NEW Footage of Ashli Babbitt Shooting--Biden DOJ Targets Steve Bannon & James O'Keefe

Babbitt posed a very great threat

All you do is lie. It is quite disgusting.
A small, petite unarmed woman "posed a very great threat". Wow.
You are one diseased Leftist. Your mind is full of hate and lies. Go seek help.

there was a mob of dangerous destructive domestic terrorists surging behind her

Again, the venom and hate and lies you spread are quite disgusting. Again, your mind is full of hate and lies. Go seek help.

A mob of dangerous destructive domestic terrorists indeed.

Behold the horror:


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Greatest poster ever
A small, petite unarmed woman "posed a very great threat". Wow.
It's called "breaking and entering," and it is especially dangerous when the person breaking and entering has a violent mob who has already threatened lives and damaged property ready to surge in behind her.
Go seek help,
You first.
A mob of dangerous destructive domestic terrorists indeed.
Yes, indeed: "Hang Mike Pence!" they shouted. They even had the gallows for it.
Yes, indeed: "Hang Mike Pence!" they shouted. They even had the gallows for it.

Ladies and gentlemen, see the sheer stupidity and ignorance of a Leftist. This sorry excuse for a man actually thinks that there were real gallows and that the patriots who protested were literally going to hang Mike Pence.

Moderators, is there not a rule against just posting the stupidest most blatant ignorant lies that derail a thread? This sort of stupidity literally destroys threads.

@Jefferson @JudgeRightly @Sherman

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Greatest poster ever
Ladies and gentlemen, see the sheer stupidity and ignorance of a Leftist. This sorry excuse for a man actually thinks that there were real gallows and that the patriots who protested were literally going to hang Mike Pence.
They threatened his life. Fact. "Hang Mike Pence!" is not something to be taken lightly, although I can see why you want to make light of it.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
This sorry excuse for a man actually thinks that there were real gallows and that the patriots who protested were literally going to hang Mike Pence.

The Proud Boys intended to kill Vice President Mike Pence during the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol, according to testimony from an FBI informant that was read during Thursday’s House Select Committee Hearing.
