Need anti vaccination links

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In 1997 Clinton legalized TV drug ads and that money...
silenced the media. It's still illegal in Europe, so this Danish network instead exposed Gardasil.

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way 2 go

Well-known member

💉💉 Speaking of ridiculous ideas, this week the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research sprayed a truth weapon into big pharma’s rosy skies, in the form of a new study by Children’s Health Defense researchers (Robert Kennedy’s outfit) titled, “Adverse Outcomes Are Increased with Exposure to Added Combinations of Infant Vaccines.” Not just a little increase in adverse outcomes. A lot.

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It’s critical to first understand that vaccine makers are not required to test for interactions with other vaccines, or test for problems associated with combined simultaneous injections of multiple vaccines. So, this study did the work that neither pharma nor the FDA have ever done, but should have, using easily available information.

Well, the information is easily available, that is, if you can find a cooperative government somewhere. In this case, the researchers did find a cooperative government willing to share its priceless Medicaid data: Florida. I do not know what led to Florida cooperating with Children’s Health Defense researchers, but I suspect our terrific Surgeon General Joe Ladapo was involved.

Using decades of data from Florida’s Medicaid database, the CHD researchers evaluated adverse events arising among 1.5 million combinations of six vaccines injected into infants between July 1, 1991, and May 31, 2011.

Let’s start with the study’s awful but deplorably predictable conclusion: “Chiefly, the greater the number of vaccines in the combination yields an exponentially greater number of disease diagnoses.”

In English: the more vaccines they gave infants at the same time, the worse the infants did.

Among other wretched findings, the researchers observed that infants who got six early vaccines were three thousand percent more likely to be diagnosed with "other diseases of the trachea and bronchus" within 30 days after vaccination, compared to infants who only got the three basic vaccines (DTaP+IPV+HIB).

The researchers tracked three categories of enhanced risk: developmental problems, additional infections, and respiratory complications.

The highest developmental risk was for "failure to thrive," which six-shot infants were +366% more likely to experience. The highest infections risk (of many) was for leukocytosis (high white blood cell count). Infants who got the HepB-Rota vaccine on top of the three basic ones were a whopping ten thousand times more likely to have leukocytosis. And under respiratory problems, infants who got all three extra vaccines were also three thousand times more likely to be diagnosed with "other diseases of the trachea and bronchus" within 30 days after the jabs.

This is all very interesting, but don’t jump to conclusions. Remember what they always tell us: correlation isn’t causation. All those extra sicknesses could have caused the vaccinations. It could go either way. You never know.

You’d have to be a pretty sick person to help pharma hide this kind of information. But it’s been hidden for a long time. The data is all right there, in the state insurance databases. They have the records when doctors submit claims for the initial vaccinations. They also have the records when doctors later submit claims for treating the same patients’ adverse events.

But patient-level data has always been guarded — for “privacy” — more diligently than the gold bullion in Fort Knox.

In a sane world, this study would blow the lid right off the infant vaccine business. Scientists would spring into action, trying to recreate these results in the other forty-nine states. But this is not a sane world; this is 2024 Clown World.

So, this study represents more progress, another scientific nail driven into the vaccine industrial complex’s mouldy coffin. But it shows that the dam is leaking badly. Big pharma’s vaccine dam could break any minute now.

Finally, this study could not have been done, much less published, four years ago. It’s serious progress.