Never-Trump Moron Idiots Can Learn From Sen. Rand Paul

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Rand Paul Supports Donald Trump as Nominee: ‘I Stand by That Pledge’


Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told Breitbart News he will honor his pledge to support the presumptive 2016 GOP presidential nominee, Donald Trump, in the general election against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton—the likely Democratic nominee—in November.

Paul, along with every other 2016 GOP presidential candidate, signed a pledge that they would back the nominee in the general election.

“I took a pledge when I ran for president to not run as an independent candidate and to support the Republican nominee,” Paul said. “I stand by that pledge, and I think that anybody who signs their word to a document ought to take it seriously before they sign a document. So I don’t think there’s any question that those who signed the document ought to say, ‘you know what? I honor the pledge.’

Several others, like Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Dr. Ben Carson and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, have followed through on their pledges to support Trump as the nominee. Others, like former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), have yet to do so. Now that Trump has won and he has lost, Bush has said he does not intend to back Trump over Clinton.

Bush even went so far as to state he would not vote for Trump over Clinton.

“In November, I will not vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, but I will support principled conservatives at the state and federal levels, just as I have done my entire life,” Bush said in a Facebook post when Trump became the presumptive GOP nominee. “For Republicans, there is no greater priority than ensuring we keep control of both chambers of Congress. I look forward to working hard for great conservatives in the Senate and House in the coming months.”

That means Bush has broken his pledge to the Republican Party, while others like Cruz have yet to fulfill it or break it. More from Paul’s latest exclusive interview with Breitbart News is forthcoming.

Eagles Wings

New member
Rand Paul kept his word.

WRITE IN...Rand Paul

OR....Check out Constitution Party if they are on your state's ballot.

Be proud of your vote and vote your Christian conscience, NOT the lesser of two evils.


New member
Rand Paul kept his word.

WRITE IN...Rand Paul

OR....Check out Constitution Party if they are on your state's ballot.

Be proud of your vote and vote your Christian conscience, NOT the lesser of two evils.

It is much more than the lesser of two evils. As bad as trump is, he is not the leader of the religion of godless Secular Humanism that attacks Christian values. Secular Humanism is the de facto state religion and I see no hope for the USA if Clinton is elected. With the GOP divided, the election of Clinton is assured.


You'd be surprised how many people refuse to vote on account of being hinged on the libertarian ideology. And so it's good that he supports Trump.

Everyone who calls their self an American should support Trump :)


How foolish to think that either party upholds the Christian faith one iota.

If you would like to discuss what is un Christian about the pro life, pro traditional family values Republican Party Platform, then please, let's do.

Donald "New York values" Trump has nothing in common with the Republican Platform

BTW: Rand Paul, like his lunatic dad Ron, is a godless Libertarian. They both use the Republican Party because they can't get elected on the Libertarian ticket.

Libertarians: Not too late for Rand Paul to win party’s presidential nod
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Rand Paul kept his word.

WRITE IN...Rand Paul

OR....Check out Constitution Party if they are on your state's ballot.

Be proud of your vote and vote your Christian conscience, NOT the lesser of two evils.

One problemo with your suggestion: A third party vote will NEVER win, so all you are doing is helping Hilly, and MY conscience won't allow me to do THAT!

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
All those that break the pledge that they SIGNED to support the GOP nominee will be marked for the rest of their political careers.
Yep. When Trump wins, we loyal party voters will not forget the traitorous self-serving establishment hacks like Jebby and CarlyFake-orina - - AND we won't forget the sniveling fake GOP voters who agreed with them either.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
You'd be surprised how many people refuse to vote on account of being hinged on the libertarian ideology. And so it's good that he supports Trump. Everyone who calls their self an American should support Trump :)
I agree. Its also good that he is simply a man of his word.

There ya have it folks. You'd be surprised how many Christians can't stomach voting for a godless/secular humanist Libertarian.
Frankly, I don't consider you to be a Christian, what with all the hate and venom you spew out, so your opinion is worthless as far as I'm concerned.


There ya have it folks. You'd be surprised how many Christians can't stomach voting for a godless/secular humanist Libertarian.

I hate to break it to you, but you live in a fantasy world where this country is still a Christian society.

You have gay marriage, people and institutions being sued over frivolous religious things, and a taking down of Christian iconography and wording on virtually every monument and courthouse- the Capitol is the last threshold, and we can take bets on how long that will last..

There is nothing a president can do, because the office is not a monarch- your own supreme court and legislature has abandoned tradition, and it is because this country is being handed over to it's rejection.

There is no coming back from it, you fool. If there was, it would have been done. I don't really care about your lip service, it's all bang and no buck- call me what you will, and leave the people who accept enough about this country to make meaningful actions alone :wave:


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

There ya have it folks. You'd be surprised how many Christians can't stomach voting for a godless/secular humanist Libertarian.

I hate to break it to you, but you live in a fantasy world where this country is still a Christian society.

I'm well aware that godless secular humanist Libertarians like you and your candidates have a huge influence not only on our civil laws, but our culture.

Be proud that you're currently winning the culture war Crucible (but the culture war is far from being over).

Eagles Wings

New member
If you would like to discuss what is un Christian about the pro life, pro traditional family values Republican Party Platform, then please, let's do.

Donald "New York values" Trump has nothing in common with the Republican Platform

BTW: Rand Paul, like his lunatic dad Ron, is a godless Libertarian. They both use the Republican Party because they can't get elected on the Libertarian ticket.

Libertarians: Not too late for Rand Paul to win party’s presidential nod
Who did you say you're voting for?


Who did you say you're voting for?

So you're taking back your original claim that the Republican Party Platform doesn't stand for Christian values?

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council was even attempting to get reparative therapy for homosexuals on the platform (I don't know if he's succeeded). That's Christian love.

Since I won't vote for either of the two evils, I'll vote Constitution Party for President and depending on what the Republican Party candidates at my local and State level stand for (if they're proud defenders of Trump, I won't vote for them), I'll stick with the pro Christian Republican Party.

Eagles Wings

New member
So you're taking back your original claim that the Republican Party Platform doesn't stand for Christian values?

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council was even attempting to get reparative therapy for homosexuals on the platform (I don't know if he's succeeded). That's Christian love.

Since I won't vote for either of the two evils, I'll vote Constitution Party for President and depending on what the Republican Party candidates at my local and State level stand for (if they're proud defenders of Trump, I won't vote for them), I'll stick with the pro Christian Republican Party.
No, I'm not taking back anything. Good to hear of your vote for President.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Yada yada..have heard this same rhetoric for the past several elections.
Its not rhetoric, its fact. How many Paui-bots and Purists sat on their hands in 2012. Look what you got.

It is a FACT that not voting for Trump puts an extra vote in Hillary's pocket. When Hillary is president and she fishes the destruction of America that Obama and the Left started, yu can explain to your kids and grandkids why you voted for some shlePp who didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning instead of voting to stop Hillary.