don't charge you if you cant pay, pp charges up front or guides you to the local health department and or where to apply for medicaid if you cant pay for contraception etc.. They require payment up front and only offer discounts when you can prove your income and or already have medicaid or other insurance. A local doctor does the same as that.

Don't believe the lying hype you are fed. They only loss if PP closes down, will be less places offering abortions.


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Hall of Fame
Who? Because if those organizations don't provide free and easy access to contraception, all this will do is increase the number of abortions.

Yeah, we've got some real kooks running around the state capital these days. Best not to trouble 'em with questions that look for specifics.


New member
Hall of Fame
Yeah, we've got some real kooks running around the state capital these days. Best not to trouble 'em with questions that look for specifics.

Kooks that want to give more funding to the very places someone without ability to pay would go, the local health departments which are more easily accessed statewide since they are all over and pp is limited to city settings and demand payment up front or they even send you to the local health department?

Wow, best not trouble yourself with checking facts huh.

Face it granite, the only thing a woman can get at PP that they dont have access to in a local health department or local doctor is an abortion, thats it.


New member
The only thing these women wont have access to if PP closes, is abortion through planned parenthood.

Hopefully in light of this, other states will follow suit.

yeh, did you see that liberal witch on FOX earlier who had the AUDACITY to claim that PP only does abortions as 3% of what they do???


lying so and so!

But then, why would it surprise anyone that a lib would lie?

Martha McCallum pretty much called her a liar in a polite way..

Thank you, Martha



New member
Hall of Fame
yeh, did you see that liberal witch on FOX earlier who had the AUDACITY to claim that PP only does abortions as 3% of what they do???


lying so and so!

But then, why would it surprise anyone that a lib would lie?

Martha McCallum pretty much called her a liar in a polite way..

Thank you, Martha


Parse it much as you like but even the National Review doesn't directly wiggle away from this--it just attacks the percentage itself.

Jose Fly

New member
Yeah, we've got some real kooks running around the state capital these days. Best not to trouble 'em with questions that look for specifics.

Well that's kinda the whole point. If they shuttle the money over to places like fundamentalist Christian "crisis pregnancy centers", then this is going to do nothing but increase the numbers of abortions.


New member
Hall of Fame
Well that's kinda the whole point. If they shuttle the money over to places like fundamentalist Christian "crisis pregnancy centers", then this is going to do nothing but increase the numbers of abortions.

Yeah. They'll need to find alternative vendors for the actual medical services PP offers that the centers don't (and can't). That'll take time. It's basically just a complete mess.


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Yes. All it said is "The Committee is also requesting that funding be reallocated to other women’s health organizations."

What "other women's health organizations" are they sending the money to?

You cant read can you.

Our tax dollars should fund local public health clinics, not corporate welfare for Planned Parenthood


“It’s time for Governor Hassan to put politics aside and work with the Commissioner of Health and Human Services and the Executive Council to identify alternative health care providers to cover the services that were included in this contract,” she stated.

Since tax dollars aren't suppose to be being used for abortion anyway, that would mean all other services provided, which the local health departments already cover.

Jose Fly

New member
Yeah. They'll need to find alternative vendors for the actual medical services PP offers that the centers don't (and can't). That'll take time. It's basically just a complete mess.

Thanks for finding that. So they defunded (at a state level) two PP offices that don't do fetal tissue donations, and they haven't figured out who is going to step in and provide the contraceptive and other health care services.'d almost think this was ideological in nature, rather than practical. :rolleyes:


New member
Hall of Fame
Thanks for finding that. So they defunded (at a state level) two PP offices that don't do fetal tissue donations, and they haven't figured out who is going to step in and provide the contraceptive and other health care services.'d almost think this was ideological in nature, rather than practical. :rolleyes:

Yeah, completely. NH has been under siege for a while now by some real freaks, to be blunt. We had jokers in here with guns literally falling out of their pockets while in the House chamber--and those were members of the House. We had at least one idiot who proposed every bit of legislation proposed somehow cite, or reference, or tie back to, the Magna Carta. (I am not making that up.) The "free state" movement's infected the western half of my state, leading to all manner of lunacy. And now this, a backlash in the wake of the videos, driven by knee jerk idiots, targeting clinics that don't even participate in the program that drew the most attention.


Jose Fly

New member
You cant read can you.

Apparently you can't! :chuckle:

Take another look at what you're quoting...

"“No one should miss the horrific reality of what Planned Parenthood does behind closed doors, as revealed in the recently released undercover videos,” he continued. “Our tax dollars should fund local public health clinics, not corporate welfare for Planned Parenthood."

And who's the "he" who said that?

"ADF Senior Counsel Casey Mattox"

So that was some guy from an activist group. You should pay closer attention before you jump all over someone else, otherwise you'll just look stupid. :think:

Since tax dollars aren't suppose to be being used for abortion anyway, that would mean all other services provided, which the local health departments already cover.

Only if that's where the money goes, and some guy from an advocacy group saying something isn't how funds get appropriated. :duh:


New member
Hall of Fame
Thanks for finding that. So they defunded (at a state level) two PP offices that don't do fetal tissue donations, and they haven't figured out who is going to step in and provide the contraceptive and other health care services.'d almost think this was ideological in nature, rather than practical. :rolleyes:

Ok, you and granite keep pretending that local health departments all over the state, dont provide all the exact same services as PP at tons of more locations to tons of more women and even if they cant pay.

If your objection is just that local health departments dont provide abortions, you need to just be honest and come out and say it.

You both look idiotic to keep pretending that only PP with its limited locations in the state, and the fact that you get no service without payment, do really anything for women that they cant even more easily access at their local health department.

Just admit your real issue is that women will have less access to abortion, period.